Star Eyes

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The song fits!! Listen to it when you read. Even though it's two minutes it fits the chapter!

Zaylee's POV:
The ship stayed where it was. Kirk was deciding his next move. There was a observatory room. Where you could look at the stars. I laid on the floor and stared up at them. I heard the door open and close. "Hello?" I asked. Nothing. I stared at the stars and the small lights from the room illuminated it. Green and blue lights illuminated the room. They weren't too bright. But bright enough so you could see.

There will pillows scattered around the room. The room was a lounging spot pretty much. The floor was this cushioned material. Like a mattress. The lights danced on the wall. I giggled to myself and felt eyes on me. I looked around to see Pavel. He stared at me as I looked at the stars. I looked back at him and he stared at me in awe.

"Hi." I said softly. Pavel crawled over and said "hi." I giggled and looked up. He laid down and I laid on his chest. "You feeling better?" I asked. He nodded and said "yeah." I rolled on my stomach and looked at him. "I love you." I said. Pavel smiled and said "I love you too." "Look at them. So pretty." I said softly .

Pavel said "they're beautiful. But not as beautiful as you." He kissed my lips and I giggled and pulled away. "Could it stay like this forever?" I asked. Pavel said "one day. It vill be you and I. And our children. Staring at ze stars. We'll have like 4 kids." I giggled and said "they'll be saying daddy look at the stars." Pavel laughed and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. He laughed and wrapped his arms around me. I looked back up at the stars and then back at Pavel. He leaned in slowly and kissed my lips again.

I pulled away and said "do you know how much I love you?" Pavel said "how much?" I stretched my arms out as far as I could and he giggled. He rolled us over so how he was on top of me. He played with the ends of my hair and said "when I joined Starfleet...I didn't think it'd be like this. I thought it would be wery stressful and I'd be tired all ze time. But you've made it so much better. Your one of ze best things zat's ever happened to me. I vant you to know zat. Because it's ze truth." I blushed like crazy and said "'re making me blush." He laughed and I covered my face with my hands. Pavel said "don't cover your face...your beautiful." I uncovered my face and he stared at me. He played with the ends of my hair and stared at me. There were small little lights in the room that were stars but were rainbow.

"Pavel...." I said. He looked at me and said "vhat is it?" "You're cute." I said as I pecked his lips. He giggled when I pulled away from him. "How long is your break?" I asked. "Longer than ze usual because I'm injured." Pavel replied. I stroked his cheek and said "I don't wanna go back to work." Pavel nodded in agreement and said "your so beautiful." I blushed again and he just stared at me.

"Let's just stay here. Until break is over?" I asked. Pavel nodded and said "let's." I giggled and stared back up at the stars. Pavel laid down next to me and I laid my head on his shoulder. We stood at the stars in silence. Just enjoying each other's company.

It was silent. Except for Pavel's small snores. He laid on my chest and I stroked his head. It was beautiful like this. I didn't want to go. I wanted to stay like this forever. If I could have moments in time to go back to, this would be one of them. Just Pavel and I enjoying each other's company under the stars. No responsibilities. They vanish when your under the stars. The stars made your worries go away. My fingers got tangled in Pavel's curly hair. His lips were slightly parted as he slept. I hummed softly to keep him asleep. I felt my eyes begin to grow heavy. I tried to stay awake to look at the twinkling lights but I couldn't. I was slowly drifting into dreamland.

Here's the update! It's shorter than the rest of them but I wanted to update for y'all. If you guys could give me feedback on this book I'd appreciate it. What do you guys think of the book overall? Also could I share something with you guys? It's gonna sound crazy but I want to share it with you guys because I feel like I can trust y'all. I feel like y'all won't judge me. I had sinus surgery on June 28th. Before I went under I was praying to God. And I asked him if Anton would watch over me. And when they were putting me under I felt a presence in the operating room. And I swear it was Anton. I just wanted to share that with you all. Anyways hoped y'all liked this! It was fluffy. Also for this book you can put yourself in Zaylee's shoes. Because that's how most of my books are. Love you guys so much!! Long authors note😂

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