Chapter 13 - Innocent

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Okay, the sun is far too bright for my liking.... I was awoken by the rays of light shining down on the bed as I just stretched out like a cat, willing myself to get out of the bed, not really wanting to.

But another Cotchford day awaits me. Now that got me moving. But I stopped in my tracks once I rose from the bed, seeing a sleeping Brian with his face covered by his hand, the light reflecting on his golden hair as I softly smiled, pulling the covers over him more slightly, the light finally being blocked from him.

His arm twitched a little as he snuggled into the pillow, a little sleepy moan escaping him as I just chuckled, throwing on his American flag shirt, considering it was the nearest thing to me. And I love it. And Brian may or may not be wanting to wear this today. So what a surprise it'll be for him to wake up, only to find it gone, knowing exactly where it's at. He's going to get me. But oh well. I'm looking forward to it.

"Jules...? Are you fully dressed honey?" My eyes traveled to the now open door as I saw Mary standing there with her normal, warm smile on her lips, her eyes traveling to Brian as she grinned, a genuine grin.

"Awww. He looks so peaceful. You're a gem Jules. A true gem..." My face heated up as I just brushed it off, making her laugh as she motioned for me to follow her out of the room.

But I stopped at the doorway as I looked at Brian once more, seeing he had moved his hand away from his face, the peaceful look he gave making me feel good.

And I softly closed the door behind me, seeing Mary looking at me with that little smile of hers as she grabbed my hand and brought me down the stairs, practically dragging me at this point as I laughed, confused.

"Come on dear. I have something I want to show you." I grinned a little as she finally stopped in the living room area, when she picked up a lone picture just laying on one of the side tables, appearing to be of a very cute baby actually.

"Awww! Now who is this...? This baby is absolutely darling Mary..." She looked at me with what appeared to be a twinkle in her eye at my words as I looked down at the photo once more, examining it.

"Turn it over. It'll tell you." And the whole time she watched me do it, she had a smile on her lips that just made me smile even more than i already was as I flipped it over, my mouth dropping open as my eyes watered a tad.

"Brian...?" I turned it over once more to see baby Brian, peacefully sleeping in the photo like he's doing right now, a warm feeling shooting through me as I looked up at Mary, seeing an unknown look in her eyes.

"You really do care about him. You really do... And honey I've got to say, as young as you two are, sometimes it's easy to get lost in a dangerous world and do things to hurt one another. Especially Brian's world. He's used to girls just using him it seems. But you.... you've surprised him Jules." I looked at her as my eyes just watered even more, looking down at the photo that's really broken my heart, seeing an innocent, little baby boy, not even knowing what's to come for him. I simply smiled at Mary as I clutched the photo in my hand, looking up the stairs as she chuckled. 

"Go on up dear. Everything will still be here when you get back. Just don't take years." I laughed as she sent me a humored look, another warm feeling shooting through me. I honestly don't understand how I got this lucky. Lucky enough to be here, to know Brian and Mary. To have a beautiful, sweet dog like Luther follow me everywhere.

The science of it all is baffling to say the least. I still don't understand how the loop hole was possible. But somehow, it happened. How it can be explained? I don't know. But someday, and I hope not soon, I'll find out.

I softly walked up the stairs as I tried to remain quiet, not exactly sure if Brian was still sleeping or not as I finally made it to his bedroom, softly opening the door, to see him still laying on the pillows, but his eyes wide open.

"Well hello golden child. I see you've awoken." He shook his head as he chuckled slightly, seeming to be wide awake all of a sudden, making me narrow my eyes as he simply put on an innocent face.

"Well hello flower child. So, you really care about me...?" My eyes went wide and my face had to be bright red instantly as Brian simply chuckled, motioning for me to come over as I did, softly sitting down by him as he rose to sit at the edge of the bed, when I playfully slapped his arm, knowing full well now that he was listening over the intercom.

"You naughty boy. And yes. I do happen to care about you Brian. More than you can begin to even imagine." I looked at him as a little smile laid on his lips, his eyes shining brightly in the beautiful rays of light, making me look away as he softly laughed, his cute little laugh that's rarely ever heard.

And my gaze landed on the photo in my hands as Brian's did as well, softly taking the photo from my hands as he looked at it, then back to me, seeming lost in thought.

"My parents came for a visit not that long before you had arrived. And a young photographer, Helen, was given this photo. Sweet, sweet girl. But there actually was a copy. And Mary kept this one." I just looked up at him the entire time he told me all that, smiling like a idiot as he finally gazed back at me, a look of confusion on his face suddenly.

"Jules.... I've only known you for a short period. But you make it feel like I've known you forever. Like you're the best friend I've been waiting for my whole life..." I softly placed my hand on his as he laid the photo down next to him, my eyes watering on me once more as I just got really emotional, the photo really getting me.

"Brian, you're a very sweet man. Sure, I may not know everything about you or your life. But I know enough to know this. You deserve to be happy. Not unhappy. And this photo? It really broke my heart. That peacefulness shown here in your face, is something you should always have..." His smile slowly disappeared at my words as he seemed taken back, when his hand softly came to rest on my cheek, just gazing at me with his eyes glossy. And I just kissed him. I kissed him and had no regrets. Softly, he lowered me to the bed as he hovered over me slightly, a little smile coming to his lips.

"Thank you Jules...." His soft spoken words melted my heart as his lips landed on mine, softly, my stomach doing somersaults from the feeling. He slowly pulled back as he looked me over, making me laugh as he finally noticed the shirt.

"Now, if I recall, you saw me pick that out last night before bed. I mean, I may be wrong. But I could have sworn this was it. I know it was..." I chuckled slightly as a happy little grin lit up his face, slightly raising off the bed, sitting up on my elbows as my face was inches from his, his blue eyes flickering all over my face.

"Hmmm. Maybe. But you'll have to get it back somehow. And however will you Mr. Jones...?" He huffed as I fell back in laughter, his fingers softly trailing down my chest as I grinned a little, a challenging look resting on his face, softly wrapping my legs around him as he sent me a cheeky look.

"Oh! Getting bold are we Miss North..?" I smirked a little, when I reached my face towards his once more, my lips slightly landing on his, when I pulled back and tossed us over, straddling him as his eyes went wide, pinning his arms above his head, actually surprising myself here at my sudden moves. The Jones effect. That's what I'm blaming. He looked up at me with humor in his eyes as I looked at his lips, then his eyes, grinning.

"Mmm very Brian... Very. But it seems you got yourself in a bit of a pickle here. So good luck getting this shirt off me.." He suddenly smirked as he jerked his body up against mine, making me gasp in laughter as I jumped right off him, running straight for the door as he suddenly grabbed me from behind, whirling me around as he trapped me against the door, the both of us just laughing. I softly laid my head against his shoulder as I just hugged him, seeming to surprise him again as I closed my eyes, grinning.

"You okay love...?" I nodded my head as a little chuckle escaped him, his arms coming to rest around me as we just stood like that for what could have been ages. But in Cotchford, it seems like there is no time. Like everything is just still, beautiful. Like Brian...

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