Chapter 14 - Not Fade Away

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You know how you just have those days where you sit around, just looking at things and thinking, I sure do hope this never ends. Well I'm having one of those days.

"Brian! Hold still..." He simply grinned as he ran around the back garden, simply toting that beautiful American flag shirt he seems to like so much, really making me grin.

We decided to goof off today and take random pictures of beautiful Brian of course. Well, that was my idea anyway. And he went along with it, thankfully. I peeked over the camera as I noticed him stopping right in front of me with a mock serious look on his face, making me quickly snap a picture as I laughed from his little smile shining through after.

"Perfect Bri..." He winked at me as we started to walk through the yard, simply looking at the progress the idiots have made, seeing not much really has been done, only making my head hurt. God these idiots do nothing but sit on their asses and drink away while they get hard ons from looking at Anna, Janet and Olivia.

I stay clear of them, so they don't even get a chance to see me long enough for that. And yes of course, Anna is back. She came back into town earlier in the day yesterday, really, really surprising me. I came inside from talking with Mary and there she was in one of her little cute numbers of course, making it so hard for me not to like her.

She actually is really sweet to me. But my god. I just wanted to scream when I saw her. Mary actually had to drag me from the room because I took one look at Brian and my face went redder than ever before, a new feeling washing over me.

But really, this is Brian's life. He should be happy. And he's still so young. So it's normal to have different girls all the time it seems. That was his life in The Stones for a really good period of time. So that's what he's used to. So you can't even get mad over that.

I'm just lucky to have him as a friend. I'm fine with that. Beyond fine. I'd much rather be that than nothing at all. My gaze trailed to him as his eyes met mine in the middle, just as he stopped me by grabbing my hand, looking at me with that little smile on his lips.

"You okay Jules...? I really do hope Anna being back isn't making you upset." My eyes went wide from his words as I simply laughed it off, trying to cover that one up. I'm not so much upset with her being back. It's just her in general. Brian is such a sweet, sweet guy that deserves someone that won't just up and leave him for this such and such reason. He needs a grounded person, someone that truly cares.

"No no. I'm fine. Don't worry Brian. I promise." He just looked at me a moment longer, before he suddenly took the camera from me with a little smile lighting up his beautiful face, making my cheeks go red from staring far too long.

"Stay right there Jules. With that flower crown and the sun shining down the way it is, I've got to take this photo love...." My face heated up more as his gaze stayed focused on me, really intent on taking this photo as he lined up the camera, snapping a quick shot as he looked back up at me, grinning.

"Beautiful...." I looked away a moment as a big smile came to my lips, making me look like a total dork as Brian softly gave me back the camera, poking me on the nose, as normal.

"I'm supposed to be taking photos of you Bri. Not the other way around..." He laughed a little as he looked behind me at something, suddenly taking my hand in a fast manner as he pulled me behind a big tree, his body softly laying against mine as it became hard to breathe from the closeness, my heart racing. Oh my....

"Brian...? What's wrong??" He covered my mouth slightly as I heard Anna's voice ring out in the distance, making me sigh from underneath his hand, his gaze locked with mine as he sent me a little smile, moving his hand to grab a strand of my hair, wrapping it around his finger.

"Nothing love. I just didn't want to be interrupted. It would be rude to leave you." I rolled my eyes as he simply grinned a little, when I reached up to kiss his cheek, softly, seeing an unknown look flash through his eyes as he shook his head in what appeared to be a humored manner.

"Where were you when I was with the guys? You being there would have been a lot better. Of course, I'd have to watch them. I feel like Mick would steal you...." I threw my head back in laughter as I saw the little smile upon his lips, softly running my hand through his golden locks, something I can't help but do.

"Are you kidding...? Why on earth could I want him, when I've got Brian Jones?" He seemed to smirk a little as his face was mere inches from mine, his mouth hovering over mine as our breaths did their normal little dance, leaning my head against the tree with a smile.

"Oh really? So you're saying you want me Jules...?" I grinned a little as i softly put my lips on his, the kiss really blowing me away as our lips stayed locked for what seemed like ages, like we were frozen in time somehow. And I pulled back, just gazing at Brian, so many emotions coursing through me upon being met with his beautiful, blue eyes.

"Maybe..." I laughed a little as I slipped out from under his arms, running across the yard as I reached the pool area, when arms suddenly wrapped around me and I yelped, slipping on some still water, the both of us falling into the pool with a gasp. I slapped the water once I resurfaced, seeing a laughing Brian with his hair soaked, his golden halo showing, making me grin.

"Jones! My god...." He grinned as he splashed water at me, making me splash him right back when suddenly, the sun was blocked from our vision, making me sigh as I knew someone was standing there, not really wanting to look as my gaze just stayed locked with Brian's, his not wavering either.

"You two lovebirds are always at it huh...? Poor, poor Anna in the house just looking for ya, wondering why oh why won't Brian come inside with me...?" I instantly glared as my gaze landed on Frank, just hovering over us as I noticed Tom standing right beside him, making me sigh as he motioned for me to get out and follow him, my gaze looked back to Brian as he sighed, the both of us getting out the pool.

"Tom, don't be an ass to her alright? She's done nothing I haven't asked of her." Tom simply smiled at Brian as he nodded, seeming to satisfy Brian a little as he remained still with his eyes locked on mine, sending me a little secret look as I nodded, smiling a tad as he slowly walked off, looking back at us with almost each step, before he went inside. And Tom and Frank of course both pulled me away, really making me nervous.

"Look Jules, I'm not trying to be an arse to you. I'm really not. But Brian? You can't be dabbling in that love. He's a mess. A right mess he is. Frank here told me he saw him walking out on the diving board, drunk off his ass last night." My gaze instantly turned to Frank as a straight faced look was shown, really, really surprising me. You know, I could kill these two right now and get it over with.... I simply sighed as I folded my arms, the breeze flowing through my wet clothes as I looked up at Tom, shaking my head.

"Thank you. Really. But I'm a big girl Tom. And I'm doing nothing wrong here. Brian and I are simply friends." Frank suddenly scoffed as he folded his arms, shaking his head at me as I glared right at him, sending him a challenging look as he simply smirked a little, his gaze turned to Tom.

"That's a lie Tom. I've heard these two go at it up in Brian's room. He does her really, really good. Enough to make her moan for all of us to hear. She moans and moans and moans..." I instantly slapped him, my eyes going wide as they watered from embarrassment, not understanding why these two feel the need to be such asses to me. To Brian. It's horrible.

And I stocked off, almost making it to the back doors, when Tom grabbed my arm and stopped me, putting me up against the wall as he looked inside the house a moment, making me squirm.

"Look, what you do with Brian is your business. But I'm just telling you, don't make stupid decisions here beautiful. And just saying here, if you were with him like this during his rolling stone days, do you think he'd really stick with just you...?" He finally let me go as I just bust through the doors of the house and slammed them in Tom's face, really frustrated.

These two are really, really starting this up. Everything is happening too fast. And I'm sure Frank knows what's to come for him. Which really scares me. Everything is coming to an end far too fast. But I got to figure out a way to drag it out. There has to be a way....

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