"Wake up."

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Awe look how cute he is in that picture! OMG this picture needs to be appreciated! 1k...woah! Thank y'all so much for that! I love you all and appreciate the reads, votes and comments. The comments make me so happy. I love seeing that this book makes y'all happy. This chapter will be happy I promise! And I think the song fits. It came on while I was writing and I feel like it fits.

Zaylee's POV:
It's been hours. We've managed to defeat all the Gorn all the ship. I went to medical and looked through the glass window. Bones was sewing up Pavel's thigh. I knocked and he motioned for me to come in. "Has he woken up yet?" I asked. Bones shook his head and said "no he hasn't. But I fixed his chest." "What was wrong with it?" I asked. "His ribs were crushed." I shuddered and walked over. I brought a screen up to Pavel's chest and they all looked intact. "His shoulder is dislocated." I said. "We can't do that till he's awake. His knocked out from all the meds I gave him." Bones replied. I nodded and looked at his pulse. It was slow but his heart was beating. I brought the screen to his wrist and said "his wrist..." Bones looked at it and said "yeah it's broke." The laser sewed up his thigh and I examined it. It was a pretty bad cut. I grabbed a wet cloth and set it on his forehead. A few stray tears went down my cheeks. "Come back to me." I softly. I examined his body and not everything was intact. Bones finished his leg and sighed. "I just don't know when he'll wake up." Bones said. I sighed and said "he will come back right?" "He should. I think he'll be fine. I've never lost a patient. So I'm sure he'll be fine." "Did you know Kirk had the Helios device? He got it back on Starbase and then they just took it again." Bones asked. I looked at him and said "are you serious?" He nodded and I sighed. Pavel's chest rose and fell slowly. Bones patted my back and said "he'll be fine." I nodded and Uhura walked in. "Oh god." She said softly. I bit my lip and Kirk walked in. He sighed and said "you ok?" I shook my head. Spock, Scotty and Sulu walked in as well. "Is he...." Scotty asked. I shook my head again. Scotty walked over to him and said "come back buddy." The monitor began beeping and his heart had stopped. "No!" I screamed. Kirk's eyes widened and Uhura began to cry.

Scotty hugged her and Kirk grabbed me and pulled me out of the room. "Please save him!" I said. Bones grabbed a defibrillator and began shocking him. Pavel's body jolted as the electricity shot through his body. I sobbed and dropped to my knees. All of a sudden Bones sighed in relief. I walked in slowly and he said "I got him." Pavel's heartbeat was a little bit faster now. "He needs blood. A lot of it." Bones said. I pulled the stretcher next to his and laid down on it. "Use mine." Bones' eyes widened. He grabbed a tube and hooked it up to Pavel's IV. And stuck one in my arm. I watched my blood flow from my arm to Pavel's arm. "This should help." Bones said. I nodded and Spock said "what does acquiring blood do for him?" "Keeps him alive. Also Zaylee your going to feel dizzy." Bones replied. I nodded again and felt woozy. I began to fall asleep and my eyes closed.

2 hours later
I woke up and Bones said "how you feeling?" I shrugged and I looked at Pavel. He looked much better than before. "Has he woken up?" I asked. Bones looked down and I nodded. "Come back to me. Wake up." I said. I sat in a chair next to his and laid my head on his lower body. I interlocked his hand with mine. I kissed his hand and said "wake up." I rubbed circles on his hand. "Pavel I love you. So much. Please come back to me. Don't go. I can't live without you." Bones looked at me and looked down. "Pavel...." I said as my voice was breaking. Bones said "he'll be back. Spock and Kirk are on the Gorn planet trying to get the device back. Along with destroying the queen."

I think it's the queen. I forgot. I beat the game 3 years ago so I'm a little rusty lmao😂

I nodded and said "I'm going to go to the bathroom. Bones watch him and come get me if he wakes up." Bones nodded and I walked down the destroyed corridor to the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and broke down. I slid down the wall and pulled my knees to my chest. I sobbed uncontrollably and tried to push all the bad thoughts from my head. Uhura walked in and hugged me. "It'll be ok. I promise." She said. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes.

"He's gonna wake up. He loves you too much." She said. "I don't think he's going to. He was so weak when I got to him." I replied. Uhura hugged me and said "he'll wake up." I nodded and didn't want to let her go. "Can I ask you something?" I asked. She nodded and I said "have you ever lost someone to something like this?" She shook her head and said "no. But I know what your feeling. It's pain. Everyone feels it. But I also know you just want to hear his heartbeat. You just want to know he's alive. And that he's ok. Even if you get to hear his voice one last time you'd want to hear it." I nodded while tears streamed down my face. "I just want to see him smile. I don't want to know that he had to suffer before I got there. That he was attacked. And bleeding. And was in pain. He couldn't breathe because of the beam on his chest and his thigh was ripped open. And the pressure from the beam cracked his ribs. But he couldn't breathe Uhura. He couldn't breathe until I got there." I sobbed. She hugged me and said "I know honey. I'm so sorry." Tears streamed down her face now and I cried into the crook of her neck. I stood up and walked back to medical. Uhura wiped my tears and made sure I looked ok. I laid down on Pavel's lower body and waited for him to wake up.

4 more hours later

I woke up and Bones had fallen asleep at his desk. I looked up at Pavel. He looked much better than he did before. Kirk and Spock were still off the ship. I kissed Pavel's hand again and traced circles on his arm softly. I felt his hand squeeze mine and I gasped. I looked up at him and saw his eyes opening slowly. "Vhy is it so bright?" He asked. Tears streamed down my face and I turned out the bright light. "Oh my god Pavel!" I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around me. "Vhat happened?" He asked. "The Gorn. The beam on your chest." I replied. Pavel's eyes widened and said "I'm so sorry." I kissed his head and said "you're alive!" Bones sat up and said "Zaylee what're you-" He looked at Pavel and said "kid you made it!" Scotty walked in with his head hung low and he looked up. "My son!" He said with a smile. Pavel smiled weakly and said "hi dad." "This is exciting!" Scotty said. Bones rolled his eyes and put his arm around Scotty.

Uhura ran in and sighed in relief. "You're alive." She said. Pavel nodded and Kirk and Spock were beamed back onto the ship. Sulu ran in and said "Pavel..." He smiled again and Sulu smiled really big. And they did a cute handshake that made my heart melt.

Y'all don't know how happy I was when I found this gif! I was so fucking happy lmao

Kirk ran in along with Spock and they looked so relieved that Pavel had made it through. "We have to defeat the queen but were safe for now." Kirk said. Spock said "it's wonderful to see you Chekov." Pavel smiled and said "it's nice to see you too commander." Spock nodded and Kirk said "good job kid." Pavel smiled and sat up. "Pavel I have to do this." I grabbed his face and kissed him passionately.

Everyone cheered and the kids was filled with many emotions. Love, passion, happiness and pure bliss. I had my baby back and that's all that mattered.

Here's the update! Oml seeing that gif makes me want to kiss Anton so badly. Who doesn't? Ok next chapter will be filled with cuteness to make up for this sadness. I want to thank all of you for reading this book. I'm so glad all of you love it. Thanks for getting it to 1k! Idk if it'll get any higher but this is amazing! I didn't think this book would get far! I keep re reading the chapters to see all the nice comments you guys leave me. I read them all and try to reply to all of them. Because I want to interact with y'all. I try to make friends. And anytime y'all wanna talk message me and I'll talk. It can be about anything. I just want y'all to feel comfortable around me. Also when I went to see Beyond I got a Star Trek poster for free at the theater. Oml I forgot to mention that lmao wow. It's hanging on my ceiling over my bed. I put it there so when I look up I can see Anton. Lmao I'm lame. Any ways I love you all and thanks for all the support on this book. Long ass authors note but it's because I love and appreciate every single one of y'all!!

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