Werid Space Station

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Not a Star Trek gif but it's Anton. And he looks so beautiful I though I'd share it with you guys. It's from Fright Night btw. If any of y'all didn't know😘💙

Zaylee's POV:
I was in my quarters. I sighed as I knew I was going back up into space today. It had only been a few months I was on earth. Since I was 17 my uncle gives me a lot of freedom. Pavel and I moved in together. It took a lot of convincing but it worked. I heard the sink running in the bathroom. That signaled that Pavel was brushing his teeth. I went to sit up and Pavel noticed me awake. "You're awake!" He said. I giggled and he washed his mouth out and dried his face. "Don't do it." I said. He smiled really big and jumped on the bed next to me. I burst into a fit of laughter and he climbed on top of me and laid there. I giggled and said "Pavel!"

Yes the gif is from Like Crazy. Which I've never seen. That's probably a crime. Oops. Anyways it's cute and I had to put it in.

I giggled and Pavel said "I love you." "I love you too." I replied. I looked at him and pecked his lips. Pavel said "I don't wanna get up today." I smiled and said "neither do I. But we do work for Starfleet." Pavel nodded and rolled off of me. "Ow." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. He kissed my lips and I said "you're minty." Pavel said "and you have morning breath." I rolled my eyes and said "well I gotta brush my teeth." Pavel motioned towards the bathroom and I stood up and began to brush my teeth. Pavel turned on the radio and a song from the 1950 to 1960's era came on. My eyes widened at the song. "Woah." Pavel said. I rinsed my mouth and dried off my face. "Vant to dance?" He asked. I took his hand and he spun me around. He picked me around and spun me like they did in the 50's. I giggled as he spun me around. I looked at him and he smiled really big. We began to dance like they did in the 50's and we spun each other around.

I wonder why, I love you like I do
Is it because I think you love me too
I wonder why, I love like I do

I giggled at the song and Pavel and I looked like idiots. Nobody danced like this anymore and I swear if someone saw us they'd think we were nuts. It began to end and we were laughing so hard we were holding our stomachs. "Wow." He said. Another song started and he said "vanna?" I shrugged and he spun me around and it was slower than the last one. We swayed back and forth and it was so cute.

I wanna go home
Where I belong
Cause now I'm just a lonely teenager

I looked into Pavel's eyes. His green eyes stared into my brown ones. He leaned in slowly and kissed my lips passionately. I pulled away and said "we gotta get ready. I totally forgot." The song by Dion and the Belmonts died down slowly. Pavel turned off the radio and said "you showering first?" I nodded and pulled away from him. I took a quick shower and styled my curly hair. I parted it and put a tight fitting skirt on with a nice top. Our uniforms were on the ship. Pavel and I walked to one of the ships that would drive us to the Enterprise. I changed into my red dress and he was in his yellow shirt. I kissed him on the cheek and said "go be a good navigator." He smiled and said "you go be a good nurse." I nodded and went to walk away from him. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and said "I'll see you later." I nodded and walked towards medical. Bones smiled when he saw me. "My lovely assistant." He said. I smiled and said "yes. Do you have any idea what this mission is about?" "Restoring Vulcan." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and said "restoring?" Bones said "yeah. They wanna make a new Vulcan. A whole new planet. They've already started building labs and stuff there. There's even a space station we have to investigate. Well Kirk does but he'll want some help. I already know." "I'm guessing you don't want any involvement." I replied. Bones said "I just wanna be in the infirmary." I nodded and said "I understand." "Ladies and gentlemen this is Captain James Kirk. We're getting ready to go into warp to investigate New Vulcan. I'm so glad to be with you all again. I hope we can have a successful journey with no casualties. And everyone will go back with no injuries. That's what I hope to achieve. Our youngest cadets on board are Zaylee Bloom and Pavel Chekov. I'd like to ask everyone to keep their eye on them. If you can I'd appreciate it. It'd mean a lot. We're going to have an amazing journey. So be prepared. Kirk out." The intercom was off and Bones said "looks like he's developed a soft spot for you." "My uncle probably told him to do that." I replied. I put all the syringes in their drawer and began stacking the ice packs in the freezer. "Actually he didn't. Kirk did that on his own." Bones said. I turned around and said "wow." I felt the ship begin to move and we were in warp. I got a message on my communicator. "Zaylee please come the the bridge." Kirk said. "On my way." I replied. Bones said "looks like your up." I nodded and walked towards the bridge. Kirk smiled when he saw me and gave me a hug. He hugged me rather tightly and rubbed my back. Pavel noticed and eyed him. I pulled away and said "what is it captain?" "Well there's the weird space station. And Spock and I are going but I figured I'd need some help." He said. "So you want me to go?" I asked. He nodded and I sighed. "And I gotta pick someone else to go with you." Kirk said as his eyes scanned the bridge. Pavel looked at Kirk with a puppy face. Kirk ignored it at first and then said "come on Chekov." He smiled really big and jumped up. He hugged me from behind, snaking his arms around my waist. I looked at Kirk and he said "come with Spock and I. We'll get you suited up." We rode the turbo lift to engineering. And Scotty said "captain there's no need for you to go on this mission. Me and a few cadets can handle this." "But then I'll miss all the fun." Kirk replied. Scotty said "this is a weird place to put a space station if you ask me." I furrowed my eyebrows at that. We walked into a room and put space suits on. I had the only red one. Mine was form fitting and brought out my hips. Kirk said "everybody good?" Pavel nodded along with me. We walked to the dropship and we arrived at the small space station. Pavel smiled nervously at me and I squeezed his hand in reassurance.

We walked through the space station. We had to get scanned for decontamination. Pavel held my hand the entire way through. He didn't let me leave his sight or his side. I'd squeeze his hand in reassurance. "Pavel it's ok." I whispered. He nodded and said "sorry. It's our first mission together and I'm just worried." I smiled at him and said "I'm sorry. It'll be fine." "Promise?" He asked. I nodded and said "I promise baby." Pavel smiled and I kissed his cheek. We had to cross this platform that was outside. There was a beam of energy that could kill us and we'd have to hide behind barriers. I hid behind one and the energy shot out of the socket. Pavel hid behind one and the energy cut his arm open. And he exclaimed in pain. My eyes widened and Pavel slid down the barrier. I ran over to his barrier and checked his arm. I grabbed him by his wrist and ran to the door. Spock and Kirk opened the door and I grabbed my first aid kit. Pavel said "Zaylee it hurts." I nodded and said "I know." I grabbed some gauze and wrapped up his arm. Pavel winced and said "I'm sorry." "It's ok. That's why I'm here." I replied. Kirk looked at Pavel and said "you ok?" Pavel looked up at him and nodded. I pushed his curly hair out of his face. He leaned his head back against the wall and I said "you're ok. But I'll had to bandage it on the ship. This is just makeshift." I helped him up and said "you're ok. Don't worry." Spock said "we must hurry." We met up with the other Vulcans and tried to get to the ship as quick as we could. I was worried about Pavel. His cut wasn't bad but it was bleeding profusely. I needed to stop the bleeding. I sat with Pavel while Kirk and Spock talked to the other Vulcans. I tried to calm him down. Tears streamed down his cheek and he said "I have failed. It's my fault. I didn't vanna get hurt and now Kirk isn't going to pick me for anything." I sighed and he cried into my chest. Kirk said "we gotta run. Come on." We had to run to the ship because the space station was going to explode. I grabbed Pavel's wrist and we ran. Kirk and Spock were in front of me. They jumped onto the ship first along with a Vulcan named T'Mar. Pavel jumped onto the ship before me and I jumped and Kirk grabbed me and pulled me up. We had a few minutes before we headed back to the Enterprise. I didn't even bother to take off my equipment. Pavel changed and I rushed him to the infirmary. He laid down on a bed and Bones looked at his arm. "Ech that's nasty." He said. He grabbed some water and began to clean it. Pavel threw his head back and moaned in pain. I grabbed some more gauze and began wrap it up. Pavel sighed and Bones said "that was a nasty wound." I stroked his head and he sighed contently. "Just go back up to navigation when you're ready. I don't want you to feel bad. This wound was pretty bad. Considering it was that energy." I said. Bones furrowed his eyebrows and said "wait, energy did that?" I nodded and he sighed. Pavel said "I'm sorry." "Don't be sorry. It could've happened to any of us. Me, Spock, Kirk. Any of us." I replied. He nodded and I ran my fingers through my hair. "He'll be ok?" I asked Bones. Bones looked at me and said "he'll be fine. You saved him. You did the right thing. Now we're heading to New Vulcan." I nodded and Kirk walked in and said "how's he doing?" "He'll be fine captain." I replied. Kirk ran a hand through his hair and said "you guys scared me there. Also Zaylee I'll need you on New Vulcan. And Chekov I hope you don't mind to stay here." Pavel nodded and said "keptain do you mind if I rest here. I hurt wery bad." Kirk nodded and said "of course. Zaylee I'll need you to come with me. Can you do that?" Bones looked at me worriedly and I nodded and said "I can." Kirk said "good." He walked out of medical and I sighed. Bones said "you'd better be careful." I nodded and said "I will." Pavel looked tired and weak on the bed. I kissed his lips and said "I gotta go get ready. I'll be back soon. I promise." Pavel said "be careful." I ruffled his hair and said "I will." He smiled and sat back. I began to get ready for the mission.

Here's the update! As promised! Awe this was fluffy! Hope y'all like this. And yes I listen to music from the 50's and 60's. Lmao I'm old school. I think each chapter it becomes more fluffy. Love you guys!!!

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