Chapter 17

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As the thrusters released Cress relaxed. It wasn't an easy task Cinder had given her, but she had managed it. They were all safe for another day.

Cress slumped down in her chair, proud of herself for once again helping her friends.

"Well that was fun," Iko said from behind her.

Cress smiled, "I moved all satellite trackers away from us again as well. Come on," Cress said popping out of her chair. "We're done here, so let's go check on the others."

They left the room and walk to the cockpit.

"Good job Cress." Cinder greeted, not taking her eyes off of a screen that was showing some coordinates. "Wolf would you let the others out please? And tell Kai to come here, too."

Wolf seemed hesitant. As if when he left the room, Scarlet would disappear. Cress guessed she would feel the same way if Thorne had been kidnapped and tortured. Scarlet never spoke much about what had happened in the last month. But when she did, the descriptions could give Cress nightmares.

Wolf left the room after Scarlet nodded to him that she was okay.

"He's going to be so mad at me." Cinder said. She leaned against the back wall and sank to the floor, closing her eyes.

Cress knew that she was talking about the emperor. Cinder always did this--blamed herself for something, or think that people will be angry with her--and Cress didn't know why. She was scared to ask, but she felt that it might make Cinder come to her senses.

"Why would he be mad at you for saving us?" She squeaked.

Cinder's chocolate brown eyes popped open.

"She does have a point." Scarlet said. She left the controls behind and came to stand next to Cress, crossing her arms. "He doesn't exactly have a reason to be mad at you for saving us."

Cinder sighed. "But he does. I promised him I'd tell him the truth, no matter what. I promised I wouldn't lie to him, but that's what I did... Even if it was to protect you all."

Iko rolled her eyes, "Oh Cinder, stop being so dramatic!"

"But you didn't lie to him." Cress said matter-of-factly.

Scarlet continued, understanding what Cress was trying explain. "You just didn't tell the whole truth. And that's okay. Not everyone tells the truth. I mean, Wolf lied to me--a lot--but I still trust him, and nothing will change that."

Just then Wolf, Kai, and Thorne entered the cockpit. Cress stared at Thorne. He had just asked Kai something.

"Where are Jacin and Winter?" Iko asked.

"Hunting." Wolf replied. Everyone understood that this was his term for eating.

Cress's stomach growled. At the very mention of food she felt hungry. She couldn't remember the last time she ate something.

Ignoring Kai's annoyed grumbling, Throne chuckled and came to stand in front of her. "Sounds like someone's hungry," Cress blushed. "Let's go find some food."

"Good idea."

Without another word he took her hand and lead her out of the cockpit to the galley.

When they entered Cress noticed Jacin and Winter sitting at the table. She averted her eyes away from them because the seemed to be having an important conversation.

Instead she focused her attention on Thorne. She watched the way he--now graceful with being able to see and all--moved around the galley, searching for food. She still couldn't help but admire him.

"What are you looking for, Captain?"

"Well..." He trailed off. Cress had a feeling that he didn't have anything to say. He was being strange...He almost always had something to say. Whether it was a snide comment or just random words. She had no idea what his problem could be.

Thorne took out a can of green olives from the cupboard. Cress had never tried them, but they looked appetizing. Her stomach growled again. These will do just fine.

She fished out the can opener from one of the drawers. Thorne had taught her how to use it a few days ago. She sat down on the opposite end of the table and quickly opened the can while Thorne continued to shuffle through the cabinets.

The smell of salt and vinegar wafted through the air. Cress grabbed a fork, stabbing it into the can.

Thorne spoke just as she put the olive in her mouth. "Hey Cress--" Cress spit out the olive. It was sour and salty, which she was not expecting.

"Oh...too late, I guess. I was going to warn you that they're sour." He chuckles, "You should see your face."

Cress laughed with him and wiped at her mouth with her wrist. And although he was smiling, this was not the Thorne that Cress knew and loved.


Hello Lunartics!

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10,218 READS!!! I'm sorry my updates are so slow :( So am I doing a better job of writing now? I hope I am... When I started this story I had no idea what the plot was, nor do I now. I have some ideas but it might involve death. Do you think you could handle that? Just thoughts...I'll try to update more often, but I do have several other successful stories now. What do you think is bothering Thorne? Also check out my new story "Welcome to Luna High". It's a modern day version of the Lunar Chronicles.

Keep reading,

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