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Letting Namjoon have his time with his father, the other boys made their way back to the others. "Did it work?!" Jimin perked up as soon as he saw the boys coming back but the faces they had was clear enough to know that it didn't work. "...Oh." Jimin gulped. Seating himself down, Yoongi grabbed Jimin's face and kissed his forehead. "We still have the stabilizer. If your infection spreads again we can stop it." Yoongi assured Jimin who slowly nodded. Although deep down Jimin didn't want to go through that again. The pain he goes through was something he couldn't explain and the effect? It still felt like Jimin was being injected every now and then.

Approaching Taehyung, Jungkook saw that the boy was sleeping peacefully. "He's running a fever." Seokjin stepped up to Jungkook who looked at Seokjin. "I'm keeping a good eye on him. He also lost a lot of blood and since we don't have AB blood, I'm trying to feed him this and that. The water is running low too so." Seokjin gulped since there was already a lot to worry about. "Did he say anything before going to bed?" Jungkook asked in a whisper as his baby boy started to become grumpy in Jungkook's hold. "Just that he loves you two." Seokjin smiled gently. Sighing, Jungkook leaned down and kissed Taehyung's lips. "We love you too my love."

Smiling as he looked at Taehyung, Jungkook couldn't help but feel defeated. "I need you," Jungkook whispered to Taehyung as he started to tear up. How the fuck was Jungkook supposed to fix this world disaster? Six boys who didn't know shit but the things they read on paper. How?! "I need you more than anything Taehyung." Jungkook wanted to cry out but since his son was being fussy- he decided to save his tears for later. "Where's the formula?" Jungkook asked Seokjin who was already fixing up a bottle. Having Seokjin around really did help Jungkook- the male had to admit that. "Done and done. Go sit, me and the others will look through the papers."

Not arguing with that, Jungkook shook the bottle and went sit next to Taehyung who was still asleep. Speaking to his son, Jungkook began to feed the hungry boy. Sitting there deep in thought as he watched his boy. Meanwhile, Namjoon sat there looking at his father's dead body. After Jungkook and Yoongi left, Namjoon let out the most heartbreaking cry as he hugged the man. The little hope he had within him died as he held the corpse. Even though his dad was dead long ago... it still hurt. Worse this time since it was really real... or so Namjoon thought so anyway. Thirty minutes later as Namjoon laid there remembering everything and anything about his family life, he felt a little movement.

Thinking he was going insane, Namjoon removed himself but the moment he did, he saw that his fathers skin tone changed. It wasn't totally normal and a tint of grey was still evident but it wasn't like he was dead. "... Dad?" Namjoon said quietly at first, feeding into his delusions as he thought they were- until one of his fathers fingers moved and before Namjoon could really process what happened, his father gasped loudly like he was choking on his own air. "Dad?!! Dad!" Namjoon crawled to his fathers side. "Jungkook! Jin! Guys!!!" Namjoon screamed.

Hearing Namjoon scream, the boys got up but the first one to start running was Seokjin. "Joon!? Joon where ar- holy fuck!" Seokjin ran into the room but was pushing himself up against the door after seeing Namjoon's father sitting up. "No fucking way! No fuckin- no!" Seokjin said with widened eyes. Namjoon in a fit of smiles as he held his dazed out father against the wall. "Help me!" Namjoon grunted as Seokjin quickly went over to help while the other boys came into the room. "What?!" Yoongi yelled while running in but stopped when he saw Namjoon's father. "... But... but I thought the liquid- wait-" Yoongi said but became speechless.

Looking at Namjoon's father, Jungkook felt a sense of relief, confusion, joy and even sadness hit him all at once. "It worked!" Namjoon looked back at his friends. "The liquid worked! We have a fucking cure guys! A cure!" Namjoon stood up as Yoongi started to laugh out of disbelief before he showed his gummy smile. "Jimin- I- I need to tell Jimin. We have- holy fuck! Jimin!" Yoongi hurried out of the room as happy as he could be. "Joonie?" The older man spoke out breathlessly. "Yeah dad? It's me.. I'm right here." Namjoon got back down and held his fathers really warm hand. "Thank you." Is all he said before falling into a deep sleep.

At first it scared Namjoon, thinking his dad died on him again until Namjoon checked his pulse and found that his father just fell asleep. His dad was out of it but still noticed Namjoon so that was something right? If anything it was everything. "We should get him into the isolation room, just for now. See how this plays out before we give the liquid to Jimin." Jungkook looked at Namjoon who gulped but agreed with Jungkook. Even though his dad was here and breathing, something about it still didn't feel real? Or right, like they were missing one more thing. Jungkook at least felt like they were missing something to this puzzle.

"We did it. You guys did it Jungkook." Seokjin looked at Jungkook who looked down at his son who was fast asleep, cuddled cutely into Jungkook who smiled. "You did it." Jungkook whispered to his son. Gently brushing his sons cheek with his index finger.

As the night passed, morning came and the boys did manage to get some rest. Every now and then at least since everyone was still on the edge with everything that was going on. Namjoon's father was still asleep and so was Taehyung who was healing well actually. Waking up every now and then whenever he heard his baby cry. As for Jimin, he had a good night's rest which honestly? He really fucking needed that. The infection was still growing but at a slower pace, this time around and Jimin didn't even feel the changes like last time. Then again the flashes and all took a while for Jimin. Yoongi sleeping peacefully next to Jimin as well.

It was a quiet morning too- until the baby started to fuss which eventually woke everyone up. "I'm sorry guys- he suddenly just started fussing and I changed him, fed, burped him too-" Jungkook lightly rocked his son in his arms. Trying to hush the crying boy. "... Has anyone checked Namjoon's dad?" Yoongi suddenly brought up while Jimin walked over to Jungkook and tried to help the boy. "I checked on him an hour ago. Was still asleep." Namjoon sat up slowly while rubbing his eyes. "Well, it's a new hour so I'll just go check," Yoongi grunted.

Getting up, Yoongi dragged his feet towards the isolation room and without really noticing, the cries coming from Jungkook's boy started to soothe as Yoongi opened the door to see the male sitting against a wall, shivering uncontrollably but also sweating profusely. "Guys!" Yoongi ran into the room as he then grabbed a blanket from when he and Jimin were in there. "Dad? What's going on?!" Namjoon fell to his knees, checking his father who was shaking, trying to get words out. "Vir-Virus is-isn't dea-ad." The male was unsteady with his words as he then looked at Jungkook who had just walked into the room. "What do you mean?" Namjoon questioned.

"Virus isn't dead?... like the cure isn't actually working?" Yoongi guessed but the older male shook his head. "... Ju-... Jungk-kook's th-the vir-virus." he breathed out almost like it was a struggle to even breathe. "Mmm-my body is fig-fighting th-the cure be-because th-the vir--... rus is sti-still ali...ve..." The male choked out once more before he shut his eyes, feeling a burning rush go through his body. The cure was working, whatever the cure was- it was fighting back but because the main source was still alive, the virus fought back too. "... There's what we were missing." Jungkook gulped, nodding to his own words.

It wasn't a shocker to Jungkook at this point. He had the feeling that he needed to go. Not only for his son but for everyone at this point. Though... Jungkook really hoped his gut feeling was wrong. Thinking this cure was all they needed... but it wasn't. "No." Taehyung breathed out shakily, holding onto the door of the isolation room. "Taehyung!" Seokjin rushed over to Taehyung who grunted from the pain. "You can't die." Taehyung spoke out even though Seokjin grabbed Taehyung, trying to help him back to his bed but Taehyung only pushed Seokjin aside. "We can find a different way. A way where I don't lose you! Cause there has to be another way!" Taehyung said loudly, his eyes filling with tears.

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