Chapter 16 - Trying

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Today seemed to rush by in a blur like state as I ran here and there around this big house, doing this. Doing that. Doing it all it felt like. Even Mary kept herself busy. Mainly because Tom was here yet again to inspect everyone. More like me.

But I never told her anything about what we spoke about. I couldn't. She would get upset over how beastly he's been acting, as I know she'd call it. She's been on a kick of calling the men around here beastly if they act out of line. But Brian? She calls him either Angel Brian. Or beautiful boy. Which is so cute.

He actually will blush when he hears it. So I call him that. And I'm always rewarded with a smile each time, along with the red tint that appears on his face, only making me laugh.

But mostly I've been keeping myself busy, because it seems as though July is approaching far too fast, seeing as we're at the ending mark for June. And it's terrifying me.

Time is truly not on my side for this battle. And it's scary. Truly scary. I had a nightmare last night about it because I've been worrying myself sick about it. Every time I look at Brian I think, what the hell did he do to deserve a fate such as this?

Nothing. That's what. Even poor Brian himself told me he must have been one bad guy in a past life to get what he got in this one. He said it with a smile. But that still broke my heart.

"Jules dear? You really should calm down today. You've been rolling through the house like a tornado. I've barley been able to look at you once." I chuckled slightly as Mary finally caught me by the arm, stopping me in my tracks as I dropped a rag to the floor, my feet screaming at me, telling me that his house is so clean now, you shouldn't have to clean for another 100 years. I don't think I've ever cleaned so much in my life. But I love this house to death. So it doesn't bother me at all.

"I'm sorry Mary. I don't know what came over me." She chuckled a little as we both just plopped down onto the couch, closing my eyes as I took a deep breath, wiggling my feet around, when suddenly, someone grabbed them and I gasped, hearing a big laugh from in front of me as i simply chuckled.

"Bri, I'd love a foot rub. Thank you my good sir!" He laughed once more as I opened my eyes, just as he sat next to me and drug my feet to his lap, making me angle my body more towards him as I kissed his cheek, him sending me a little cheeky look.

"Why thank you love. I might just have to rub your feet more often." I laughed a little as his fingers softly massaged my foot, making me moan, a moan I didn't mean to let slip, causing him to wink, when I heard Mary stand from behind me with a little laugh, seeing her walking towards the kitchen.

And Brian simply laughed, rolling his eyes in humor as his hands fell to his lap, making me move slightly until my head was resting on his shoulder, the both of us just remaining calm, listening to the quietness of the house.

"So Jules, what's been up with you today? I don't think we've talked once." I sighed a little as my head started to hurt from the mere thoughts coursing through my mind, on the verge of a break. How can I even explain anything to Brian, when I can't even explain it to myself...?

"It's uh... I guess stress. I was worried about the house is all." He pushed away a little as his hand softly brought my face up, the look he sent me was one mixed with annoyance and knowing. Knowing I'm bullshitting. But what can I say? Your death is approaching in the next couple of days and I'm here to prevent that. Yeah, that would go very well.

"Honestly love? I know when you're lying to me. And I don't like that. So don't. I've been lied to enough lately by everyone else. So don't you start." My eyes went wide as I slowly sat up, looking around the sitting room, trying so hard not to break from the images running through my mind, seeing Brian in such a state.

It's the most heartbreaking feeling when that flashes through my mind. And I can't handle it. His death is so close. And it's up to me to do something to stop it. I have to...

And I softly turned in my seat as I grabbed Brian's hands in mine, sending him a little smile as he smiled right back, actually making my eyes water. Of course that didn't go unnoticed as his eyes narrowed from worry, his hands softly gripping mine as I tried to brush it off.

"Look, Brian. It's just... so much has happened since I've been here. To you. And... and I just wish I could stop all this madness for you. These guys? They shouldn't be able to treat you like this." Brian assessed me as a little sigh escaped his soft lips, looking out the back doors as he brought me into his arms, softly rubbing my back.

I don't see how anyone could know someone is going to die, and be able to handle it when they know the person so well. And the person also means the world to them.

This is the worst feeling in the world. Just feeling like my stomach is gone. My heart is ripped in half. My various emotions through it all. Anger. Sadness. Madness. Terror. Fear.

All of those things have been raging inside me for the past week and I don't know what to do. The only person that knows this is Olivia. But she's always so busy up Frank's ass to really care about it.

"Love, it'll all be okay. Frank is going. They're all going. They will no longer be a bother. I've talked to Frank earlier about some things. And he's just not listening. So he's gone." My eyes locked with Brian's as I ran my fingers softly across his cheeks, the little smile on his lips seeming to strike yet another knife through my heart as I simply laid across his lap, hiding my face slightly. How in the world am I going to do this...?

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