Chapter 13

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"Cinder!" Winter said, "Will you help me to use my glamour again?"

Her question confused Cinder. She could barely control her own glamour. What made Winter think that she could help her? "Winter, I can barely even control my own glamour... How would I even be able to help you?"

"'Barely control your own glamour'?" Kai interrupted. "Cinder, you can control Special Operatives. I'm pretty sure you can help Winter relearn how to use her glamour. Plus... it wouldn't hurt for her to be able to help us control more lunars."

"You guys!" Cinder was trying to stay calm and not yell, but she did anyways, "Earth and Luna have been at war for ten days now! What in the stars makes you think I have time to help her learn how to use her gift again?"

Winter stared at Cinder in shock. Great I hurt the crazy girl's feelings; now I'm going to have to help her. Cinder sighed in defeat, "Do you remember what it felt like to use your gift?" She asked.

Winter nodded her head, "Yes of course I do."

"Use that feeling. Focus your energy on mine. Reach out to me and try to make me do something, anything."

"Okay," She closed her eyes.

"Don't close your eyes!" Wolf barked at her. Winter's eyes snapped open in fear, "Why does everyone feel the need to close their eyes when glamouring someone?" Winter looked afraid.

"He's right," Cinder agreed. "If you're going to help us, you need to learn to keep your eyes open while glamouring people. Try again." Winter stared at her. Cinder could feel her entering her mind, taking over her body. She was scanning through her thoughts and memories. Mostly the ones of Kai and her adoptive father, Garan. She was looking for something but she didn't know what it was. She didn't even know how she was able to look through these things. Is she more powerful than me? How is she doing this? She found a door in her mind that she never knew existed. It held memories of Luna and her mother, Queen Channary.

Cinder's mother was holding her three year old self in her arms. "My beautiful Selene, I know by the time Winter is able to help you see this message, I will be dead. I have ruled through glamouring and fear just as I know my sister, Levana, soon will."

"I need you to know that you are the last hope that Luna has. Luna is not what it should be. It can be better than what it is, and it will be when you rule. I know that I have done terrible things, but it has all been to protect you. You are the only one that can change Luna's fate. I know that Levana plans to kill us both. However, she will only be able to kill me."

"I have entrusted Dr. Tanner, his colleagues, and Winter as your protectors. I know that Winter is only two years older than you, but she knows what to do when you meet again. Dr. Tanner will get you off of Luna and on to Earth at any cost on the day Levana tries to kill you. I know that she will not achieve this because you are a strong and willful girl. We have to convince her that you are dead otherwise she will continue to look for you. I know that you will save us all. I love you my dear Selene, and I wish you a happy life when this is all set and done."

Levana strode into the room with several guards trailing her at her sides. "Hello my dear sister."

"I know what you you want, so do it fast and don't let her see it," Her mother handed her to one of the guards, "I love you Selene." She whispered as she kissed her forehead. She walked over to Levana, never taking her eyes off of Cinder. 

"Well that was easy." Levana smiled and waved for the guard that's holding her to leave the room. As the door closed she heard her mother's scream and started crying.

Winter let go of her hold on Cinder's bioelectricty and nodded at her, "What was that?" She asked.

"I know it's a lot to take in... but that is a real memory." Winter answered.

"How did you know to do that though? You were only-- what?-- five years old when this happened?" She nodded in agreement, "How in the stars did she know that you would somehow be able to get this message to me, that I apparently have had for the last thirteen years? How in the stars did she even know that I was going to live through all of this?" She wished she could cry right now. She felt so invaded and confused.

"What is it? What happened to her?" Kai harshly questioned Winter as Cinder fell to the ground, still in shock.

She is unfazed by him, "It was my duty to show her a memory of her mother, Queen Channary. It may cause her some distress, knowing what was said in it."

"What was it about?" He demanded.

This time Winter replied back, annoyed, "Her mother's last words to her...Channary did all those terrible things to protect her. She knew that one day Cinder would change Luna for the better. And she knew that Cinder needed to live." Cinder could hear her walk over, "Cinder? Can I explain everything to you in private?"

She nodded her head numbly.

Kai walked over to her, "Let me be with you to hear to this, Cinder."

"No. I'm sorry but I need to hear it before anyone else. I need to understand. And I want to do it alone." She gave him a small smile, "I'll be okay."

Cinder could feel Cress, Thorne, Scarlet, Iko, Wolf, Jacin, and Kai watching them as they walked down the hallway into her room. They sit on her bed and Winter began her story...



Thank you so much for 944 reads! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying my story! Please follow/vote/comment! I want to hear what you think and if you have any ideas/recommendations about adding/fixing the story. I'm open to almost anything to make my story better

keep reading


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