Chapter 12

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It's really hard for me to write in Wolf's POV since he's not one of the character's you hear much about, but I tried my best. And it's kind of all over the place. It's also not very good but I hope you like it at least a little bit... Maybe?

~Princess Selene



DAY 10

It's been two days since we first landed on Luna and saved Scarlet. I'm usually not very close to people. However, I can't help but be close to Scarlet. I love her. Did I really just say that? We haven't even known each other for very long, and for at least half of that time she was imprisoned in the old opera house or on Luna. What am I doing? There's no way she loves me like I love her... or is there? I can smell Scarlet walk into the galley but don't say anything as I stare at someone's name that is carved into the table.

"Hello? Earth to Wolf?" She snaps her fingers in front of my eyes and I look at her.


She smiles,"It's fine. Cinder needs you to help her practice her gift. She wants to practice as much as possible before we go up the the surface and start the revolution." I groan. She tries to pull me out of me seat but I laugh at her and don't budge. She Gives me a death glare so I get up and walk down the hall to the cargo bay with her.

"I said that I'm not going to manipulate you, Kai!" Cinder yells as we walk in.

"But you need to practice, Cinder! You won't hurt me! In case you've forgotten, I've been manipulated before by Levana!" Kai yells back.

" That has nothing to do with me, Kai! I won't manipu-" I cut Cinder off by clearing my throat. She sighs in relief,"... Let's get to work, Wolf."

I suddenly get a wonderful idea, "Okay, after you glamour Kai," I answer simply.

"What? Why?" She asks.

"Because you need to have to be able to do things you don't want to. And that includes glamouring the people you love." I retort.

"No. I won't do it. I wo-"

"Then you won't be able to get your country back! As queen you will have to make hard decisions. This is one of those hard choices that you now have to face," I can see her expression shift. She suddenly looks scared. Apparently everyone else sees it too.

"Cinder, what's bothering you?" finally Kai asks the question that's on my, his, and Scarlet's mind.

"I'm afraid that... that if I glamour you," She pauses and walks closer to Kai, "You won't be able to trust me. That you'll think that I'm too much like Levana. You will always see me like that if I do this. I don't want to have you know this part of me. The part of me that has hurt and killed people... My mind has acted before i've even had time to think of what I was doing... I can't let you be affected by this part of me. Because once I touch your bioelectricity, I will always know what it is, and if we're in a life or death situation, I could use you as a shield just like I did with one of the E.C. soldiers. I would never be able to live with myself if I did that to you..." Everyone is staring at her in shock until Thorne and Cress walk in hand in hand.

"What's going on?" Thorne asks.

Nobody says anything. We just stand there in awkward silence. Once in a while giving each other confused glances. Kai wraps his arms around Cinder and is whispering things to reassure her that he will be fine, but she continues to shake her head no.

After a minute or so Cinder pulls away from Kai. She walks over to Thorne and Cress, where I can hear her explaining what just happened.

Scarlet walks over to me, "Wolf?"

"Yes, Scarlet?" This is what I've been dreading. She's going to tell me that she doesn't love me. That she never did. What will I do without her. She said that she is my alpha female, but maybe she never even meant it. Maybe...

"I'm pretty sure that I'm crazy... but I think that I'm in love with you." She says as she smiles and blushes at the same time.

I can't believe that she actually loves me! I try to stay calm. I look Scarlet in the eyes, "I love you too, Scarlet."

She looks at me in shock. But before she can say anything I kiss her. She kisses me back. I can hear Cinder, Cress, Thorne, and Kai go silent. They're definitely staring at us but I don't care anymore.

"No PDA!" Thorne shouts. I didn't happen to hear him walk up to us.

Scarlet pulls away from me, "Will you ever go away?" She yells.

"Umm... Hmm... Nope." He shrugs. I'm extremely tempted to kill him right now, but a strange feeling tells me not to. I can always kill him later... I think to myself.

"Cinder, let's go. You need to practice," she looks at Kai then walks to about five feet away from where i'm standing. "Concentrate. Don't close your eyes again." I start throwing punches that she ca now dodge with ease. I can feel her reaching out to me and pulling my into her control. She has me stop and start pacing back and forth. Her control over me holds for supprisingly long, but I can feel it starting to slip away. Winter and Jacin walk into the room just as it breaks.

"Cinder!" Winter says, "Will you help me to use my glamour again?"



Thank you so much for 744 reads! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying my story!

NOTE: Sorry but I only have time to write on Sunday's consistantly... I will try my best to write more than that but I make no promises. I really do wish I had more time to write, but I'm sure most of you understand what a b*tch homework is.

Please follow/vote/comment! I want to hear what you think and if you have any ideas/recommendations about adding/fixing the story. I'm open to almost anything to make my story better!

~Princess Selene

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