Chapter 2

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When we got back to the classroom, I couldn't stop smiling. Jack would glance at me every now and then and we would try not to laugh. I don't know what it is, but no matter happens in middle school, people will still laugh about it.

"What you snickering about, Megan? Meet a clown on the way to the janitors office, did you? Janitor got a part time job as a comedian or something? Someone written profanities on the wall?" Peter joked. May spun around to face us faster than I had ever seen anyone move before.

"Who's talking about profanities?" She questioned. I laughed as Peter answered.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He retorted, pushing May off the desk she sat on. Ms.Crockman was out of the room, so naturally, everyone laughed as May caused the desk to flip over. A seconds hesitation to make sure she was alright, and May was laughing along with us.

"You know what I think?" Kayla said as she grabbed a chair and flipped it around so as to sit on it backwards. "I think something happened between you and Jack." She crossed her arms around the chair, pointing to Jack and I in turn with her pencil. Jack and I glanced at each other as there were "ooo"'s around the classroom.

"You're a great friend, you know that?" I told Kayla sarcastically, tipping her chair. She laughed as she caught her balance again.

"Well come on, then!" Kirk said, dramatically making his way across the room. "Don't leave us in the dark! Enlighten us!" He said, making a wide arc with his hands, gesturing to all of the class. Jack came over and crouched down next to me.

"Welcome to middle school." I joked. He laughed slightly.

"You wanna know what happened?" He asked the class. There were yeses all around the room as Jack's hand made it's way into my hand. We raised our clasped hands and there were cheers throughout the class.

"Well it's about time!" Mathew declared from the back of the room.

"Where you taking her, Jack?" Someone asked. The room got quiet. In Endergrove, when you asked someone on a date, you actually went on a date.

"Oh, nowhere really. Just this place called Le Rose?" Jack announced. There were gasps from the others as my heart soared in delight. Le Rose was a fancy italian restaurant in downtown Endergrove.

"Really?" I asked him. He nodded.

"You aren't doing anything tonight, are you?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Nope. I'm all yours!" I said. He smiled.

"Meet me there? There's no way my mom would want to choufer us." He asked. I laughed and nodded.

"Of course." I said. The bell rang and there was the familiar mad dash to the door, book bags bouncing off each other, kids stumbling and trying to maneuver their way through the crowds, the sixth graders doing everything in their power not to get trampled. As Jack and I walked down the hallway, hand in hand, people shouted greetings to me or to each other. We made our way out into the car line and yet again had to maneuver our way through people to get to the path. Once there, we could finally be alone. Well, kind of. There were still people around us, but we weren't fighting our way through the crowd.

"Hey, did your dad get that computer job? What was it? Html coding?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Yeah. He designs games and websites. I think he'll be happier here. He never really liked being an assistant principle." Jack said with a smirk. I laughed.

"Hey, remember that game he designed for us when we were kids? What were we, like four? Five?" I asked him. He hesitated for a second before nodding.

"Oh yeah! It was a maze wasn't it? A maze race! And the first person to reach the end got to chase the other person back through the maze?" He asked. I nodded, laughing.

"Yeah! That's what it was! Haha! Why were we so weird?" I laughed. He started laughing too.

"Well, you were weird, I don't know about me..." He joked. I shoved him playfully and he stumbled, laughing. Jack straightened himself and we kept walking.

"We aren't actually going to Le Rose, are we?" I asked him. Like I said before, Le Rose was an (in italics) extremely (end italics) fancy restaurant. And I didn't think that "fancy" was me and Jack's style.

"Kinda. So you know how my uncle is the co-chef there?" Jack asked. I nodded. Jack's uncle was pretty cool. He's a really good cook. He would always cook Jack and my birthday cake. Our birthday's are only a day apart, so we always celebrate it together. "Well, he promised me a table for two on the roof. So it'll be you, me, the sunset, Italian food, and sweatshirts 'n boots." He said. I laughed, holding his hand.

"Oh, how romantic!" I joked. We both laughed. "That's awesome! In my opinion, it's better than eating in the actual restaurant." I said. Jack nodded, looking at me with his grey-blue eyes. There were even a few flecks of green.

"Yeah, I figured you would say that." He said with a smirk. I smiled back at him.

"So long as you tell everyone else in the school you were in the actual restaurant." Said a voice with a British accent. I looked up to see Kayla hanging out of a tree. She jumped down and put herself in between me and Jack. She threw her arms around our shoulders. "But then again," she continued, "you aren't one to keep secrets. You're too responsible." She teased. I let out a little laugh.

"Speaking of secrets, Kayla," Jack began, "what about you and Peter? He asked you out yet?" I stifled laughter as Kayla's face flushed red and she took her arms off of our shoulders. "Is that a no?" Jack teased. I couldn't do it anymore. I began laughing. Kayla slapped my shoulder but I kept laughing.

"As a matter of fact, he has asked me out. And I said yes." She said.

"Oh?" I laughed. Kayla nodded curtly. "Okay then, spill! Where to? I asked.

"His mom's cooking." She muttered. "We're going on a picnic." I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh. I wasn't trying to be mean! I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Kayla was tough though, so she could handle a little laughter in her direction. "Ah, shut up. He's still romantic enough for me. Whatever. You two love birds have fun, okay? I'm gonna hear all about it tomorrow! No matter what!" She laughed. Then she ran up the sidewalk to her house. Jack and I passed two more houses before we reached mine. We stopped in the driveway.

"I'll meet you there at six thirty?" He asked. I nodded.

"Six thirty sounds good." I smiled. He landed a kiss on my check before I practically skipped up the drive way into my house. Once at the door, I waved at him. He smiled and waved back then began walking to his house. I opened the door and ran in, Checker barking happily.

"Mom!" I shouted as I ran in the door. "Guess what happened at school today!"

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