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Jungkook ran as fast as he could through the woods as the runners ran right behind him. Breathing heavily, his whole body felt like it was shaking but his mind was on looking for a way out. Needing to get the dead as far away as he could but at the same time, he had to find a way out of this. Honestly? Jungkook didn't have a plan but Taehyung wouldn't have let Jungkook lead the dead away without a plan and so Jungkook just blurted out he had a plan. Hoping as he ran through the woods that he would come up with one but the only thing he felt was panic because why the fuck is he risking his life for people he didn't even know?

Jungkook could only run so far and so this was the plan. Kill as many runners as he could with his weapons, keep his distance and try not to die. So running a safe distance while reloading his gun, Jungkook stopped and pointed it toward the dead. Walking backward, Jungkook shot at the runners and was able to get a few down but the distance between them was getting smaller and so he started to run again while reloading. Seeing that he had limited bullets, he sighed and turned around, shooting at the runners as he then grabbed out his knife and this time? He didn't run.

This time Jungkook approached the dead that was running toward him. The blood drooled down their mouths, waiting for a taste of Jungkook until the boy tossed his throwing stars in threes which got three of them down. Just a few more of the dead and he'd be okay- but as Jungkook got his last few bullets out of his pocket, the dead that was behind him were no longer there once Jungkook looked back. "What the fu-" Jungkook stopped when someone came walking out with her bow and arrow. "... Jungkook?" The girl slowly walked through the dead bodies laying on the ground. Some with arrows in their head.

"... Luna?" Jungkook breathed out and dropped his gun once he saw the girl hurry over to him. Dropping her weapon as she jumped into Jungkook's arms although Jungkook was taken back by the whole situation. Luna... as in his ex-girlfriend from high school. The girl he thought couldn't hurt a fly. "God I thought you were dead." The girl grabbed Jungkook's nape and brought him in closer to her. "You're alive..." Jungkook broke out of his trance as he held Luna close. Still not sure how to react to his ex-girlfriend suddenly showing up.

"Luna!" Another voice was heard as a male came into view. Stopping in his tracks as he saw the dead on the ground. "What the hell..." He mumbled as he then looked up to see Luna pulling away from Jungkook. "Seojoon! This is Jungkook-" Luna said quite excitedly as Seojoon looked at Jungkook. "The ex," Seojoon said right after Luna spoke which made Luna nod slowly. "Yeah..." She bit her lip and looked at Jungkook who still looked confused about the whole thing. "...Right, Luna we need to go. Come on." Seojoon motioned Luna to follow him, holding his hand out but as Luna looked at Seojoon's hand, she only turned away to look at Jungkook.

"Come with us. We have shelter, food-" Luna grabbed Jungkook's hand and squeezed it. "Luna," Seojoon called out but Luna didn't look away from Jungkook. Shaking his head, Jungkook pulled his hand away. "I-... I can't I-... I have people I have to get back to. I'm sorry I-" Jungkook pulled away from Luna and looked at Seojoon before he gulped and grabbed his weapon. Walking to the dead, he pulled out his throwing stars and didn't look back as he walked back to where he ran from. Luna was alive... and more than alive she knew how to fight for herself.

As for Taehyung, the boy watched Yoongi and Jimin hug each other. Jimin was in tears as Yoongi worriedly hugged his boyfriend. "What happened to you?!" Yoongi pulled away just to look at Jimin's leg. "I'm fine- I'm okay! God- I thought I lost you!" Jimin pulled Yoongi in for another tight hug. After safely barricading themself inside the decaying shed, the four stayed quiet but of course Jimin and Yoongi. Namjoon still wrapping his head around what just happened. "Where's Seokjin and Hoseok?" Taehyung asked Namjoon quietly. Though as they heard that- the gunshots were heard. An echo of rounds going off. "Jungkook..." Taehyung whispered.

"Jungkook?" Namjoon asked, looking at Taehyung as Jimin spoke up. "Jungkook is... a high school classmate. He helped us, a lot. We wouldn't have even been here without him." Jimin acknowledged Jungkook's doings as Taehyung agreed with Jimin. "He has a plan. He'll come back." Taehyung gulped, not sure if he was trying to convince himself or someone else. "Seokjin and Hoseok- they ran when the runners came for us. I don't blame them but leaving us behind like that? Hurtful." Namjoon managed to laugh through his words. Let's just say it wasn't the first time the two ran off to save themselves and it wasn't a bad thing- Namjoon preferred that.

"We should find Seokjin and Hoseok." Taehyung got up from sitting down. Moving around his ankle just to get it ready to keep walking. "You okay to walk?" Taehyung looked at Jimin who nodded but Yoongi shook his head and got down so Jimin could get on his back. Seeing Jimin get on right away, Taehyung smiled at the whipped male before removing the sheet he used for a door and walking out with the others. "We should go straight. Jungkook ran that way." Taehyung pointed in which direction Jungkook went and although Namjoon and Yoongi were hesitant, they agreed and followed Taehyung who was already walking.

As for Jungkook, just as he started walking away, Luna called out for him. "Hoseok and Seokjin. Ring a bell?" The girl called out but was scolded for yelling from Seojoon. Stopping in his tracks, those names were familiar. Hoseok... Seokjin... weren't those two a part of Taehyung's group? Looking back, Jungkook looked at Luna who was already walking toward Jungkook. "Our outside watchmen caught them running through the woods. The whole reason I'm out here is to find out why they were out here in the first place. You know them?" Luna asked Jungkook who stood still. "Does it matter?" Jungkook asked Luna who looked confused.

"It matters." Is all Luna said while Jungkook only looked at her for some time before nodding. "My... friend, those are his friends." Jungkook cleared his throat as Luna raised an eyebrow. "Your... friend," Luna repeated as she nodded her head a bit. "There was a swarm of runners not too far from here. Taehyung's friends-" Jungkook stopped talking as Luna spoke over him. "Taehyung? As in... Kim Taehyung? High school?" Luna said almost very quietly before Seojoon cleared his throat which made Luna look back to see Seojoon motioning elsewhere.

Looking towards where Seojoon was looking, Luna said the said boy walking towards them with a group of his friends. The boys looking at the dead surrounding the area. "Oh he's good." Namjoon mumbled to Taehyung who was fixated on Jungkook who just turned around and was quick to see that everyone but the two others Luna mentioned. "Taehyung." Jungkook walked away from Luna once he saw Taehyung. "You okay? Everyone okay?" Jungkook asked Taehyung who nodded but his eyes fell on the girl that looked so familiar but didn't?

From the face it was easy to say it was Luna but the appearance? She was once preppy, hair done almost every three weeks and she was... everything anybody would want to be but now her natural black hair grew in and her preppy appearence was long gone. "Is that Luna?" Taehyung asked Jungkook who looked back for just a second as he got closer to Taehyung. "Yeah... but that doesn't matter. Hoseok and Seokjin, they're apart of your group right?" Jungkook questioned and that's when Namjoon stepped in. "What?! Did she see them? Where?!" The boy asked frantically but Jungkook didn't answer so Namjoon approached Luna.

"Where the hell are they?" Namjoon said demandingly before it felt like he body was being electrocuted for a few seconds but it was the shock from the taser Seojoon had on Namjoon. "Hey! What the fuck!" Yoongi already had Jimin on the ground as he tried to approach Seojoon but Taehyung was quick to stop Yoongi as Namjoon dropped onto his knees and grunted loudly, falling down to a cradling postion for a few seconds. "What the fuck! Luna!" Jungkook called out for Luna who watched Namjoon before looking at Jungkook. "Seojoon.." Luna whispered out to Seojoon who looked at the girl in disbelief, putting the taser away.

There Taehyung hurriedly approached Namjoon who was coming back to it. Realizing what the fuck happened. Did he look that intimidating if he had to be tazed? "You okay?" Taehyung whispered to Namjoon who looked at Taehyung with a 'really?' kind of expression. "Oh yeah, never better." Namjoon groaned. Taehyung grinding his teeth as he helped the boy up. "Right, sorry." The boy apologized while getting Namjoon on his feet. "Your friends are being detained at our camp. They killed two of our men." Luna explained to the boys standing around.

"Probably because they were scared from the swarm of runners running through these woods! You have a camp nearby if you have watchmen right? So how didn't your watchmen see those runners? Unless your camp was the one to release them, right? Am I close? or should I keep going?" Taehyung said as he stepped forward but Jungkook stopped Taehyung from going any closer since he saw Seojoon grab for the taser. This couldn't end well could it?

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