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"Thanks for the ride," Taeyong said.

Doyoung nodded, "I'll see you later."

It was a great dayoff yesterday to say the least. The boy was able to enjoy it even though he's just in his apartment. He did spend a sometime outside just to breathe some fresh air--honestly, he went to a pound and pet shelter he took interest in a few days now. He wanted to get a puppy, or a kitten, or fishes...any pet, honestly. He's been wanting to have one but he's still hesitating just because he can't take care of them that well since he has work all day until every Saturday.

Taeyong stepped out of the car and went into the building. He was happy that he's early today, if not, he'll be full of nags from his boss. And speaking of his boss, Jaehyun was on the ground floor, where he currently is. He was speaking with businessmen that would probably be their next investors, or them being their investors.

It was his first time seeing him smile, even if it's just a small one. His dimples were showing, just like the usual. He was more attractive when smiling than keeping a straight face. Suddenly, he didn't look like the scary boss he met. Everything felt it was the same, he was still the same. His eyes stared at his lips, feeling his heart beat for it.

It was all too familiar to him.

"Good morning, Mr. Lee. I hope you had a good Sunday," the receptionist greeted, catching the supervisor's attention.

"Oh, good morning to you too. I did, thank you," Taeyong said as he wrote his attendance for the day, "Have a nice day."

"Same goes to you, Mr. Lee."

The boy walked towards the elevator, didn't spare another glance at the man. He pushed the button and waited for the doors to open. He tapped his finger against the leather skin of his bag as he watches the number go down that indicates the elevator's level. Then he heard a pair of footsteps coming closer behind him. Taeyong looked at the elevator closed doors and felt his heart jumped.

Jaehyun stood behind him with his attention on his phone, knowing that it was Taeyong that was infront of him. He looked up to see if the elevator opened and saw that the boy has his eyes on him. Before things don't get too awkward, Taeyong looked away.

"Good morning, Mr. Jung," Taeyong greeted softly, but enough for the CEO to hear.

Jaehyun nodded, "Good morning," he greeted back then puts his phone back into his pocket which caught Taeyong by surprise. He didn't expect him to greet back.

The elevator doors suddenly opened. Both of them entered and Taeyong voluntarily entered his and Jaehyun's floor. The man stood quietly beside him. The boy stood at a comfortable amount of space between them. And by comfortable space, 12 inches away.

"How was your day yesterday?"

Taeyong almost jolted at the sudden question. Also, this is the first time he's talking to him like this. Things are shifting so sudden that the boy was doubting everything.

The boy slowly nodded, "It was good. Thank you for asking...D-Did you enjoy yours?"

The man hummed, "Nothing special."

Taeyong smiled briefly, "Maybe next time, it'll be better."

Jaehyun looked back at the boy, seeing Taeyong smiling at him. Although, he didn't dare to stare too much.

"Since you're in a good mood, I hope you'll do good today."

The boy smiled wider, "I will try my best, Mr. Jung."

The doors opened and Taeyong walked out of the lift with Jaehyun staying inside. Then the supervisor bowed before the doors closed. Even though he didn't smile back, the boy would consider that as a warm step. He suddenly thanked the resignation letter he did last week.

Inside his office, Taeyong was having a meeting with one of his co-workers who attended a business trip last week. He was just asking his supervisor's opinion about the draft he made for the documentation. They were much having a private conversation just so they could make sure they're doing things right this time.

Although, they were interrupted by someone knocking against his office door.

"Come in," Taeyong uttered then saw Jungwoo peeking in with an apologetic expression that made the supervisor nervous.

"Mr. Jung is here, he's not in the right mood again," the co-worker worryingly uttered.

The supervisor immediately stood from his chair, temporarily dismissing the meeting he was having, then comes out of his office to see Jaehyun by the door of the department. The room was quiet, dead quiet, other than the CEO irritated infront of everyone.

"Who did these?" the man asked and threw a bunch of papers on the floor, pointing at them, "I need an answer now! Who did those crap?! Where's the sense in those?! There are no documentations, stats, the things we need to show the results. No one can write a report in here?!"

Taeyong took a deep breath before he walked towards Jaehyun, who already has his eyes on the boy.

"Mr. Jung--"

"Those reports. Who did them?" the man suddenly asked in a softer, but stern, manner when talking to the boy.

The boy looked around before his eyes went back to his boss, "I-I'm sorry about them. I--"

"I'm not letting you apologize because of your subordinates' mistake," Jaehyun said.

Taeyong was taken aback, furrowing his eyebrows, "I'll have to own their mistakes, Mr. Jung. I am the supervisor and manager of this department. So I apologize for our mistake. I'll have them redone."

The man took a second, staring at the boy, before he looked at the others, "I want them finished today. Am I understood?"

"I will have them delivered right away, Mr. Jung."

"Very well. Dispose these papers, I don't want these in my company."

Then Jaehyun walks out of their department. Taeyong had the time to have a short talk and meeting with his team, telling them the details that are needed for the reports. In the back of mind, he blamed himself for not reading them thoroughly enough. He's the last to review the documents and he couldn't even do his work that well. It frustrates him and then, he asked himself--why is he considered as an asset to this company?

Coming from Jaehyun, as well. The man who he had some complications with in the first few weeks.

"I'm very sorry about that, Mr. Lee! I'll do my job better!" one co-worker came and told Taeyong.

"Don't worry, it's alright. Please deliver the new document as soon as possible," the supervisor said.

"I-I'm so sorry about this, Mr. Lee, but can I ask if I can pass it on tomorrow early morning before the meeting? I have to collect some documents and proposals, as well as the notes."

Taeyong furrowed his eyebrows, "Can't it not be finished? I'll stay here until you're done even if it means we'll have to overtime"

"I'm unable to assure you, Mr. Lee, but I'll try my best."

The boy hummed then sighed, "Fine. I'll ask the CEO for an extension until tomorrow morning, but you must still do it today. We need to rush. We can't always ask for extensions, guys."

"I will, Mr. Lee. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Taeyong excused himself and went out. He'll just have to do it right now so they can have a plan if they won't be allowed. Well, he's skeptical to say the least. He expects a rejection for this favor but it's good to give it a try.

But surprisingly, Jaehyun didn't shout at him this time.

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