Chapter 18 - Yesterday Don't Matter If It's Gone...

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How day turns to night so quickly has always been a wonder to me. One minute the sun is shining the brightest it can. And the next the moon is doing a dance with the stars as the darkness takes over, letting the light have a vacation for a few hours.

And as I sat at the dining room table with Brian, just exchanging story after story that happened to us and this sadness just seemed to wash over me.

We stood and hugged. And then he smiled that beautiful Brian smile of his, then we descended the stairs together, heading towards one another's rooms, my heart heavy from knowing just what happens to this beautiful man standing right in front of me.

He's so happy tonight. So, so happy. He smiled more than he has in a while i'd say. And he actually talked about things that would normally trouble him, with that same smile on his lips.

All he wants is to move on with his life and make something better for himself, something he can wake up to everyday and say, I've done it. I've finally found true happiness in a world that seems to just conspire against me.

And that's what I've always thought with Brian. Here's a man that had a rough childhood, strict parents and so many different problems. He made a band. And it was just stripped away from him. He had a woman he loved dearly. And she was stripped away from him.

And I don't care what anyone says. Brian was a good guy with a good heart. He just has faults, like all of us humans do. No ones perfect.

And as I reached for my door handle, softly pushing the door open, Brian doing the same exact movements, like we were looking into a mirror, we both turned our heads and looked at one another.

Brian smiled at me through the dimly lit hall, giving me a little wave as I softly waved back, sending him a smile as well. Then he disappeared into his room and I went into mine, the silence following shortly after like a stab to the heart. How am I supposed to sleep when tomorrow is already lurking?
How long I've been laying here with my eyes wide open, is beyond me. The moon and the stars are still sparkling in the sky. And here I lay, sleep the furthest thing from my busy mind.

I sighed a little as I finally just sat at the edge of the bed, dangling my feet slightly off it as I looked out the window, counting the stars as far as my eyes could see.

"Jules...? Love, are you okay?" I whirled around from my position to see Brian standing there in the doorway, concern seeming to show on his face as he softly walked in, closing the door behind him. And we just stared at one another, my heart racing with every moment that passed us by, his gentle footsteps the only thing heard in the mostly silent room.

"I'm okay Bri. Just... can't sleep." He softly smiled at me as he finally came to stand right in front of me, noting he was still wearing the same outfit from earlier, appearing to never have gone to bed.

He extended his hand to me as he simply smirked, that sexy little smirk of his that usually makes me laugh when he does do it, making me smile as I rolled my eyes, softly placing my hand in his. And he softly lifted me from the comfy bed, looking at me a moment as we just stood there, silence just taking over us.

"Come with me love." I grinned a little as he didn't even give me a chance to stop to put a robe over my pretty exposed body, shaking my head as we descended down the staircase, the sitting room's dim light seeming to guide us towards the back doors.

And Brian softly opened one, leading us outside and further and further on, his little smile directed at me as my hand tightened around his, just admiring Cotchford in the dark.

"I know it's late. But I just couldn't bring myself to sleep. And this is usually what I do when I can't sleep..." He pointed out further down the trail we were walking down, when my eyes landed on the very familiar bridge that I've seen so many times in different Pooh Bear stories, my geek side shining through.

"Oh my goodness. You know, this bridge is so iconic because of A.A. and Pooh Bear. I mean, this is where they played at so many times!" Brian looked over at me as he suddenly stopped us in front of it, his eyes shining bright in the night light, his smile seeming to grow bigger at my words. And I blushed a little from his intense stare, that stare that melted so many girls hearts. And made them cream their pants, no doubt.

"You love your Winnie don't you love?" I chuckled slightly as his beautiful laugh filled the night air like the most amazing song, the both of us making our way to the middle of the bridge. And I softly leaned over it, just taking in all this wonderful place has to offer, just as Brian leaned over with me, our arms softly touching.

"Now that I do. I grew up with ole Pooh Bear and Tigger." I turned my head to look at him as I saw him looking down under the bridge, the soft little stream of water passing us by, the sound the most soothing thing. And I softly grabbed his hand in mine as his head turned to look towards me, making me smile as I suddenly grew bold and leaned over, kissing his soft lips.

I did everything during it not to cry or just break completely, pulling back with a little breathless smile on my lips, seeing Brian looking on at me in wonder. But that beautiful little smile still firmly on his lips, the both of us just looking over the bridge once more.

"It would be so lovely to just be as care free as Winnie and Tigger. You know something love? I think we could be Winnie and Tigger, you and I. You came bounding into my life with no warning." Okay, that one is true. I did come here with no warning. On both parts though. How was I supposed to know this would happen, when I didn't think time travel was real! But I simply chuckled because he got a humored look on his face, that same smile still on his lips as our gazes met.

"And at first, I was a bit hesitant because I didn't know you or why you were truly here. But then we talked and talked. And laughed and laughed. Then I understood. You're my best friend. You're my Tigger." My eyes went wide as we both just stared at one another, when they instantly watered and I felt like my heart just went free falling into the water below me, softly wrapping my arm around Brian's shoulders, when a smile came to my lips.

"Well I can gladly say Brian that you're my Winnie. You have this sense of life no one has. You're this big hearted, joyful man that is the best friend a Tigger could ever have..." His booming laugh escaped his lips as I instantly laughed myself, my tears seeming to ease a bit as I lifted my head to look up at him, his laughter causing tears to leave his eyes as well, making me smile. That's a sight I want to see every minute of everyday.

"Well Tigger, as Winnie, I must say thank you for bounding into my life and knocking me off my feet into a world I never knew existed." I nudged him slightly, making him nudge me back as we both lost it in laughter once more, the two of us just about falling off the bridge face first from laughing so much. This Tigger does not want her Winnie going anywhere. Winnie is the best thing to happen to Tigger...

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