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Rubbing Jungkook's hand, Taehyung looked at the boy for the longest time before he decided it was time to let go and go be with his friends. They still had a lot to do... he doesn't know what exactly but if the dead were finally... dead? Then they had some shit to do. Although Taehyung wanted nothing more than to just sit there, he also needed to be there for his son that was none stop fussing. Must miss Jungkook already huh? "... One more time yeah? Before we have to go." Taehyung sniffled while bringing Siwoo closer to Jungkook. Letting the little boy lay next to his father but eventually, Taehyung was laying the boy on Jungkook's chest.

The whining stopped as Siwoo cooed instead, almost wanting to snuggle into Jungkook but Taehyung made sure to keep a good grip. Wanting to laugh at his son who was so attached to Jungkook... but it also made that laugh turn into a cry. God why the fuck did this have to happen? Why Jungkook? Taehyung wanted to stop crying, but he couldn't. Wanting to breakdown once again as he looked down just for a moment, trying to recollect himself. Hearing Siwoo grunt, Taehyung was ready to lift the small boy- until he noticed the difference in Jungkook. Thinking it was just his body adjusted to... being dead? Something along that.

And maybe it was because Taehyung swore to god he saw Jungkook's chest move. Like he was breathing again but the longer Taehyung stared, the more delusional he felt. "Alright, okay." Taehyung lifted the boy but the moment Taehyung got Siwoo in his arms, the boy started to cry loudly. "Shhh, it's okay, we're going to be okay baby." Taehyung kissed Siwoo's head but the sudden urge to put Siwoo back on Jungkook's chest was there and... so he did. Without really thinking about it Taehyung let the baby boy lay on Jungkook's chest. Chest to chest as the baby boy calmed down once again.

How the fuck was Taehyung supposed to do this alone when his baby boy was already so attached to Jungkook who was gone? How the hell! was Taehyung supposed to do this without Jungkook? "Fuck... okay, alright." Taehyung took a deep breath in before he looked up and was ready to finally pull his little boy away but as he did, he saw Jungkook's eyes slowly open. First reaction? Taehyung screamed. Like- bloody fucking murder screamed which spooked Siwoo who cried instantly- also could be because Taehyung took Siwoo away from Jungkook but the scream was also the main reason why.

"... Jungkook!?!" Taehyung stepped away, concerned if he was just hallucinating or- or something! As for Jungkook, he was dead.... keyword, was. The moment Jungkook lost himself to the virus was the moment he was trapped within himself but that ended soon after as Jungkook fell asleep. At least that's how it felt before he felt unimaginable pain throughout his whole body but he wasn't able to react. Instead, he was just there? taking all the pain as he slept and then there was pure blackness. The cure ran through his veins and got rid of the virus that was fighting back. Eventually, the cure won but being without the virus was too much.

And that's all Jungkook felt... until eventually, his heart started beating again and the cure that was still rushing through his body shot right to his brain causing him to open his eyes. It was like a warmth that wrapped around him as his body came back to its natural state- but the warmth was soon lost as Jungkook then heard a faint scream which caused him to feel pain in his ear. Thinking it was the ringing that was coming back but this time Jungkook didn't feel any pain... just a tad but not like before. It was weird though- and Jungkook felt like he was living a dream as he opened his eyes. Until eventually Jungkook started to cough uncontrollably.

"... Guys!" Taehyung yelled. "Guys!!" Taehyung yelled once more as he approached Jungkook who rolled over and was coughing out chunks of blood mixed with another type of liquid. Almost choking on his coughs as Taehyung got to rubbing Jungkook's back. Not sure what the fuck to do- or believe but Jungkook was there, alive. Jungkook was alive and breathing and- Taehyung couldn't fucking believe it. "Wha- Holy fucking shit- no fucking way!" Yoongi stopped at the door but was pushed aside by Jimin who came running in with Namjoon. Stunned by what he was seeing. "...Dad?!!?" Namjoon looked at his father who came in soon after.

After his coughing fit, Jungkook looked up with blood on his lips before he slowly started to lose consciousness as he fell back onto the floor but his pulse was still there. Instantly Joon's father got to his knees and started to check on Jungkook. "He got bit on his upper arm-" Taehyung mentioned as Joon's father lifted the sleeve to find the bite a scar now. "... The cures working." The male said in disbelief before he got up and hurried to the drawers where he kept his book from before research. "What's that? What does this mean?!" Taehyung asked, holding Jungkook's head so he wouldn't choke on his puke if he were to puke-

"At least I think it is. The bite on his arm is a scar now but he just coughed up blood right? So the virus is still fighting. Jungkook is fighting." The male looked at his notes before he started to write down what they did to Jungkook. This would help them later on and leaving out any detail was crucial. "What were you doing before Jungkook woke up?" The older male asked as Taehyung thought back but stuttered out his words. "I- I was- I had Si-Siwoo on Jungkook's chest. You know- to say g-goodbye and suddenly Jungkook's eyes opened after I ha-had Siwoo on him for a minute or so." Taehyung explained with sniffles, looking at Jungkook.

"... Almost like when Jungkook was about to turn and then he carried Siwoo." Yoongi said slowly, looking at Siwoo who was whining in Taehyung's hold. "... Put Siwoo on Jungkook's chest." Yoongi approached Taehyung and sat next to the boy who looked confused. "Siwoo has been protecting Jungkook this whole time." Yoongi looked at Taehyung with an 'awe' look. "Even when pregnant." Jimin suddenly brought up as he remembered the times Taehyung would tell him these things. "The only time Siwoo was active in the womb was when Jungkook was around right? Whenever Siwoo heard his voice or felt his hand on your tummy, he would be active."

"Anytime Jungkook was in trouble, Siwoo would stop the dead but that also meant hurting Jungkook to an extent- when he would scream, Siwoo would stop." Yoongi started adding the puzzle pieces together and it started to make sense. As impossible as it sounded, it made so much fucking sense. "But how?!" Seokjin questioned and no one had the answer for that. Just somehow, someway Siwoo was protecting his father. "... The cure is causing Jungkook to overdose. It's too much for his body considering the virus is literally a part of Jungkook but with your baby, with Siwoo- he's taking away that. He's saving Jungkook. Somehow, someway."

Listening to Namjoon's father, Taehyung put the small boy back on Jungkook's chest. Heard the small baby talk come from the boy who calmed on Jungkook's chest while Taehyung lightly patted Siwoo's back. Soothing his boy that had his eyes closed and a small fist wrapped around Jungkook's shirt and just like that, within minutes, Jungkook was looking healthy as ever with a strong pulse. It amazed everyone but the most amazing part was when Jungkook woke up. "Jun-Jungkook?!" Taehyung desperately cupped Jungkook's warm cheeks as the tears started to fall.

All for Jungkook to raise his hand to properly hold his boy and to smile at the boy cupping his cheeks. Nothing was said as Jungkook started to cry in Taehyung's hold. He was alive, Jungkook was alive. Not sure why or how- but Jungkook was alive and with his family. All that he ever wanted and he was there. Bringing Taehyung in, Jungkook held Taehyung tightly but was careful since he did have Siwoo in his hold too. The two boys cried to each other while holding each other tight. All while the other boys watched in tears but happiness was there. Relief and a whole fuck ton of happiness.

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