Chapter 14

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DAY 10

As we walk down the hall, I haven’t the slightest idea how I’m going to explain this to Cinder. Her mother, (Queen Channary) her aunt/ my stepmother, (Queen Levana) and her father. I never knew her father’s real name, but he went by Cyprus (after the first real Lunar). I met him once when I was little. He told me how and where to find him after I explained, what I am about to, to Selene.

I open the door to Cinder’s bedroom and sit on the bed. She sits next to me. “Cinder, I know that this is confusing for you, so I have an idea. I will tell you everything I know, and if you’re still confused you can ask questions.” She nods, “Don’t interrupt me, though, otherwise I might forget something. Okay?”

“Okay!” She yells. She seems to realize that she was out of line and calms down. “I get it. Please, I just need to understand what that was all about.”

“Alright, here we go…" I take in a deep breath and begin. "When my father married Levana, I was only four years old, and Levana was actually somewhat nice to me. It wasn’t until my father 'died' and she realized that you were more powerful than her, that she truly got angry. She was already power hungry before but for some reason you made her even more so. Even though I was very young, I realized that I needed to help Channary to save you. Therefore I started acting as a spy for Channary. I would spend all day with Levana, then sneak out of my quarters in the middle of the night to tell her what I had overheard."

"You were then three years old, and after months of spying I finally overheard what Levana and Sybil were planning. They were going to kill you and Channary... and it was going to be soon. Channary and Dr. Tanner devised the plan to get you off of Luna and leave her to be killed. They gave me instructions to let you see that memory, which was mentally hidden away in your brain during your surgeries."

"When the nursery started on fire I was there playing with you. I saw you crying and burning before my eyes.I picked you up and ran to the labs where I found Dr. Tanner. He thanked me and made sure that I wouldn't tell anyone that you were alive and that he was taking you to Earth. I quickly said goodbye to you, for you were my best and only friend at the time, and then you were gone." I sigh, then continue.

“After a few weeks, Levana confronted me. She said that a guard told her that he witnessed me saving your life and helping you and Dr. Tanner escape. I denied everything to keep you safe but she knew that I was lying. That’s when she gave me these scars.” I say as I point to the deep scars on my face, by my eyes. I can feel the tears starting to well up in my eyes, but I know that I need to stay strong even if I’m afraid. “She cut me with a pair of scissors that were sitting out because on of the maids were going to cut my hair that day.”

I pause to see Cinder. She looks at me with a look that I can’t explain. It’s almost as if she feels guilty; like she feels like it’s her fault that I have these scars.

I hold her shoulders and force her to look at me. “It isn’t your fault Cinder. And it never has been. Okay?”

“No it’s not “Okay”! How am I supposed to feel like all of this isn’t my fault? How am I supposed to be able to live through my life knowing that thousands of people have died because of me?” She asks.

“Cinder, I know you feel like this is all your fault, but it isn’t. It’s Levana’s. And sooner or later she will have to pay the price. I promise that this isn’t your fault. Now can I finish telling you what’s going on?”

She nods. “Please do.”

I smile at her. “See you are already starting to sound like a princess…” I see her look away slightly as if she’s embarrassed. “Anyways, this next bit of information might surprise you, so stay calm.” She watches me warily but I pick up where I left off,”Cinder, your father is alive and on Luna. He is, like us, hiding in an extinct underground magma chamber. Hundreds of Lunars have rallied around him hoping to overthrow Levana, and he wants us to join him. Of course he probably doesn’t think there are going to be nine of us but I’m sure it will be fine. I know that this is all very difficult for you to understand, but we have to go to your father soon, Cinder. He knows how to start the revolution, and we need his help…” I trail off knowing that there is nothing left to my story.

“What’s his name?” She asks out of the blue.

“Who’s na--”

She cuts me off. “My father’s name. What is it?”

“I never knew his real name, but he went by Cyprus.” I reply. I know now that she just wants to find out more about herself. “I don’t know very much about him, but if you have more questions you can always ask me.”

She nods and stares at her hands again, as if she is pondering something. She closes her eyes. I wonder what it would be like to have no memory of your family. To only ever remember that you are a cyborg mechanic that had a family that hated you. To only be able to remember always being alone. And then to one day find out that you are a princess from from a country that is depending on you to save it. How can one person be able to handle so much pressure. 

“Will you tell me everything you know about my father?” Cinder asks.

I give her a small smile. “It isn’t very much but sure. As I said before, I don’t know his real name, but he went by Cyprus, after the first real Lunar. To my knowledge, he is about two years older than Channary was, which would make him about… 43 years old now. You have his medium brown skin, but he has jet black hair. Both Cyprus and Channary have your brown eyes. And If I remember correctly they used to sing to you every night until you were a year old because he had to leave in order to make sure Levana didn’t kill him. We need to go meet with him soon too.”

She sighs. “Okay. We leave tomorrow. Would you mind going out there and telling everyone that we’re leaving tomorrow at 14:00. And please don’t tell them about my dad yet,” I give her a questioning look, “I need to tell Kai about everything first then i’ll tell the others, okay?”

“Sure, that’s fine,” I walk to the door but stop when I get to it. I feel like I want to say something else to her but no words come. I just walk down the hallway into the cargo bay where everyone is in a conversation except Kai.

“Listen up!” I shout to get their attention,”Cinder gave orders to move to a different magma chamber tomorrow at 1400.” I walk over to Kai because he looks worried, ”Cinder wants to talk to you,” I say.



Thank you so much for 1,100 reads! It makes me so happy that people are enjoying my story!

NOTE: Sorry but I only have time to write on the weekends consistently... I will try my best to write more during the week but I make no promises. I really do wish I had more time to write, but I'm sure most of you understand what a b*tch homework is.

Please follow/vote/comment! I want to hear what you think and if you have any ideas/recommendations about adding/fixing the story. I'm open to almost anything to make my story better!

I love you all!

~Princess Selene

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