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Waking up the next morning, Taehyung was practically glued to the bed as Jungkook got ready for the day ahead of them. "Babe, get up, will you? We still have a lot to do." Jungkook crouched down to meet Taehyung's level. Smiling lazily, Taehyung shook his head. "I'm pregnant, I should be allowed to do this." The boy retorted. With a scoff, Jungkook laughed at Taehyung's excuse to stay laying down although it was very valid. "You're right but-" Jungkook didn't get to finish his sentence as Seokjin walked in with jackets. "Alright, so we need to keep you warm." Seokjin plopped down some jackets as Taehyung started to laugh. What a mom thing to do.

"I got him enough sweaters Seokjin, don't worry." Jungkook stood up as Seokjin scoffed. "You never know!" Seokjin started to pack up the extra sweaters. "Alright, okay you can't carry everything Seokjin." Taehyung finally got up from the bed and grabbed a few of the jackets. "Besides, there are still families here too." Taehyung pointed at Seokjin and pulled the jacket out of Seokjin's grasp. ".. I forgot about them." Seokjin admitted while sucking in a breath and scratching his head. "Alright, come on." Jungkook grabbed the bags and forced the two boys out of the room. Taehyung dreaded that he would no longer have a nice warm bed to lie on.

"We ready?" Yoongi asked everyone as they gathered need the exit of the camper. Looking around, Yoongi saw that everyone was ready to go and so with that, he opened up the exit to the bunker. "Don't die!" Seojoon called out which made Hoseok stop dead in his tracks. At first, Hoseok was ready to take on the world but the moment Seojoon said that? He started to second guess but that didn't last long since Namjoon pushed Hoseok right out of the bunker. "Hey!" Hoseok pointed at Namjoon who grabbed Hoseok's finger and pulled him along. While Taehyung walked out behind Jungkook, holding the boy's hand.

"Okay, everyone has a map. I'll take lead, watch your surroundings." Yoongi made sure everyone heard him as he walked backward and talked to the group who nodded along. Knowing this was going to be a very cold and long walk, the boys sighed almost in sync. "Two seconds out and we're sighing like this. It's a sign." Hoseok spoke up once hearing the in-sync sighs. "You're just a pussy." Namjoon was heard from the back, making the boys laugh but Hoseok only mocked Namjoon back since he didn't know what else to say or a better come back- whatever.

The walk was indeed very long and very, very cold. Everyone almost forget how cold it could fucking get but they were for sure being reminded right now. "Remind me why we're trying the train tracks again?" Jimin chattered his teeth while talking, looking at the boys who were trying to keep warm too. "Faster. All of the dead are in a swarm and if we can avoid them, then it's good." Yoongi looked at Jimin who nodded unsurely. "And if there's a swarm on the tracks?" Jimin questioned once more since he was just curious as to what their plan really was.

"That's the thing. Even if there is a swarm, we can get out through the little tunnels. We just have to stop the train, or jump it- if that's the only option." Yoongi explained. "Because if we take the train the whole way? We'll be dead. As long as it brings us closer to Seoul then we're good, okay?" Yoongi looked at Jimin with an assuring look before he grabbed Jimin's hand and pulled the boy closer. Speaking of swarms though, the boys eventually did come across the first swarm. Not too big though which they were grateful for. "Quiet." Yoongi looked at everyone as they stood still, hiding behind the trees.

Watching the swarm go on by, the boys saw how they stuck to each other like glue. Trying to find warmth in one another but because they were dead, there was no warmth so they were stuck searching until the snow went away and a new season came. "We should wait for them to pass, warm up a little, and then pass. It's closer if we head this way." Yoongi pointed and since the swarm of dead people was passing by, they decided to take a break from walking. "You okay Jimin?" Taehyung looked at Jimin who was rubbing his calf a bit. "Just a little sore. Still okay though." Jimin assured Taehyung who nodded. "Need a Tylenol?" Taehyung asked.

"Not yet. We should save them okay?" Jimin smiled at Taehyung and offered him some water. Drinking some water, Taehyung took a few gulps before handing it back, and just like that, Jungkook was engulfing Taehyung in a hug. Wanting to keep Taehyung warm and so he held Taehyung until the boy was complaining that he was warm enough. Which was cute, Taehyung was just naturally cute. "They're gone," Yoongi whispered to the boys who started to pack up the things they took out which wasn't a lot but it still took some time to pack it up.

Once done, the boys hurried across, and luckily they didn't get caught. Hoseok did almost slip and fall flat on his face though. Did the boys let him live it down though? Of course not. "I still can't believe Hoseok's not dead," Namjoon spoke out since they were all in a conversation while walking. "That's really hurtful." Hoseok stopped walking only to have Namjoon pushing him forward. "Stop doing that!" The boy groaned at Namjoon who only laughed. "No but I'm curious- how did you survive before meeting the guys?" Jungkook asked Hoseok.

"A lot of running." Hoseok blurted out with a head nod. "I was never this fit before but the minute a runner came for me? Best believe I became a track star." Hoseok started to play out what he was doing, even jumping into the snow for dramatic effect. "You're going to regret that once your clothes are wet." Seokjin pointed out but even so, Hoseok was making the boys laugh and laughter was the best medicine even in a world as fucked up as theirs. "Even so, I would still outrun all of you." Hoseok pointed at every single one of them.

"Okay pussy." Namjoon was heard from the back once again. "Jesus-" Jungkook couldn't hold back his laughter. "You wanna go?" Hoseok stopped and waited for Namjoon. The moment Namjoon approached Hoseok, the two got into a playful brawl. Having Hoseok slammed into the snow before it ended. "You should stick to running." Namjoon helped Hoseok up as the boy shook off the snow like some dog. "I wasn't serious that's why!" Hoseok quickly came up with something so he wouldn't look weak- even if he slightly was. Just a teeny tiny bit he swears!

Continuing their walk, the boys started to get a little restless. Especially Hoseok who swore he was about to pass out but luckily since they were on their feet all damn day- they saw the train station up ahead. "And we live to see another day." Seokjin huffed out in relief but that was short-lived. "... The herd back there? Seemed to be heading to the same damn place." Yoongi said while looking at the same exact herd he saw earlier. "Since when did the dead turn into fucking ninjas? How'd they get here so fast?" Hoseok popped his out of nowhere.

"... Shut up will you?" Yoongi slowly looked over at Hoseok who was in disbelief at how fast the zombies got there. They literally beat them! And they took the shorter way! Come on! "Okay... we need to get to the right station since the herd is near the left." Yoongi hid after he searched the area with his eyes. "And if they see us?" Seokjin questioned which made Yoongi scoff. "Run as fast as you can and don't fucking die." Yoongi made it clear. "That's easy for Hoseok, he does that all the time," Namjoon mumbled and again, Hoseok tried to square up with Namjoon.

"Hide behind the trees as you go. If they don't see us, they can't come for us." Jungkook brought up while the two argued in the back. "Yoongi and I will go first." Jungkook let go of Taehyung's hand. "Taehyung, Seokjin, and Jimin will follow behind then Hoseok and Namjoon since they want to argue." Jungkook made up the lineup since the two boys were acting like kids. "Just... don't get caught." Jungkook looked back at everyone and he then looked at Yoongi who nodded and breathed in and out before he hurried out into the open, hurrying towards the tree.

The snow slowed them down and it took more stamina for the boys to run in the snow but they safely got across and hid behind the trees. "Wait! Wait-" Jimin hid behind the tree once he heard a sound coming from a runner. "... Who got caught."

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