Chapter 1

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I've lived in a little town out in the middle of the country for fourteen years. My whole life. The town of Endergrove is small, kind, everyone knows each other. There is one elementary school, middle school, high school, preschool, and college. I attend Ender Middle. I am in the eighth grade. I am friends with everyone. Every body says that I am the prettiest girl in school, and I just say surely not, even though inside my heart is swelling. My little brother Michael attends Ender Elementary, and is in the third grade. Every day, I come home from school, do my homework, play with our Dalmatian Checker, check Michael's homework, help Mom with dinner, then set the table for when Dad comes home. Dad will come in, Checker will get all excited and try to jump into his arms, he will give Mom a kiss on the cheek, then give Michael and me a hug and ask us all how our days were. Then we'll eat dinner, do chores, go to bed, then start all over again. Except for the past few weeks, Dad hasn't even asked Mom how her day was, let alone give her a kiss. One night, I went down stairs to let Checker out and saw Dad sleeping on the couch, the door to the bedroom closed. The past few days have been better. Dad comes home earlier and helps Mom cook dinner so I don't have to. But anytime they are together, you can almost feel the tension in the air. I tore my thoughts back to the present when my best friend Kayla stood up to get her report card. Peter, a boy with messy blonde hair and a permanent look of mischief on his face that made the teachers cautious of him, leaned over and tapped my desk.

"Everyone knows what you got on your report card." He said. I made a face at him.

"Perfect score for Miss Lowe!" Said May, mimicking the high pitched voice of our Homeroom teacher, Mrs.Crockman. I couldn't help but laugh. Kayla came back with her report card in hand. Her face was pale.

"I got a C in science! Mum is gonna kill me!" She said in her British accent. She pointed at me. "How come you always get top of the class?" She asked.

"Must be her exquisite charm that never ceases to steal the hearts of every sixth grader she passes!" Kirk shouted from across the room.

"Inside voices, please, Mister Fernadez." Ms.Crockman said, as if we were in preschool.

"I haven't even gotten my report card yet! I could have failed or something!" I pointed out. Jack, who had been drinking out of his water bottle, spit water up ever where when he heard me.

"You? Fail? Are you kidding? You've never even gotten in trouble before!" He said, water dripping down his front. I laughed at him.

"Mister Rainer, how about you and Miss Lowe go and get the janitor to clean that up? Oh, and Miss Lowe?" Ms.Crockman said as we stood up. I looked at her. "Congratulations on getting your tenth perfect score on a report card." I blushed and thanked her as I hurried out the door. The good thing about Ender Middle and being pretty much the most popular kid there was that you can get away with things like being called out in class for your tenth perfect score, and everyone will still like you. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Kayla, May, Kirk, Peter, and a few other people mouth the words, told you so to me. I made a face at them before I rounded the corner. Jack and I walked for a little bit. The janitor's room was on the other side of the school, so we had a while to walk.

"I've been thinking, and I was wondering...well..." Jack began. I glanced at him before turning my head to smile at Dr.York as we passed. He waved at me with a smile.

"Afternoon, Megan! Perfect score I presume?" Dr.York asked. I nodded.

"Of course, Dr.York! I would never let you down!" I said. Dr.York laughed. Then we kept walking. "Sorry about that, Jack. What were you saying?" I asked him.

"Well, you and I have been friends for a long time, and, well, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be more?" He asked. I stopped walking and looked at him. I smiled.

"Jack Rainer, are you asking me out?" I asked him, putting my hand on my hip. I was smiling though. There was nothing wrong with Jack asking me out. He smiled too.

"Ya, I guess I am. Megan Lowe, will you go out with me?" He asked, puffing out his chest with mock dignity. I laughed and glanced left and right before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"That's a yes." I said. He laughed and we continued walking, my spirits lifting with every step.

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