The Prize

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The first time that he saw you was certainly one of the aspects in life he found most rewarding. Being Humidity's Strongest and all that shit that he was, it was a really big responsibility. And he had a guess that meeting you was a prize.

Levi let out an annoyed grunt once he felt the all-too-familiar anticipating gaze that belonged to none other than one of his shitty subordinates. He took a small sip from the tea he had a tight grip on his hand, holding it in his own unique way, before releasing yet another grunt.

"What the fuck do you want, Shitty glasses? Speak up. Staring at me will obviously not fix your fucking shit-ass problem." He queried, the 'occassional' curses he mixed with his sentences not showing even the slightest bit of sincerity. But instead, was laced with irritation.

Hanji smiled creepily, "Can you help me wi-"

"No," Levi answered briefly, and bluntly. Raising the metal cup he had grabbed hold of to his lips, and taking another inaudible gulp. He was far too accustomed to the Scientist's strange ways and acts of knowing the Titans' traits. Or Titan-shifters.

"No fair! I didn't even say anything yet!" Whined the brunette with an immature pout, her hands slammed on the wooden table as she stood with narrowed eyes.

"Meaning I already know what you're gonna say," Levi retorted, before casting the Squad Leader a deadpanned stare. He was kind of irritated with the woman's attitude most of the time. Wasn't even sure at all if she was given the title of being called a female yet. Seeing how obsessed Hanji was about the giant human-eating monsters that roamed outside of Wall Rose. "Besides, don't you have fucking paperwork to do?"

"Hehehe. My assistant is taking care of it for me." Hanji smiled proudly, her hands on her hips, before she faced the short man with a victorious expression on her visage.

"Tch. And you call yourself a Squad Leader."

"I am! It's not really a problem since it's about unimportant stuff." The brunette scientist shrugged, then effortlessly took a spoonful of the Chicken soup that was placed infront of her in a clean white bowl.

Levi ignored the statement. Deciding to question the last one that Hanji made, raising an eyebrow, "I thought your former assistant quite already?"

"Well, yeah." The Scientist smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head, before adding another sentence promptly; "But turns out my niece was free since she just recently given a month off due to a few circumstances in the Military Police." Hanji looked quite happy there.

The Corporal narrowed his eyes, looking up and facing the ceiling with a slightly dazed look in his grey eyes. "I see."

Taking in the new information, Levi began to grow intrigued. It was not everyday you'd learn that a Military Police Officer would volunteer in a life-risking situation or job such as being an assistant to the most titan-loving geek in the Scouting Legion. In fact, he hardly knew someone who dare put their life in danger in exchange for an experiment that would most likely end up in a failure.

Hanji seemed to understand the sudden interest Levi had with it. Suddenly, a light bulb flashed on top of her head. And just like that, a devilish smile formed on her face. "You know, I can introduce her to you, if you want?"

"I don't want to," Levi speedily retorted, before he stood up, and trudging himself out of the room. His eyebrow twitching when he heard the disappointed sigh that left Hanji's lips, annoying him futher. In the way of closing the door after him, he heard the irritating woman suggest loudly;

"But, hey, you can come anytime. Just tell me, alright?" Hanji smiled enthusiastically with the idea of the very own Humidity's Strongest himself helping her with her research. Her fantasy soon broke when she heard the loudest slam of the door that the shortie left behind him, as silence ensued within the room.

"Seriously. There is no fucking way that I would include myself in those weird shitty situations that woman calls 'experiments.' "Instead of running his fingers through his raven strands to show his frustration, he rubbed the bridge of his forehead with his index and thumb. Too frightened that he would mess it all up. Took him almost nine minutes to make it look that neat, and perfect. Wouldn't want it too look like a rat's nest now, would we?

Snapping out of his train of thoughts, Levi added, "Not even for some girl, who has the guts to risk her fucking life instead of sleeping in all day on the bed. Sheesh. I barely even know the shit-brained woma-" His sentence was cut short by a petite frame bumping into him. Rather harshly, in fact. Resulting into one of them to land on the floor, bottom-flat.

Levi was angry, of course. Who in the actual fuck would dare make him bump his head into the wall?
"That's gonna leave a bruise." He muttered, before he turned his attention to the clumsy little bitch who had the guts to-


"I'm so sorry!" The girl cried, bowing her head continously with a guilty look glimmering in her hazel orbs. "It was an accident, I swear-"

"Name cadet." Levi muttered, surprising even himself with the fast he could compose himself after that another impact.

The girl blinked once, twice, thrice. Then, raised a hesitant index finger, pointing it at himself with a confused raised eyebrow. "Um.." Turning to her left, and her right, she proceeded; "Are you, by any chance, talking to me?"

Levi could barely hold back an eyebrow twitch of annoyance. Exactly how shit-brained could one cadet get? "What? Does it look like I'm not? Of course I am, you piece of shit!"

By the beyond scary yell, the girl with hazel orbs immediately saluted; Brittany Zoe, Corporal!" Her eyes gleaming with fright, and a tinge of respect.

No wonder...

"Huh. So, you're Hanji's niece." Levi muttered under his breath, before letting a harsh reprimand left his lips; "Just look at where you're going next time, you hear me?"

It took Brittany less than two seconds to realize that she had just been shielded from probably two or more hours of cleaning punishment. And as if the Heavens finally answered her prayers, her lips had quirked up into a bright and lovely smile.

"Understood!" With that, Levi sauntered his way past her figure with an irritated expression on his visage.

All the while, trying to suppress the plausible feeling of interest and the exceedingly fast rate his usually calm heart just beating when he saw that smile.

And thats when he met his prize,

Brittany Zoe.

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