Chapter 10 - Laughter

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"Uuuuugh!!! I swear to everything, if that asshole doesn't stop his shit I'm gonna kill him!" My eyes went wide as I heard Mrs. Hallett yelling from downstairs as Olivia and I laid across my bed, flipping through these fashion mags Brian and I got yesterday, jumping from the bed, followed closely by a wide eyed Olivia. Okay she never, ever cusses. So something serious is wrong! 

"Okay. Are we sure that was Mary?? I've never once heard her cuss." I shook my head as I went flying down the stairs, seeing her standing there with a big trash bag full of beer bottles and pieces of scattered wood, my eyes narrowing as I looked out the back doors, seeing Frank watching us with a little smirk on his face, waving. 

I huffed as I flipped him off, turning my gaze away before I did anything else, helping Mrs. Hallett pick up the remaining things laying on Brian's clean floor.

"Mary! Mary breathe.... You look like you might pass out if you got any angrier." I softly took the bag from her hands as I led her to a nearby chair in the dining room, sighing as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, seeing the tired look on her face as she looked at me, grabbing my hand.

"I can't Jules. That man is nothing but trouble! He's always leaving trails of something each day when I come walking down the trail. Sometimes I just want to turn right back around and go home once more...." I patted her back as Olivia leaned up against the door frame, looking out at Frank with a little look as he smiled at her, a creepy smile, making me want to vomit. The fact that my best friend would sleep with that..... is revolting.

Him and Tom! And then poor Janet has been sucked into this. She's here with Frank. But likes Tom. I see no reason to like either one of them at all. But whatever. She's always telling me Frank isn't as bad as he comes off to be. He's just pissed about money or whatever. But I never listen anymore. She's wrong. All wrong about him not being that bad.

He's evil. Every one of us is capable of murder. But it takes a true psycho to actually do it. And that's Frank. I sighed as i slumped against the table, looking down at Mrs. Hallett as she shook her head, standing once more from her seat as her hard demeanor shown through, looking at me. And i just felt so terrible for her. She's so tired of it. 

"Okay. I'm going to finish up. But he better not step foot in here while I'm working. I can't be bothered with him." I nodded at her as she smiled a little at me, softly gripping my hand, before letting it go, looking at Olivia with a disgusted look as she saw the looks she was sharing with asshole, making me chuckle slightly. I know the feeling Mary. 

"Jules!!!" I about jumped through the damn roof at the sound of Brian's yell echoing through the room, rolling my eyes as Olivia laughed at me, followed by Brian's laughter filling the air, making me smile. He got a intercom system put in. And ever since then, goodness. He has too much fun with it to be honest.

"Brian!!!" He laughed once more, a big laugh as I shook my head, seeing Mrs. Hallett grinning at me as she shook her head in humor, sending me that look that screams, see what I told you? He likes you.

I waved her off as she chuckled a little, before disappearing into a another room, just as Olivia practically ran out the backdoor, leaving me alone once again in the kitchen. What's with leaving me all alone again?? Everytime Brian comes in, everyone leaves. These two...

"I heard all the mess downstairs when the yelling occurred. You alright?" I sighed as I leaned up against the wall, closing my eyes softly as I just remained like that, standing right under one of the speakers.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm just frustrated Brian.... Frank is just being an asshole. You know he shouldn't be here..." Brian went silent as I spoke my words, his answer not coming back as I softly opened my eyes, jumping slightly as Brian stood right in front of me, chuckling as I playfully slapped his arm, making his boyish grin come to his lips.

"I know Jules. Believe me I know. And I intend to speak to Tom about that later today actually. But, until then, come outside with me. I'm sick of being upstairs." I grinned slightly as he took my hand in his, my damn face betraying me as it heated up, thankful Anna isn't here today. I swear it seems she's been leaving a lot lately. Some days she stays. And others she's gone.

We made our way out into the back yard as my gaze landed on Olivia practically laying across Frank's lap, making me huff as I practically drug Brian away from all the assholes now calling out at us. These assholes have become ruthless the past few days. They must feel their impending doom. They're being sacked. So here comes the part of the story where they decide they need to be assholes to Brian.

But you know something? They forget I live in this house as well. My bedroom is right next to Brian. So don't think I won't be around him all the time. Every corner Frank turns, I'll be standing there with a glare and possibly a knife, just in case. After what seemed like forever of walking, Brian stopped me in my tracks, his smile gone as he looked at me with a serious look, folding his arms.

"I can't take it anymore Jules. He's not doing any work. He's taking over my house. And now he seems to blame me for everything. And he's treating you and Mary terribly. I can't stand it anymore!" I looked at him wide eyed as my heart seemed to race even more from surprise, before I softly unfolded his arms to grab one of his hands, sending him a sad smile as he relaxed a little, my mind going to the future.

Every day that passes here in Cotchford, really terrifies me. Seeing that vision of Brian in the pool kills me so badly. Every time I see his smile I just want to scream and warn him of what's to come, just so he knows and will force Frank and them away.

They all have a damn agenda against Brian. Even Anna! Just the other day, Mrs. Hallett ran across Anna out here talking to Frank and those other idiots about how Brian will be sorry for what he's doing to them.

She came running to me practically to tell me everything she heard. But that was all of it. She left before they could see her. Frank is taking over this place and treating us all like shit. Even Brian! Brian gets the worst of it by far.

"Brian, you know I don't trust that man. He's a sick asshole that gets off on treating people poorly. He uses you. He's stealing from you. He's taken over the bloody house! And he's not even doing any work what so ever. All he does is sit out here and drink his day away!" I huffed and huffed as the thick, heated air seemed to close in on us, my head pounding from the anger coursing through me as my eyes trailed up to look at Brian once more, seeing him heaving as he tried to speak to me, making my eyes go wide as he smiled a tad, his grip on my hand tighter than usual.

"It's okay Jules. It's just.... hot. It's hard to... it's hard for me to breathe this...." My anger slowly eased as I lead Brian toward's a chair by the pool, softly sitting him down as I lowered in front of him, pulling out an inhaler I've been keeping on me just in case of times like this. He tells me he's alright. But I can't take that chance. At all. So I decided to keep one on me.

He looked down at me in surprise as I handed it to him, sending him a look that clearly said, you better do this or I'll make you, a little smile showing on his lips as he finally inhaled it, softly closing his eyes as he laid back in the comfy chair, making me blow out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

"You know Jules? Having you here has really made things better. Even on such terrible days, you're still here to keep me good. You don't treat me different because of how the world knows me. I'm just Brian to you. A boy that lives in the country..." I chuckled slightly as I slowly rose to sit by his feet on the long chair, softly patting his leg as his eyes softly opened, looking at me with a little smile lighting up his face.

I could just sit here and stare at him all day long and be happy. He was a beautiful man with a beautiful soul. And an even more beautiful heart. Everyone said he was such a difficult person to know. And where that may be true, it doesn't seem they really took the time to get to know the real Brian.

They only wanted to know Brian Jones from the Stones. Not the Brian no one saw. And that's what he craved. For someone to actually want to know him outside of all the chaos. And he sadly never got that truly.

"Well Mr. Country, I'd say I love this you. Sure, your Stone self was entertaining. But you Brian, you're marvelous. And I've really had loads of fun with him I must say....." His gaze lingered on me as his mouth fell open in mock surprise, rising slightly to look at me, making me narrow my eyes in humor.

"Him?? Who's this him you speak of? I thought it was me you wanted..." He put on his best sad face as I threw my head back in laughter, almost falling off the damn chair from laughing so hard, just as Brian's hands landed on my arms to pull me forward, his face inches from mine, his blue eyes searching me like he'd found the worlds most treasured thing.

"Well it is you silly boy! Brian the country man.... Now that has a ring to it." He laughed slightly as he suddenly hugged me, making me grin as my arms wrapped tightly around him, the sun slowly starting to set and giving the moon it's time to shine, a peaceful feeling once again taking over Cotchford....

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