Chapter 18

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Scarlet watched as Cress and Thorne hurriedly left the cockpit. Tension was still in the room and it seemed to her that it was never going to leave. She was sick of the drama. All she wanted to do was go back to her farm and live a normal life.

"Why did you lie to me? Why did you all lie to me?" Kai asked, breaking the silence.

"We didn't lie to you..." Scarlet started, "we just didn't tell you the truth."

"Because that's so much better." Kai replied sarcastically. He turned on Cinder and frowned, "I thought we promised we wouldn't keep secrets from each other anymore?"

Cinder looked down at the floor. "I know, and I'm sorry. But we didn't have much of a choice."

"You didn't have a choice?" Kai yelled.

Why the hell was he shouting? "Kai, just relax! You're an emperor; maybe it's time you act like one," Scarlet sassed.

"Scarlet." Wolf warned, from behind her. He put his hand on her shoulder as if to hold her back. Scarlet said nothing. She watched as Kai and Cinder had a silent argument. She could only make out bits and pieces of it.

She leaned onto Wolf, tired, and looked down at her still bandaged pinky finger. Though the pain was nearly gone, it still throbbed.

"You okay?"

Scarlet looked up into his emerald eyes. "I'm fine."

"You don't look 'fine'. Maybe you should rest." Wolf looked at her with concern. He would never act the same towards her, would never again act like she was strong. He would see her as broken in need of help...which wasn't what she wanted.

Maybe she was broken, but that didn't mean he had to try and fix her. Although a small part of her wanted him to, a bigger part didn't.

She rolled her eyes, pulling away from him. "I can take care of myself. But thank you for trying."

"Scarlet, I--"

"I get it." Scarlet cut him off, "Kai, I still don't understand why you're so upset," she said, turning around and interrupting the bickering couple--if that's what they were. No one really knew what to call that relationship, though Thorne teased them about it often. "We were just trying to protect those of you that couldn't protect yourselves."

"So you don't think I can protect myself?" He asked defensively.

"Of course not!" Scarlet shouted. "You grew up in a sheltered palace surrounded by body guards that were willing to take a bullet for you! Why would you have any sense of self-preservation at all?"

"Scarlet, that wasn't called for," Cinder scolded.

She couldn't help but let her anger get the best of her; it melted away any tiredness from before. "Then what is, Cinder? What do you want me to do, Princess? Do you want me to sit around listening to you and your boyfriend have a ridiculous argument that is completed unreasonable? Because I'm not going to stand here and listen to that."

"Then leave. I didn't ask you to be here."

"You're right, but it's not like you gave me the option in Paris." Scarlet fumed.

Wolf gently grabbed her hand, "Come on," he whispered. His voice took some of her edge away as he lead her out the cockpit door. "You hungry?"

"A little." She admitted.

They stepped into the galley. Winter and Jacin were in a deep conversation at one end of the table. At the other end Thorne and Cress were laughing.

Wolf let go of her hand to rummage through the cabinets. He produced two cans and forks and they sat down next to Thorne and Cress. Cress wordlessly handed her the can opener. As soon as the lid was pried open, she dug in, savoring the taste of the oily artichoke hearts.

"Adjusting well to being back, Frenchie?" Thorne said after a while.

She rolled her eyes. He was still as annoying as she remembered him being."Yeah, it's just great having this guy look at me like I'll fall on my hip and die at any second."

"Well it was worse when you were gone, considering we did think you were dead. While we were stranded in the Sahara, they thought we were dead too, though were probably less concerned about me." He joked.

Wolf shot Thorne a look and grumbled something incoherent.

For a while they ate with small talk as the only noise. But the second Iko walked in the room that changed.

Iko sat next Thorne, directly across from Wolf. "I heard them arguing."

"We know, that why we left." Wolf said.

"The funny thing is that it stopped abruptly...I think they're making out now." She continued.

Thorne smirked. "If you'll excuse me for a moment."

"That's not a good idea!" Scarlet called as Thorne made his way to the door."

"I know, I just don't care."

"He's an idiot." Scarlet sighed after the door slid shut.


Hello Lunartics!

We are officially off hold!

I was going to add more wolflet but I just wasn't in the mood. If you want some though, you can read chapter 6 of my oneshot book. That's actually may favorite one.

Okay...I'm seriously shocked that I have people begging for an update. I started this story on February 20th, 2014--a few weeks after I read Cress--and back then I practically had no idea how to write. I still feel like this story doesn't really have a plot! But you all like it, for some random reason(...?), so I will try to fix it for you. I'm trying to make the chapters longer too (minus this one), which means my updates will take longer than in March. But hopefully not longer than now 0.0 again, really sorry.

Til next time,

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