Chapter 12 - As Tears Go By

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Ummmm? Excuse me. But, where is Brian's scooter?? I practically ran up and down the driveway looking for the bloody thing that you can't miss what so ever, about to lose my ever loving mind.

It was here last night! Brian parked it right here in front of the bloody door to the house. And now it's just magically disappeared. I huffed as I stomped my foot on the ground, the worlds loudest groan rising from me, when I suddenly felt arms wrap around me, scaring the hell out of me just about.

"That better be you Brian. Otherwise I'm going to kick some damn ass..." A chuckle escaped from behind me as I grinned a little, Brian's laughter filling my ears as smoothly as music.

"Don't panic love. It is I, King Brian." I threw my head back on to this shoulder in laughter as my panic seemed to ease some, but that nagging voice still filling my head.

Jones has gone and done it again. He's distracting you, as always, when you should be in the house right now straightening up his room. But no. I just had to bring Luther out here, only to find the scooter was gone.

So what? Luther just decided to take a stroll on it...? Hmmm..... highly doubt that one. I sighed as I just sunk into Brian's arms, feeling like I haven't slept in years, when I only just woke up a mere hour ago.

"Brian? You do realize your scooter is gone. Right...?" He softly unwrapped from me as his blue eyes gazed over the long driveway leading to the gates leaving the grounds, shaking his head as sudden anger seemed to come to his eyes.

"Not again...." My eyes went wide as I whirled around to look at him, my heart picking up its pace from the slow anger rising in me. Again....?

"Brian, what do you mean again?? This has happened before? And you didn't tell me?" He shook his head once more as he ran a hand through his hair in frustration, his gaze slowly looking towards the sky as he seemed lost in another world.

"Yes. I found it the last time. So I didn't want to bother you with that. But again...? I don't understand...." I slowly started making my way towards the back of the house through the little trail slightly hidden by some trees, my anger beginning to take full force as I peeked through some branches upon hearing Frank and Olivia talking nearby, not helping matters.

"Frank, why must you be so daft? You honestly think Jules won't figure it out? You've hidden the damn thing twice now. Give up this childish act!" My eyes went wide upon hearing Olivia, my vision seeming to swim from the mere anger I felt. She knew? She knew and didn't say one word to me.

"So it's Frank...." I jumped slightly as Brian suddenly walked up behind me, looking over my shoulder at the two of them talking so closely, his eyes giving off sadness. But his cheeks telling me otherwise.

He's upset. But can you blame the guy? His shit is forever going missing because of this moron. And I tell Tom over and over again until I'm blue in the face. But it does no good. Frank is the golden child around here, while us measly little people get the shit.

Even Olivia is looked after by Tom now for crying out loud! She gets special treatment all the time. Somehow, it feels like I'm losing my best friend..... I sighed as my thoughts got the better of me and my eyes watered, turning towards Brian and looking down at the ground, closing my eyes with a sigh.

"I'm going to do something about this. I'll even find a way to get the bloody thing in my bedroom if that's what it takes! And I dare the bugger to step foot in my room..." I shook my head as my eyes focused on Brian's feet, trying to think of other things, when his hand brought my face back up, slowly, our eyes meeting halfway, Brian's little smile warming me some.

"It's okay love...." I smiled a little back as I wiped my eyes some, before wrapping my arms around Brian in a tight hug, feeling at home.

"I want it to be Brian. I want it to be okay so so bad. But it's getting worse.... And that scares me. It really scares me...." He slowly pulled away from me as his eyes searched mine, a curious look flashing across his face, his fingers softly moving some hair away from my face as he tried to smile for me once more, making me chuckle slightly as he did.

"Don't worry so much. It doesn't suit you at all.... Just... we'll get it all together soon." I looked at Brian as I realized he was starting to have a hard time breathing, another wave of panic shooting through me as I softly tugged on his arm, the both of us walking off back into the front door, Luther running in right behind us from nowhere, yet again, making me chuckle.

And I just slumped onto the couch, today's mess just hitting me all at once as Brian softly sat next to me, Luther climbing up next to him, softly resting his head in Brian's lap as I looked out the back doors, seeing Frank and Mo out there, just sitting about with, you guessed it, beers. And Tom....? Of course he's here!

I sighed as my gaze went to look up at Brian, seeing him already staring down at me, the bags under his eyes making me sad. He doesn't ever sleep much. He hardly sleeps in his room much anymore. He just can't stand to be alone. So usually he's either in my room. Or sometimes we go in his.

Like last night. We stayed up until the sun rose, just talking and playing random music. And you know something? He actually played his guitar. Which he confessed to me he hasn't touched in some time. It was a beautiful sight to see him doing the one thing he had so much passion for.

Just a boy and his guitar, the soft melody floating through the air as me, the girl and her admiring stare, enjoying a night with no drama. Just fun. He even opened up to me some about the Stones and the guys. He really actually loves those fellas.

And he mentioned Morocco. Which, he really, really loved it there. The music, the people, the fashion. All of it he admired so much.

And the way his eyes just shined whenever he told me a story from this time and that time, was absolutely amazing. He even told me things about his teenage years! Which was really cool. And funny. He actually laughed.

His coach for swimming wanted him to do swimming professionally because he was so good at it. And where Brian did love it, he just couldn't see doing it as a job. He didn't want to do that. He just wanted to play the blues....

I softly smiled at Brian as I just sighed, shaking my head as he chuckled slightly, poking my nose with that cute, little smile of his on his lips. Being here has certainly been a journey so far. But most of it has been good actually. And all because of Mr. Jones here....

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