Chapter 19 - Playing With Fire

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Waking up to seemingly be alone in such a big house, actually isn't all that comforting. And where on earth could everyone have run off to without even telling me first?? Even Brian is nowhere in sight. Which is alarming for me considering.

Last night was filled with magic. Now I hate being corny. I really do. But it truly was magical. Just a moment shared between two people that care about each other, that have a pretty good connection it would seem.

Those moments are things I'll always treasure. Especially with Brian. He's such a good hearted, loving, caring man. He never can hold anger for anyone it would seem. Not even for people that have done him terrible.

He's such a good man. A really good man. People are just cruel and take advantage of that fact, not caring how hard it hits Brian. And it always hits him hard.

Suddenly, a knock was heard from around the house as I jumped slightly, not liking being here all alone and someone at the door. God only knows who it is.

I softly walked towards the front door, peeking out as best as I could before opening, when my eyes went wide from pure surprise at who was there. Why on earth is Keith Richards here?

I slowly opened the door as I just realized from my surprise that I was still in my underwear practically, my face slowly heating up from his gaze.

"Keith, hello. I didn't know you were coming by today. Brian isn't here at the moment." He just smiled as his eyes locked with mine, actually seeming to be trying not to look me over, making me feel a bit better about this whole situation.

"No no. I'm actually here for you love. If you don't mind that is." My eyes went wide in surprise as I opened the door to let him in, not really being able to say no to Keith Richards. But why would he want to see me and not Brian?

I followed closely behind him as he came to sit in Brian's usual chair in the sitting room, me sitting on the little soft couch across from him, covering myself with a pillow.

"Would you like some tea or anything? I'm sorry I didn't even ask until now." He simply laughed as he relaxed into the chair, shaking his head a bit as his gaze went to around the room, then back to me.

"Oh it's okay. I'm perfectly fine. I just wanted to chat with you. Now, how in the world have you made Brian so... different? Tom has said Brian has actually been right lately." So Tom does still talk to Keith? Interesting... And of course they've been speaking of Brian. All I know is they better not be saying bad things. I've had enough of that mess. I just smiled as I fumbled my hands together, slightly nervous having Keith sitting here. It's kind of intimidating. I mean, he is a very iconic dude.

"Honestly Keith, Brian just needs love. He's always needed it. He needs someone that truly cares enough to help him. And want to help him at that. And I do. Because I've found that Brian is a big hearted man that just wants to see the good in everyone. Even when they don't deserve that..." My little speech seemed to surprise him as he took in my words, folding his arms together as his gaze stayed locked with mine, my smile never faltering. I only speak the truth dear Richards. Only the truth.

"Well, I'm glad you've come along love. You're a beautiful young thing. I'm sure Brian gets a kick out of you swaying around." Usually women would just get up and slap a man for saying something like that. But I actually could hear the humor in his voice, which I liked. He's got jokes. I simply chuckled as a little laugh escaped him, when he stood from his seat, coming over to me as he took my hand and stood me from the couch, looking me over once more.

"Brian may be a handful. But it is nice hearing about him getting better. And all because of a bird. A good one." My god. Is Keith Richards actually being nice? What is going on??

I smiled a little as he let go of my hand, when suddenly, the front door opened and in came Brian and Anna, both of them stopping at the sight of Keith standing here, making me go tense. But surprisingly, Brian just smiled, a huge smile, walking over to us as Anna waved at me a little, before running up the stairs. Okay then.

"Keith. What a lovely surprise. How is everything?" Brian looked at me with a little smile as he gave me a hug, acting really cool about everything. Well thank god I wasn't completely naked. Because this would have been really awkward. And Keith looked Brian over with a simple, little smile, seeming to actually be calm himself.

"Great. Normal things. I just wanted to stop in and see what was going on. And see this lovely lady once more. You look good Brian." He softly patted Brian on the back, then nodded at me as he let himself out the door, leaving Brian and I standing here with surprise on our faces. He actually said something nice to Brian. What's happened??

Then Brian's gaze locked with mine as he looked me over from head to toe, seeming to appreciate what he saw, making me laugh.

"Brian! Anna is right up there. Catch those eyes of yours and put them back." He laughed at me as he softly brought me into his arms, lacing them around my waist as my exposed stomach came to rest on his soft, silk shirt, making me smile.

"Well love, I really can't just see you like this and not take you. Now up you go!" He suddenly smacked my ass as I jumped, giving him the opportunity to grab me and wrap my legs around his waist, a laugh escaping me, before he smashed his lips onto mine, silencing me with a little chuckle as he pulled back.

"Now now. Don't be too loud just yet. I don't want everyone hearing your moans. Only me love." I rolled my eyes as he practically ran up the stairs and into my room, somehow still holding me the entire time, and me thankful Anna didn't come out seeing that. And he softly placed me on the bed as he lowered to his knees in front of me, just resting his arms on my legs, gazing up at me with those blue eyes of his.

"So, why was Keith here?" He seemed genuinely interested to know as I smiled at him, running my hands through his golden locks, bringing his face really close to mine as he smirked at me.

"He wanted to speak to me about you actually. Apparently Tom has been telling him about you and I. He seemed happy that you're doing better." Brian's eyes went wide in surprise, before a big smile came to his handsome face, making me smile even more. His lips landed on mine once more, as he suddenly started to trail his fingers between my legs, slipping a finger inside my undies.

"Oh. Well, I'd say we're doing just fine..." His finger suddenly hooked inside me as he kept that smirk planted on his lips, making me moan from his fast movements, loving what he was doing.

"Now I will say, I'm not used to having a relationship with one woman. But you Jules...? You make me think things differently love." His movements got rough and more intense with each word he spoke, his fingers going in and out quickly as I bucked onto him, his mouth suddenly landing on mine as he kept going and going. And I felt like I was on the worlds best drug upon losing it, his mouth catching every moan that escaped me, our breathless sounds filling our ears.

"Bri... You make me think everything differently." He chuckled a little as he caught his breath, slowly pulling his fingers out of me. But his blue eyes stayed locked with mine, his smile never wavering. And I hugged him to me, softly laying my head on top of his soft one, his arms resting around my waist.

Things seemed to change today. Nothing has gone like I thought it would. Frank, Tom, Mo, all of the usual dummies around here, haven't been here once today. Even Keith showed up, which really surprised the hell out of me.

But somehow, it still feels like I'm playing with fire. Something is going to happen. This is just the calm before the big storm.

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