The Ball

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Warning: lots of EDM music in this chapter. Sorry if you don't like it. Also another warning. Anton being adorable to the point where it makes you giggle and squeal. Lmao an actual representation of me. Hopefully this is cute for y'all!!💛💛💛

Zaylee's POV:
We arrived on earth and we were honored by random people. I saw my uncle standing in the crowd and I grabbed Pavel's wrist and made my way through the crowd. I hugged him and he said "Zaylee...Bones told me what happened to Pavel. And how you took it. I know that was probably a challenge for you. I'm proud of you. You saved his life." I hugged my uncle and said "it was a lot to take in uncle. It was hard for me to take in. Pavel smiled at me and he hugged me. I was careful not to hurt him and he said "you're not going to hurt me." "You don't know that." I said. "I do. You won't. I promise." Pavel replied. I rolled my eyes and he smiled at me again.

Pike said "I'm guessing you two are going to the ball." "Vhat ball?" Pavel asked. "The ball for your honor aboard the Enterprise. For the crew." Pike replied. Kirk walked over and said "yeah Chekov. Didn't know?" Pavel shook his head and blushed. He buried his face into the crook of my neck and I giggled. Scotty walked over and said "ask her out son." Pavel said "vill you go with me to ze ball?" I blushed and said "of course." Pavel and Scotty looked at each other with surprised faces.

I rolled my eyes and said "ok boys." Pavel took my hand in his and smiled really big. I blushed again and leaned my head on his shoulder. "It's tomorrow." Pike said. "Uncle Pikeeeee." I whined. "What?" He asked. "I have to get a dress." I replied. Pike said "that's why I have money put aside for you. And Uhura will be taking you." I nodded and Kirk said "I'll take Chekov here to get a suit." Pavel nodded and said "of course keptain." "Only call me captain when we're working. Call me Jim. And I'll call you Pavel if you want." Kirk replied. Pavel smiled and nodded. I kissed Pavel's cheek and he turned his head and my lips met his. Pike said "oh brother." Kirk said "wow look at that! Look at that action." Scotty made a disgusted face and went to go look for Keenser. My uncle walked off and I said "I'm exhausted. Dress and suit shopping tomorrow." Pavel nodded and interlocked his hand with mine. We drove back to our apartment and I set my bags by the door. I didn't even bother to unpack. I changed into shorts and a tank top. My hair was in a messy pony tail and I laid on our shared bed. Pavel of course jumped on me like he always did. "Ow Pavel!" I said. He laughed into the crook of my neck and I said "your mean." He kissed my lips and said "you love me."

I giggled and kissed his lips. "I love you." I said. Pavel smiled and said "I love you too." Pavel rolled off me and laid down. I laid down next to him and played with his black shirt. He wrapped his arms around me and I pecked his lips.

"I'm glad I have you. Your my baby. You make me smile." I said. Pavel kissed my cheek and said "that's good. I'm supposed to." I giggled and buried my face into the crook of his neck. Pavel played with the ends of my hair and I laid on his chest. Pavel hummed softly and his arms stayed around me. I played with his curls and he said "this is nice." I nodded and got out of his arms. I laid at the opposite end of the bed and he followed. He laid on top of me again. Giggles erupted from my mouth and Pavel smiled down at me.

"Can't we stay here for a few years?" I asked. "I'd miss Starfleet. Like a lot." Pavel replied. "Really?" I asked. Pavel nodded and got off of me. He laid on his stomach and I said "be careful of your chest." "It doesn't really hurt anymore." Pavel replied. I nodded and we sat in silence for a few minutes. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. I rolled over and put Pavel's arms around me.

Pavel kissed my head and said "I'm tired." "Let's go to sleep. Come on." I said. "It's only 3:00 in ze afternoon." Pavel replied. I shrugged and said "hey we were almost killed by Gorn. We deserve it." Pavel chuckled and I moved back to the other side of the bed. Pavel laid his head on my chest and I played with his curls. One arm was around my waist while his other arm laid on my stomach, our hands interlocked. Pavel and I hadn't got any good sleep on the Enterprise. It's hard to. It's very stressful and you don't know if your going to come back when you step foot on that ship. I felt my eyes grow heavy and I didn't try to stay awake. I heard it begin to rain. I opened my eyes to see rain outside. It trickled down our window and the room began to get dark. Small flashes of lightning were outside and my fingers were tangled in Pavel's curls. I stared at the rain outside the window and Pavel shifted his body. I kissed his head and the rain began to get a little harder. I closed my eyes and listened to the rain.

Before I knew it I was asleep.


I woke up and went to get up. I looked down and realized Pavel's arms were around my waist and I smiled. I kissed his head and stared down at his sleeping form. My baby was adorable and everyone knew it.

Trust me, if the ball wasn't today I'd lay in bed all day with Pavel. But unfortunately not. I looked at the clock and it was noon. My eyes widened and I shook Pavel slowly. He didn't budge. "Pavel. We gotta get up." I said. He didn't move. I sighed and said "Pavel come on." Pavel buried his face in my chest and groaned. I rolled my eyes and said "come on baby." Pavel looked at me and said "vhy do I have to get up?" "The ball is tonight and neither of us have anything to wear." I replied. Pavel's eyes widened and he said "zat's right." Pavel sat up and said "I'm going to go get ready to go with Jim. And I guess I'll see you later?" I nodded and kissed his lips before going to get ready. I put my hair in a ponytail and made sure no hairs were sticking out. Pavel snaked his arms around my waist and said "I won't see you until tonight." I turned around and kissed his lips. "It's fine." I replied. Pavel looked at me with a frown but slight of worry. I kissed him and said "it'll be fine. I promise." He nodded while looking at me.

I walked to the front door and Pavel chewed on his bottom lip. I could tell he was nervous. Last time we separated from each other he almost died. Trust me, I didn't want to leave him alone either. "Call me at anytime if you need me ok?" I asked. Pavel nodded and I walked out of the door. I met up with Nyota. "It doesn't look like you've been up long." She said. "Pavel and I crashed when we got home." I replied. She smiled at me and I said "what?" "You guys are so cute." Nyota replied. Her and I had lunch and we went to this store. There were all kinds of dresses inside. Nyota picked one up and said "how about this one?" It was brown. It literally looked like puke. "Ew no." I replied. We both laughed a little and she picked up a yellow one. "I'm not sure if I want yellow. Considering Pavel won't be wearing yellow." I said. Nyota walked further into the store and I saw a black dress. It was covered in glitter and it was almost leather. "Nyota I think I'm gonna try this one." I said. I took it in the dressing room and my lips parted as I stared at myself in the mirror. It hugged my curves and it was pretty short. There wasn't a lot of revealing cleavage. Actually there was none. The dress kind of frilled out at the bottom. "How does it look?" Nyota asked. I walked out of the dressing room and she said "it's beautiful." "I really like this one Nyota." I replied. Nyota said "get it. It's beautiful. Pavel will love it." I smiled really big and changed back into my skinny jeans and tank top. I bought the dress and headed to Nyota's place to get ready. I showered and made sure my hair was bouncy, considering it was curly. I didn't want it flat. I put on my heels that were somewhat small. They didn't have a heel that was too big. Nyota drove us to the ball at the Starfleet academy. The decided to have it there. I got out of the car along with Nyota. Bones saw my dress and his eyes widened.

"Good god." He said. Nyota snickered and she walked with me inside the ball. There stood Pavel talking to Jim. Jim's eyes widened when he saw me as did Scotty's. Pavel said "vhat is it?" He turned around to look at me and saw me. His mouth stood agape and he walked towards me. He kissed my lips and said "you look beautiful." "You look handsome." I replied. Pavel smiled down towards me and I looked up at him and his suit.

Infrared by Lucian began to play. And Pavel took my hand and led me to the dance floor. My uncle saw me and smiled towards Pavel and I. I smiled as Pavel grabbed me by my waist and began to sway me back and forth slowly.

Oml that song with headphones is beautiful😍 don't listen to the whole song while you're reading cause it's too long

My cheeks turned crimson red as Pavel swayed us back and forth. "You look so beautiful." He said. I smiled and kissed his cheek. Pavel spun me around slowly and brought me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he kissed my forehead as he swayed us back and forth. He put his forehead on mine and I closed my eyes and enjoyed his company.

Pavel's hands rested on my waist. And we swayed back and forth. I didn't want this moment to end. If I could freeze time at this moment I would. It was relieving to know that Pavel and I could have these moments. "Are you going to drink?" I asked after moments of silence. "Probably." He replied. I smiled and he grabbed my wrist and led me to the bar. Scotty said "I bet I can drink more than you tonight." "You're on." Pavel replied. They began doing shots of whiskey and other things. Bones watched and said "look at them. Tomorrow they'll be hurting." I giggled at that and Kirk walked over. "I'll drink you both under the table." He said. Pavel said "let's go then." Scotty's speech began to slur and In Da Mood began to play. Bones began to drink with them as well and got buzzed. I was laughing at these idiots. They were trying to see who could drink the most. Except Spock. Who knew what happens when you got drunk and didn't like consequences.

Pavel said "I'm ready!" His voice was slurred and Nyota said "good job Scotty." "We're going to dance!" He yelled. Sulu sat at the bar while shaking his head and Spock stared at them with his eyebrows furrowed. "Come with me lassie!" Scotty said as he pulled me to the dance floor. Pavel followed along with Jim. They began to try to dance very drunkly.

In these gifs they're not drunk but they're dancing lmao😂😂

Why is Anton so adorable???💛😫💛😫

Lmao these gifs I'm dying😂😂😂 imagine if they were actually drunk in these gifs😂😂 lmao I'd die😂😂😂😂😂

I watched these boys try to dance drunk. Nyota and I were about to cry from laughter. Pavel grabbed my hand and danced with me. Jim said "I gotta sssssettle down. Bones said "Jim this isssssss it. Sssssssit down nowwww." Scotty looked at Pavel who could barley walk. "A little help?" I asked. Scotty nodded and we began to walk a taxi. Which dropped us off at out apartment. We began to walk into the hallway. Pavel laughed loudly and Scotty was coming off his large buzz and he groaned. "Five nine wictor victor two." Pavel said. I shook my head and said "that's not how you said it baby." I began to unlock the door and Pavel said "I can do zat!" He grabbed the keys from me and tried to unlock it. Scotty said "get aff!" He unlocked the door while Pavel laughed into the crook of my neck. Scotty said "I'll see you guys." He walked away and Pavel ran into the apartment. I closed the door and locked it. The taffy bowl was on the counter and Pavel began to unwrap them and eat them. I changed into a tank top and shorts. I laid on the bed and said "Pavel lay down." He plopped down on the bed causing him to bounce. I closed my eyes and heard a thump. I sat up and heard laughing. Pavel had rolled off the bed. "Oh Pavel." I said. I looked over the side of the bed and he was on his stomach. He snored and I didn't even get up to move him. I laid back down and fell asleep. To Pavel's obnoxious snores.

Here's the update! It's long asf omg. Hope y'all liked this. I tried to make it cute! Lmao I love y'all so much!

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