two. chasing cars

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        THE drive was surprisingly short, only about half an hour until they'd made it to their destination. Kara's gaze was filled with anxiety as the community came into view. A whirlwind of doubt and worry overwhelmed her thoughts, swirling anxiously in her mind.

A prison.

That was where their community was residing. The revelation casted shadows of skepticism over Kara. Though the two men hadn't adorned prison uniforms, it didn't dispel the unsettling idea that they could possibly be ex-inmates or perhaps former prison guards plaguing her mind.

However, they were in desperate need of help and her companions were adamant on their belief in their supposed community. So, if they have to fuck around and find out then so be it. It's do or die.

The thought that a prison could serve as a safe haven in this nightmarish world might have seemed dubious at first, but give it much thought and it proved to be a surprisingly practical choice.

The prison's structure was originally designed to keep people in, which inadvertently made it a secure location in an apocalypse as it keeps the dead (and living) out. Thus, making it a sanctuary for those trying to live and survive.

Fences and concrete walls offered a strong sense of security, a sort of safety that was desperately needed in these trying times.

Something they needed.

The ride was anything but quiet; conversations flowed back and forth within the car. Aless and Lia poked and prodded Rick about the community, digging for more information, all while becoming well acquainted with the man. At times the girls would look over at Kara to share their looks of satisfaction with the information given.

Kara on the other hand remained a silent bystander amongst the three. The teen hadn't spoken since she'd reluctantly accepted the man's offer.

"How many walkers have you killed?"

"Too many to count."

"How many people have you killed?"

The atmosphere shifted dramatically with the follow-up question, the trio pausing in collective contemplation. It was a valid question, they wanted to know the type of people they would be recruiting. Lying could jeopardize their promise of refuge while truthfulness posed its own risks.

Kara exhaled with the weight of defeat, letting her shoulders sag. Of course the offer would be too good to be true.

"The numbers aren't worth keeping track of anymore."

The girls winced, bracing for the inevitable rejection. It was vague but also an answer that laid them bare to the man.


"For survival."

For the first time in a long time, Kara had felt a semblance of hope for this community. Dangerously believing that this place could give them a chance to carve out a life in this chaotic world. That this could be their new safe haven. Their new home.

As the car came to a stop at the gate, the girls took this time to carefully observe their surroundings. Formulating plans of escape and taking note of the structure just in case.

The entrance had raised some concerns; it was evident that a section of the fence had collapsed, resulting in the construction of an improvised gate. While it might have signaled vulnerability, it also provided them some insight on their community. They were resourceful, building a gate and added protection showed their ability to adapt and fortify. They had a working system.

The gates swung open slowly, and Kara drew in a breath as the car began to move. Her eyes fixated on the boy responsible for opening the gate for them and she could see the confusion on his face as they made eye contact.

A fleeting exchange of glances unfolded. Blue meeting brown in a transient connection, their gazes locked on one another, severed only by the onward motion of the car. Clearing her mind Kara refocused on the sanctuary ahead.

The gate could only be opened from the inside, noted.

There were some people to the side of the entrance, they had various different weapons but their focus was on the fence. Kara watches as they poke and stab at the Rotties gathering up at the fence, lessening the build up.

They're smart, noted.

The car made it through another set of fences before coming to a full stop. Daryl on his motorcycle followed just behind and the engines of both vehicles cut simultaneously. Rick was the first to leave the car, beckoning the girls to follow. The girls share one last glance before making a silent decision to exit after him.

A peculiar sensation enveloped the trio as they stepped onto the prison grounds. Despite being a literal prison, it felt freeing. There was so much space outside and it looked well kept. There was food grilling in the distance, the smell wafting through the air.

The sound of children's laughter startled the girls. Out on the field, children ran about with smiles on their faces. That seemed to ease their worries.

Their surprise only grew more as Rick pointed out the rest of the field to them. He explained how they were going to attempt to grow crops and plan to raise livestock.

They had access to clean water, drawn from a hand pump that came from a pond and small creek just outside the fences. And according to Rick, they just managed to fix things up to provide working showers.

If he was trying to sell the idea of their community then it was definitely working. The more he spoke the more convinced the girls had been.

The promise of self-sustenance, an oasis in the desolation, gripped Kara's apprehensive heart. Although, it still seemed too good to be true.

"I understand you still got doubts and some questions. But how about we go find your families first."

Rick guided them into the structure, the girls trailing just behind. Lia kept a supportive arm around Kara, assisting her with every step. Kara could feel the anxiety coursing through her friend.

There was a lingering doubt, a slim possibility that it might not be them. And Kara isn't sure how the girls would be able to handle it if that were the case.

They made it to the cell blocks where the living quarters were. A few people had greeted them as they walked by. The further they walked the more anxious they became until finally, they made it to Cell Block C.

At first, no one had caught their eye. The little flame of hope flickered.

Aless's breath caught in her throat as a familiar brown-haired woman emerged from a cell, accompanied by an elderly woman. It appeared they were preparing to head somewhere, but when they turned and locked eyes with the newcomers, time seemed to freeze.

Silence hung in the air until Lia broke it first.


Lia's voice quivered as she stumbled toward the elderly woman cupping her mouth in disbelief, equally overcome with emotion.

"Minha querida, é você mesmo?" ("My dear, is it really you?") the elderly woman cried out, tears in her eyes.

Lia nodded, nestling herself further into her grandmother's arms. The weight of her emotions overwhelmed her, and she let herself crumble in her grandmother's embrace.

The other woman, Aless's mother, held a hand to her mouth and wept, mirroring Aless's own expression. Aless's lips trembled as she stepped forward unsteadily.


"¡Dios mío, mi dulce niña!" ("Oh my God, my sweet little girl!")

Overwhelmed with emotions, Aless's mother rushed toward her daughter with a joyful cry. The two embraced tightly, sinking to the floor as tears of happiness flowed freely.

"¡Oh, mi cielo, mi tesoro!" ("Oh, my heaven, my treasure!")

The room was filled with an overwhelming sense of relief.

Kara watched the emotional reunion unfold, her throat tightening. Her eyes flitted around, searching for the faces she longed to see, but no one else emerged to reveal their presence.

A heavy feeling settled in her chest, and her shoulders slumped as if weighed down by her heavy heart. She offered a somber yet bittersweet smile to her friends, masking the disappointment she felt as her silent quest for familiar faces proved to be fruitless.

Her eyes, which had held hope a moment ago, now subtly betrayed a hint of melancholy and yearning. Kara turned toward Rick, arms crossed, concealing her emotions.

"I'd let them have their moment if I were you. Let's continue the tour; we have some things to discuss."

Rick took a moment to respond, and Kara willed him to move forward with her eyes. Thankfully, he did.

"Alright, sure."

Rick led Kara away from the emotional reunion, giving the families their space. As they continued their tour through the prison, Rick shared more about the community's efforts to fortify and expand their safe haven.

The community was in its early stages, they were still learning their way around. Learning how to collaborate effectively and allocate the necessary responsibilities within the community itself.

Kara listened attentively as Rick explained in detail the plans they had laid out for the prison. The fields, which were going to be tended by an experienced farmer named Hershel, held the promise of supplying fresh produce.

They were setting up workshops to allow them to maintain and repair their weapons and equipment. New barricades were set up to keep the Rotties at bay, and the prison's central yard was now a communal area where people gathered to share meals, stories, and laughter.

The prison was on its way to transforming into a genuine, true community, a place where people worked together to ensure their survival. They had designated the cell blocks as living quarters, refurbished the infirmary, and even tidied up the small library where the children were read to by a woman named Carol. Kara couldn't help but marvel at the resilience and adaptability of the group.

Despite the initial disappointment of not finding her family among those residing here, Kara couldn't deny the small glimmer of hope as she witnessed the community's determination. It was evident that they were achieving the goal in turning this grim place into a symbol of survival and hope.

As they continued their tour of the prison grounds, Kara's ankle throbbed with discomfort. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead, with the heat radiating from her ankle making her draw sharp, painful breaths that came out as silent hisses passed her teeth. Rick noticed and brought up their last stop, the infirmary.

"We've got a doctor here, Caleb," Rick informed her. "We call him Dr. S. He's skilled and can take a look at that ankle of yours. Shouldn't have made you walk this long."

Kara waved off his concerns, attempting to mask the increasing throbbing ache in her ankle.

"Don't worry about it," she replied. "I asked for a tour. But as I mentioned earlier, there are some things that we need to discuss. And it's not about the prison."

Rick nodded in understanding, gesturing for her to continue. He then supported her, wrapping her arm around his shoulders to ease the pressure on her ankle as they made their way to the infirmary. The action caught her off guard but welcomed it nonetheless.

"I know you heard our conversation back there," Kara began.

Rick nodded in acknowledgement with a trace of embarrassment and a hint of guilt having eavesdropped on their conversation, or rather dispute. He attentively waited for her to continue.

"So you also know that the reason why I've been on the road all this time, was in search of my family."

Her tone revealed the gravity of the topic. Rick nodded in understanding. Kara could see the recognition in his eyes, the understanding of her unspoken goal. He stayed silent, allowing Kara to articulate her thoughts and express herself fully without interruption.

"Lia and Aless are safe," Kara paused for a moment before adding, "they found their families here. This community seems safe enough, so I'm entrusting their care and safety to you. But as for me, I still have a goal, and it's not here."

Rick had anticipated this, he heard their argument. He heard the things she said and understood her. He more than anyone understands the drive in her. And now that it was out in the open, he saw an opportunity to share his own thoughts and offer an alternative path.

"You don't gotta go through this alone," he said. "You could stay with us."

Kara shook her head, her decision having been made since the moment Lia and Aless had advocated for this community. She had witnessed the emotional reunion the girls had with their families, finding solace and comfort within the prison's walls.

She had seen firsthand how much they'd endured for her, the exhaustion of living in a world where trust was scarce, resources were limited, and danger was ever-present.

All she cared deeply about was their safety, and knowing they had found it here brought her comfort. However, she couldn't experience the same peace without the knowledge of her own family's fate.

"No," she replied, determination in her voice. "My family is somewhere out there; I know they are. I just have to find them. I'll stay for a few days or so, until my ankles healed."

Her ankle throbbed with more intensity as she said it, but she concealed her wince. In truth, she knew her ankle would require much more than just a few days for a full recovery.

Kara had already devised various plans and strategies for her journey back out there, alone, where the dangers of the world awaited her.

Rick, on the other hand, saw a glimpse of his former self in her unwavering determination. He shared a personal anecdote, offering a glimpse into his journey at the beginning.

"You know, I was in the same boat," he confessed.

Kara raised a curious brow, her interest piqued.

"I got injured," Rick continued, "ended up in a coma when this all started. Woke up alone two months later."

Kara's eyes widened in surprise as she grasped the magnitude of what Rick had experienced. Kara was there for it all, since the very beginning. She had witnessed the hysteria, the chaos. Separated from her family in a city far from home, but at least she had people.

"I did everything I could to track down my family."

Kara bit her lip, suspecting that Rick might be using his story to illustrate the unlikelihood of reuniting with her family, as Lia had argued earlier.

"Did you find them?" she asked, her curiosity got the better of her.

To her surprise, Rick responded with a genuine smile, "Not without some help."

Kara got a better sense of where he was heading with his story and began to comprehend his intentions.

"Look, all I'm saying is, you don't gotta shoulder this alone. We've got people, supplies—we could lend a hand."

Kara shook her head, struggling with the idea of receiving help. She wasn't accustomed to relying on others, her self-sufficiency had served her well in the past. Sure she had Aless and Lia, but even with them she acted on her own.

She'd grown used to the world where people expected something in return, a trade. Nothing ever came for free or of the goodness of people's hearts. Trust was scarce, and she wasn't exactly a team player.

"You don't have to," she replied, her independent nature shining through. "I think you've done more for me than I've done for you."

Rick wasn't ready for the conversation to end there, instead found an opportunity and presented a compromise.

"How 'bout this," he proposed, "You stay, help us build this place up, and we'll do what we can to find your family."

Rick readjusted his hold on Kara, reinforcing his willingness to offer her a choice.

"You don't gotta stick around if you don't want to. I won't pressure you, but I bet your friends would sure be glad to have you here."

Kara turned the offer seriously in her mind, but her independence and the drive towards her goal still tugged at her, causing her to hesitate. Moreover, a lingering unease remained. Her unyielding desire to be proactive was unshakable, it's just in her nature. And she wasn't inclined to stand idle.

"I'm not one for mundane chores," she admitted. "If... If I stay, I want to be out in the field. Let me join the supply runs, allow me to go out on my own expeditions. Only then, maybe I'll stay."

Rick's amusement shone through, accompanied by a hint of a smirk at her assertiveness.

"Alright," he agreed, "but only after you heal,"

Kara nodded in response, and the thought of working alongside others began to take root in her mind.

"Let me be clear," she warned, "if things don't work out here, I'll leave, and nothing will stop me."

Rick acknowledged her terms with a nod, unhooking her arm from his shoulders and turning to face her with an extended hand.

"You've got yourself a deal."

With a handshake, their agreement was sealed, marking a new chapter in Kara's journey. Rick then gestured towards the nearby doorway.

Kara entered the infirmary, the space was quite small and if not a little bare. It was a stark contrast to the infirmaries and pharmacies she'd encountered in this post-apocalyptic world, however.

Dr. S, a middle-aged man with a gentle demeanor, was tidying up after presumably tending to another patient. He turned towards them, offering a warm smile as Rick introduced Kara.

"This is Dr. S. Dr. S meet Kara; she's new here," Rick said as Kara exchanged a polite nod with the doctor.

"He'll take a look at your ankle. I'll leave ya in his hands. See you 'round kid."

She gave a small wave in goodbye to Rick. Once he was gone, she followed Dr. S's instructions and gingerly seated herself on the examination bed, she rolled up her pant leg to reveal her injured ankle, which now appeared more swollen and bruised.

Caleb, or Dr. S, face contorted with shock and concern as he crouched beside her, gently examining her injured ankle. With a careful touch, he felt for any abnormalities, fingers tracing the contours of her swollen joint.

Kara winced as he touched a particularly tender spot. 'Sunovabitch' was muttered under her breath and Dr. S just chuckled softly, validating her reaction as he continued his examination.

"Can you tell me how this happened?" he asked.

Kara recounted the day's events, including the jump and the subsequent roll of her ankle. She even explained how she had been healing from a previous ankle injury identified as a grade one sprain by her friend who had medical knowledge and training.

"I'd like to meet this friend of yours; having an assistant around would be helpful," Dr. S smiled.

But his expression shifted with a sigh, "Unfortunately, it seems your injury has worsened."

Internally, Kara berated herself for her recklessness. All the progress she had made in healing her ankle seemed to have been tossed out the window (or more accurately, thrown off the roof).

"I'd say it's a grade two ankle sprain, worse case, it could be a grade three, but I sincerely doubt it." Dr. S reassured her.

"Luckily, despite your day's activities, it didn't turn out to be a fracture. With rest and proper care, you'll recover, but it will take some time."

Kara groaned, "How long are we talkin'?"

"About a month, perhaps a couple weeks longer just to be safe. So long as you keep off of it as much as possible, it shouldn't be any longer than that."

Kara glared at her ankle, exasperated. The thought of taking more time off and being rendered inactive frustrated her. The last few weeks had been insufferable, and the idea of enduring a few more weeks, a whole month, was disheartening. Her deal with Rick felt pointless at this point.

"I understand this isn't what you wanted, but your ankle needs time to heal," Dr. S explained.

"We'll wrap it up for now; unfortunately, we don't have a brace or spare crutches at the moment. Just take it easy and come by for check-ups."

As he began to wrap her ankle, Kara winced at the tightness of the bandage. She sighed in defeat and nodded in understanding. Dr. S finished securing the bandage and gently patted her shoulder in sympathy.

The kind man asked if there was anything else she wanted to go over with him but she'd waved his worries off with the shake of her head. She declined a full health check-up stating she didn't need it.

He suggested that she lie back on the bed and rest for a while until they could arrange for her to go over to her designated cell. Kara nodded tiredly and complied.

Dr. S tidied up the room and left to give Kara some privacy to rest. She appreciated his care but found herself unable to rest, staring up at the ceiling for who knows how long until she heard footsteps approaching.

She sat up and looked toward the doorway, expecting to see Dr. S once again only to be met with an old man with crutches. Their eyes locked, and both wore equally shocked expressions, with Kara's being slightly more awkward.

"My apologies, I was looking for Dr. S," the man said.

Kara blinked at the man before clearing her throat and responding, "He just left."

The man's mouth fell open as an 'ah' flowed out in understanding. Kara had expected the man to make his leave but instead engaged in conversation with her.

"I reckon you're one of the fresh faces 'round here, ain't ya?"

Kara's eyes widened in surprise, and she began to respond, but the man chuckled and raised a hand to stop her from speaking.

"I don't recognize ya," he said with a smile that eased her.

He then glanced down at her injury and gestured with one of his crutches, "What happened to you?"

Kara explained her ankle situation to the man, and he nodded in understanding. Her gaze caught onto the flapping pant leg.

"Sorry, where are my manners? The name's Hershel," he said, gesturing for Kara to proceed.

"I'm Kara. I've heard about you, through Rick. The farmer," Kara replied.

Her eyes briefly lowered to his hidden stump, curiosity evident in her expression.

"Rick saved my life ya know?" Hershel continued.

At this Kara's gaze shot upward towards the man-Hershel-intrigued by this newfound information. After the conversation she'd shared with the said man, she had gotten a better sense of him. He seemed like the kind of guy who wanted to help and save everyone he could.

"Got bit. He cut it off and saved my life," Hershel said, looking down at his missing limb with a smile, "Gave me more time with my girls."

"You have daughters?" Kara asked, finding herself growing comfortable in Hershel's presence. He nodded.

At some point, Hershel settled down on the bed with her, and the two continued talking about various topics. Hershel had two daughters, Beth and Maggie. She apparently was close in age with Beth. His previous job from before was a veterinarian.

His family used to live on a farm during most of the apocalypse before meeting Rick and his group. They had lost many friends but also gained many more. He mentioned their future plans for the community and the different crops they were growing.

"When you're all healed up, you could help with the farming," Hershel suggested.

Kara scrunched her nose, finding the idea somewhat absurd.

"I've never farmed in my whole life. Don't think I'm cut out for that kind of work."

Hershelf smiled, holding on to his words.

"Trust me, I have a feeling."

Kara shook her head with a small laugh. Talking to Hershel was pleasant; he reminded her of her dad and grandpa, which brought her comfort. When Dr. S. returned, he was surprised to find Hershel in the room.

"Well, I guess this is my cue to go. It was nice talking to ya," Kara said, sharing a grateful smile with Hershel before moving to stand.

She exchanged goodbyes with the older man and the doctor before leaving.


Later that night, Kara found herself in her cell, staring up at the bottom of the top bunk. Limping with her injury and searching for her designated cell had been a bit of a challenge, especially since Rick had forgotten to show her where she'd be staying. But, with the help of Daryl, whom she'd fortunately run into, she was able to get to it.

Daryl was an interesting character, and she discovered a sense of familiarity with him. Maybe it was the way he dresses, or maybe his rugged demeanor and attitude that drew her in. Or perhaps it was the feeling that they shared some common traits.

In the solitude of her own "room" in Cell Block D, Kara couldn't shake her restlessness. Her limbs ached from exhaustion, her eyes grew heavy, and she should have been tired enough to sleep for hours. Yet sleep remained elusive.

Instead, she lay there, gazing up at the top bunk with a futile hope that something, anything would let her weary self rest.

The cell blocks were quiet; everyone was out in the yard, sharing dinner and joyful conversions. Kara, however, had no inclination to socialize. So instead, she remained tucked away in her cell.

Kara had missed lunch entirely, having retreated to her cell after her visit to the infirmary. It wasn't until Lia and Aless stopped by with lunch that she had some company. But afterwards, Kara had insisted that they should go out and make new friends, acquaint themselves with the community. Eager to embrace the safety of their new home, the two didn't hesitate to follow her suggestion.

It seemed like the chain binding them to Kara's protective hold had finally broken, and they were now free to enjoy themselves without constant danger.

Spending hours alone in her cell left Kara alone with her thoughts. She knew the reasons why she couldn't fall asleep. The place was too unfamiliar, and the presence of other people around made her paranoid.

She was accustomed to it just being her, Lia, and Aless. Even then, she hadn't slept much, choosing to stay on guard. Now, she was alone.

Kara sighed in frustration and rolled to her side, facing the wall. Normally, she would have chosen the top bunk, it was safer. Just a little above ground, if anyone tried to get her (dead or alive) they would have to reach up to her. And Kara's a light sleeper, any slight movement would alert her. Just a kick to the face and a jump, she could easily get out. But with her injury, she had to take the bottom bunk.

She pondered her deal with Rick and what he expected of her. She wasn't sure what she could contribute to the construction of this community, especially with her injury. She couldn't farm, she wasn't a great cook, and all she had done in the wild was hunt and cook her game over a bonfire. Hunting and survival were her strengths.

According to Rick, the community already had many capable people and supply runners, so her addition wouldn't make much difference. Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice the movement just outside her cell until the 'clank' of metal hitting the floor startled her. She grabbed the knife beside her instinctively.

"Shit," a voice muttered from the other side of her cell.

Kara moved to the entrance, keeping quiet and limping to stay out of sight. She could see the silhouette of a boy crouched down from the sheet covering the entrance of her cell. Trying to peel through the sheet, she could see long brown hair and a flash of flannel.

"I-uh. Brought dinner. Hershel thought you might not come out so..." the boy spoke awkwardly.

Kara lowered the knife slowly but stayed leaning against the wall. When he heard no response, he continued while standing.

"I'll just... leave it here."

With that, the boy walked away. Kara waited for a moment, then lowered her knife, breathing a sigh of relief. She glanced down at the knife in her hand and frowned.

If she's going to stay here, she'd have to get comfortable around this place and other people. She couldn't just be pulling weapons out at every person who approaches her around here. Peeking through the sheet again, she found no one around.

She'll get comfortable soon, but not now.

Deeming it safe to grab her dinner, she moved the sheet aside and glanced around. Looking down, she found a tray of food and picked it up, bringing it back into her cell. She sat on her bed and stared down at the food.

The aroma made her stomach grumble. She hadn't had a proper dinner since the beginning of the apocalypse. She picked at her food, debating whether or not to eat it.

It could be poisoned, she thought.

The people she'd met so far had seemed nice, but she couldn't be sure if it was a facade. Her death wouldn't benefit them much though. Besides, Lia and Aless's families lived here. Her hunger couldn't be denied any longer.

Fuck it.

If I die, I die.

She dug into the tray of food and groaned in delight. Maybe it tasted so good because she hadn't had a proper meal in ages. Regardless, she cleared the tray quickly. She set the plate aside on the table beside her bed and leaned back against the wall, satisfied with the meal.

Maybe choosing to stay was a good idea after all.

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I did not mean for this chapter to be so long either.

If there's any mistakes in the language please let me know! I'll try to make it more accurate. The writing for Rick feels way off but I promise it'll be more accurate.

Anyways hope you enjoyed!

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Warning, may contain fic spoilers

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