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"I was not a dick." Jungkook rolled his eyes while looking towards the clutter of mess that was in front of him. "Reading my love letter out loud in front of the entire school doesn't make you a dick now huh?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow as Jungkook sucked in a sharp breath and gritted his teeth from the memory. "First of all, I thought you forgot. Secondly- It was not the entire school." Jungkook made a point as Taehyung looked at the floor with a snort. "Felt like it," Taehyung said quietly before taking a deep breath. "And I wish I could forget honestly."

Jungkook gulped back the lump in his throat. "Alright... fair, I was a dick. I honestly don't know what I was thinking or if I was thinking at all." Jungkook admitted to Taehyung who nodded lightly. "But I'm sorry... for doing that. It was an ass move and... I don't know why I did it. I really don't. I was having a rough time and I just... I don't know." Jungkook shrugged as Taehyung looked at the boy. "You say that a lot. You're a very unsure person Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung pointed out which made Jungkook force out a chuckle, he really was an unsure person.

"It's fine though. Things happened that are way more important things to worry about now." Taehyung changed the topic as he huffed out and started to look around and before Jungkook spoke, Taehyung started to get comfortable on the mat while yawning once more. "I think I'm tired enough though. I'm just gonna- close my eyes for a bit." Taehyung groaned as he got comfortable and closed his eyes. Jungkook watched Taehyung do so as he replayed that memory in the school hallway. Why did he do it? Taehyung was the first boy to ever give Jungkook a letter like that and it was... sweet, it really was but... god he doesn't know.

Breathing out, Jungkook looked at the wall in front of him and was lost in his thoughts throughout the night as the two boys slept peacefully on the mats.

When Taehyung awoke, he was left alone in the gym office. Figuring Jimin needed to go to the bathroom, Taehyung didn't worry as he closed his eyes and tried to get more sleep in but... his head did that thing where he had to overthink every little thing that could have happened while he was asleep and so he got up from the mat and hurried out of the office. Wincing slightly once his ankle came in contact with the floor. Lifting it the moment he got out of the office just to bump into Jungkook. "Jesus-" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung who ran into Jungkook while running out of the room. Grabbing Jungkook's arms, Taehyung blinked several times.

"Good morning to you too." Jungkook snickered. Noticing that, Taehyung cleared his throat and pushed himself away from Jungkook but that didn't help since she ended up back on her ankle. "You don't think do you?" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung. "Get back in the office Taehyung. This is not the time for the zoomies." Jungkook turned to see Jimin doing his thing. "But Jimin-" Taehyung started off but Jungkook instead picked him up by wrapping his arms around his waist and lifting him into the office. "He's doing his thing out there. I need to stay close just in case."

Placing Taehyung back down on the mat, Jungkook walked out. "Just like two toddlers. What the fuck did I get myself into." The male mumbled to himself as he then approached Jimin who was done. Jimin only went to the bathrooms for a number two since well... they were afraid something would happen when they were away and simply because Jungkook was tired of carrying Jimin everywhere. If anything he'd rather carry Taehyung which was saying a lot since he loved arguing with Jungkook... although... Jungkook didn't mind too much if he was being honest.

Chugging the water bottle, Taehyung wiped his lips and since he had nothing else to do in the office space, he started organizing their stuff. Not that they really needed to be organized but he wanted everything to be in one place. Just in case something went wrong and they needed to run. They had to be ready for anything and so he was preparing them. Now- hopefully, nothing bad would happen but still, he had to prepare. "Eating granola bars every single day is a bit... boring don't you think?" Jimin came in with Jungkook who grunted from the weight Jimin was putting on him. Not that he was all that heavy but Jungkook just had to make it clear that he was struggling.

"Yeah, you need to lay off the granola bars dude." Jungkook scoffed. Jimin instantly letting go of Jungkook and pushing him away. "I hope you trip and fall flat on your face." Jimin sat back on the mat and sighed as he grabbed the magazine that Taehyung had set aside. "Hey, give me that." Taehyung reached out for the magazine that Jimin put against his chest. "You weren't even reading it." He scoffed at Taehyung who whined a bit. "I was looking at it until I realized I should be organizing but!" Taehyung started off but Jimin spoke up, dismissing his words.

"Exactly, you're organizing." Jimin opened up the magazine and before Taehyung could fight for the magazine, Jungkook grabbed the magazine from Jimin and tossed it into the gym where he then shut the door and looked at the two who looked like kids. "Hey!" Taehyung said loudly, about to get up but Jungkook blocked the door. "You can go get the magazine later when you two learn to shut up." Jungkook slid down the door, Taehyung watching as he then looked back at Jimin who was looking the other way. "He started it," Jimin mumbled. Okay- alright, maybe they were just a tad... just a taaaad bit like kids.

They've been in the school for four days now. It's definitely been an experience. Though at the same time? It was really nice being somewhere familiar. Not that the school they were in was the school they went to but just being in a school setting with Jungkook and Jimin made it feel normal, almost. Like they were just hiding in the gym office waiting to be caught by the teachers. Then again reality would set in and it just gave... depressing vibes? Because school was a part of his life for so long. That was all Taehyung ever knew. Although he always hated waking up for school, he honestly would kill to wake up at least one more day. Just to take it all in just one more time.

Anyway, since Jimin was healing well and Taehyung could finally, somewhat walk on his leg without it hurting, they chose to leave tomorrow. They lost a lot of time just staying at the school so they didn't want to waste any more time. Also didn't want to rush and get themselves killed so one more day should be enough for them to prepare. Speaking of preparing, Jungkook was on a search to find Jimin a crutch. Along with Taehyung who was also on a search. The two stuck together as Jimin stayed in the gym office with a gun he kept nearby and if one of the two heard that gunshot then they knew something was wrong.

So Taehyung really hoped he wouldn't hear that gunshot as he entered the opposite classroom Jungkook went in. Looking for anything that would be useful. "Where the hell is the nurse's office?" Jungkook left the classroom he was in and walked over to Taehyung who was sitting at a desk, looking at the whiteboard in front of the classroom. Everything is still in its place. The unfinished work spread all over the desk. No sign of life... nor death. Just... a classroom that was left from when the world was normal. Watching Taehyung, Jungkook bit his lip and watched the boy who just sat there.

Taehyung didn't mean to just doze off on the desk but it felt nice. Just imagining her last school year. It was her last school year in high school. About to walk into another new chapter of his life. Taehyung was supposed to experience so much but instead, he got a zombie apocalypse. "Expecting our homeroom teacher to come barging in?" Jungkook spoke up, finally walking towards Taehyung after closing the door. Hands folded over his chest, Jungkook stopped at the desk right next to Taehyung and sat down, leaning on the chair as he then scrunched up his nose. It's been a while since he sat at a desk.

Looking at Jungkook, Taehyung smiled lightly. "I wouldn't mind hearing her yell at us one more time," Taehyung admitted to Jungkook who hummed, nodding his head. "Why did all the teachers yell at us so much?" Jungkook questioned with a laugh. Taehyung laughed at that too since it was very true. "It's because we had you in our class. Trouble maker." Taehyung rolled his eyes although he was kidding. Half kidding anyways since Jungkook wasn't the only troublemaker in their class but Jungkook was the most noticeable troublemaker.

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