File Six

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As I approached Nick, he sighed. "Whoever you are, I don't want to hear it." He said, not looking up. "Wow, rude." I said, sitting in front of him. Nick jumped and nearly dropped his knife. "Oh! It's you. Rose, right?" He said, picking up his stick, which he did drop. "Yup. Turns out I'm a red wolf hybrid." I said, watching him sharpen the wood. "I noticed a lot of people staring at you. And Matt said he had no doubt you brought me in. What's up with that?" I asked. I figured I would jus the up front with the guy. Nick looked up and saw some people watching us. "Well, they're probably jealous that I have the courage to be outside at night. Shadows are really strong then, especially when the moon is full. Anyone explain what they are yet?" I shook my head. "Huh. That's usually the first thing they teach you. Whatever, guess I'll do it. Shadows are creatures of black magic, and they can take the form of any animal. They literally rip the shadow off of a creature, and solidify it so they can attack us. The animal itself goes unconscious until the shadows is either dead or runs away." Nick explained, examining the stick in his hands. "Can't we just avoid them?" I questioned. Stupid question.. If we could, we would already do that. "Nope! They can sniff out hybrids like it was nothing. They kill us, then go after another one. It doesn't matter if you're a lion, bird, tree, flower, of you're a hybrid it'll kill you." Nick had a far away look in his Opal colored eyes. He was speaking from experience, I could tell. I decided not to ask him about that, though. "So, how's it going so far?" Nick asked. "Well, I learned how to play Gem Hunt." Nick smiled. "Good. That game is like poker for some of us. I once lost a 20 dollar bill playing against someone from the Ruby cabin." After he said that, he looked me in the eyes. He said nothing, but continued to sharpen the stick in his hand. I was going to ask something else, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Matt standing there. "Hey, we need to start your training." He said, eyeing Nick. I looked at the both of them. They seemed to have some sort of history, but I couldn't really tell what had happened. It's not like I can read minds.

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