Chapter II ~Attack~

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3rd Person PoV

Lily and James Potter were ecstatic. Their little Harry was so smart; he has already said his first word. Although they don't know who "Dwaoo" is, they are happy that he is talking.
"Sweetheart come on, here comes the Hogwarts express choo chooo," Lily sighed as Harry (Septimus) refused to eat his avocado mush. "James he won't eat his avocados but he ate all of this blueberry purée should he be done or do you want to try and feed him this?"
James laughed at Lily's scowl and avocado covered self as he waved her on to the bathroom to clean up as he tried to feed 'Harry'.


Severus's PoV

Draconis had started talking and his first word was "Eppteemus" and this made my love cry his eyes out and honestly it made me as well. I have often been crying lately; I just want my baby back.


Voldemort's PoV

I have been searching for my godchild for a while know and I think I have finally found him. Godric's Hallow here I come.

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