Chapter X ~Weeping Souls~

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Author's Note: I am Alive...for the most part. Sorry about the long time between updates life happened I will tell you more about it if you want in the comments after the chapter but first here is the long awaited chapter 10 hope you all enjoy it.


Last Time:

  Lucius's Pov

I snapped out of my sobbing when I heard quiet sobs. Looking up sharply I was startled to see a panicked Draco and my littlest one crying his eyes out. I rose quickly and gently scooped up Septimus and rocked him in my arms as I whispered sweet nothings in his ears. 



Draconis's Pov:

When Mama picked up Seppi he had to pick me up too 'cause I wasn't gonna let go of my little brother. 'Specially when he's crying, I mean who in the whole wide you-knee-curse thingy (universe) would just let a baby cry 'specially MY baby brother cry!?! It's just not some'n good big brothers do and I AM a good big brother. I stopped lookin' at Mama when I heard Seppi say my name. I was happy when he called out to me even if he was cryin'. I did the thing that made Mama and Dada call me a "wiggle-worm" (squirmed) towards Seppi not carin' that I was making it very hard for Mama to hold us. It's not like Mama couldn' handle it Mama is amazing and MAGIC.  I was super suprised when Mama gave us to Dada. I mean when did he get here!?! And how did we get in Mam and Dada's room it was like MAGIC. Okay that must be how we got here Mama must'a ap-a-rate-did (apparated) us here. Seppi stopped cryin' but he was still snifflin' up a storm. Dada and I snuggled in'ta him as Mama went somewhere else but Seppi didn't seem to notice.


Septimus's Pov:

I looked startled at Mama and let my gaze drift to Dray who had some how magically appeared next to me in Mama's arms. "Dway," I sobbed reaching for him. If I couldn't get my Dada I wanted my Dray.


   Lucius's Pov

You have no clue how hard it is to calm down two HIGHLY UPSET toddlers, especially when one is more like an infant and the other is a toddler. A toddler that doesn't want to be separated from the infant, no matter how much the screaming hurts his ears or makes him cry to out of worry for the other. I was overwhelmed, there is no other way to phrase it, I mean in my current state of mind I forgot about magic. Completely laughable isn't it? I was close to tears when Severus Floo'd home. It took some very creative maneuvering but somehow we got Septimus and Draconis to our room. I left the boys with Severus all tuckered out on our bed as I headed to the kitchen to get something to help my headache.

"Thank Merlin Severus arrived home when he did, I don't know what I would have done without him," I muttered to myself as I descended the stairs to the kitchen. When I arrived in the kitchen I passed my house-elves and quickly got to work preparing a sippy-cup of apple juice with a mild sleeping potion for Draconis. It was in his favorite sippy-cup, a snitch shapped cup with wings for handles and a spout at the top. For Septimus I made up a bottle of milk with a hint of cinnamon, mild sleeping potion, and a nutrition potion. I mean my baby is all skin and bones and that was a no-go for me, my baby was going to gain some wait if it was the last thing I do. His bottle had grey, emerald green, and dark sapphire dragons flying around on it. I also made up two fire-whiskys neat for once the babies fell asleep. I downed a head ache relief potion and as I was leaving the kitchen I picked up one for Severus just in case the babies where still crying but the time I got back upstairs. Trying to calm down a crying baby is not easily done and can give you a killer headache.

I though about trying to catch a nap before going to face the music but decided that I couldn't leave my Severus alone with my unhappy boys any longer. I was not prepared for what I saw when I returned to our bedroom.


Septimus ~ almost 4

Draconis ~ almost 4


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