Chapter 5

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Scarlet heard a gunshot. He swung the door open and was being trailed by four other people, Cinder, Thorne, Emperor Kai. "Wolf," she yelled. He jerked his head in her direction and ran to her cage.

"Scarlet! Hang on, Cress has to disable the cage lock. How long?"

“Any second now,” Cinder stated.

Wolf looked so flustered, Scarlet had never seen him like that before. A few seconds later she heard the buzz of the lock giving clearance to open the door. As soon as she jumped out his arms wrapped around her. After a few seconds he pulled away but was still holding her wrists, "Are you okay? Did they do anything to you yet?" he looked so worried that Scarlet was afraid to show him her hand, but she knew she had to.

She held her hand up to Wolf's face to show him what was left of her bandaged pinky finger, "Yeah... but it's not that bad. I could be worse. Right?" To her surprise he seemed more relieved than angry.

"You have no idea how lucky you are that this all that has happened to you," there was a sadness in Wolf’s eyes that Scarlet couldn't quite explain. Although she was pretty sure she knew what he meant.

"How did you find me?" Scarlet asked Wolf.

"How do you think? I followed your scent," He answered. She gave a weak laugh and stared into his eyes for a moment, only to be interrupted by Thorne.

"I hate to break up this beautiful reunion... but shouldn't we get there before we get any unwanted company," Thorne asked sounding slightly annoyed.

"Yeah. Wolf, we’ve to go. Now." Cinder said.

"Alright," Wolf held my hand in his and started leading us towards the exit at the opposite end of the room. The one only Princess Winter uses.

"What are we going? What are we doing?"

"Well… They kidnapped me, so we thought we should kidnap Princess Winter as well,” Kai remarked.

“They kidnapped you! What else have you guys been doing that I should know about?" Scarlet questioned.

"A whole lot of this," Cinder said as a guard came toward them and she shot him with a tranquilizer dart. "It's been even more chaotic since you were taken; Thorne went blind, and was stranded in the Sahara Desert with Cress, you know the queens programmer. She’s in the Rampion with Iko right now giving us clearance. While we were in the desert Thorne won an escort-droid, so Iko is now an escort-droid. Then we infiltrated the palace the day of the wedding and kidnapped Kai. And now because of that, Levana has declared war on the Earthen Union, and I think that about sums it up, right?"

“I can see again,” Thorne added.

Wolf spoke up as well, “Cinder can control me now."

“Yeah that too.”

“Really. She can contr-” She started.

Just then, they reached the door and Wolf pulled it open. Standing outside were about forty lunar guards pointing guns at them. And they won’t hesitate to pull the trigger.

"Damnit!" Cinder muttered under her breath so only they could hear her.

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