Chapter 2 - First Day

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I ran across the back yard, Olivia following close behind, when suddenly, a window flew open from the second floor, Brian looking out at us, laughing his ass off. Can I please just find a rock and hide under it...? Like now.

I instantly ran for the back doors, flinging them open, seeing a man leap up from a couch just about tripping me up. But Olivia grabbed me before I could fall, my heart racing. So much is happening... Geez I need help.

"Woah! What are you birds doing?? Flying into the house like that..." I looked up at the man, instantly losing my voice. Frank Thorogood. Brian's builder. He originally was with Keith. But he's never home so he came here. The bastard... Money is the only thing on his mind.

I just stared at him, almost with a glare, him giving me a strange look. Yeah, just keep looking at me that way... He then looked me over, a little smile forming on his face. Perv....

"So, are you one of Brian's birds? I see you have no shirt.... Cause if you're not.." I scoffed, rolling my eyes, just as the man himself came bounding down the stairs, suddenly putting his arm around me, my face the brightest red it could possibly get, that little smile playing on his lips. The confident one.

"Yes Frank, she's mine. But, you can always try and work for her. She seems like the kind of woman that likes real men." I hid my smile, seeing a look flash across Frank's face as i gently wrapped my arm around Brian as well, smirking.

"And I really don't think you fit the bill..." At this point, Frank looked like he was going to bust, which only made us laugh harder. I looked behind me at Olivia, her eyes wide in wonder, a huge smile on her lips, her thumbs up in the air. I rolled my eyes, playfully, making her chuckle, when I felt Brian start pulling me away, making me about trip again. Get it together Jules!

He pulled me up the stairs, stopping just at the top, looking down at Frank, hearing him huff, which only made Brian laugh. I giggled, when everything started sinking in again. I'm in Brian Jones house, with Brian himself, working for him apparently. Just.... What?! I don't understand what so ever..

He suddenly whirled around, staring at me with those blue eyes. Breathing is becoming pretty hard at this point. He's got this... intense look in his eyes. I just can't believe he's standing in front of me... It's incredible seeing him in person. But also weird.. Knowing what happened to him. And all because of the asshole down stairs. This is going to be a long stay....

"Jules... That's a beautiful name. It's almost like Julian..." I grinned, warmly at him. The name that means so much to him.

"Your son." He just looked at me, a thoughtful look on his face. Oh great Jules. You and your damn big mouth.

"Yes. He's a beautiful boy." I can breathe again.. I simply smiled at him, seeing that it was a touchy subject for him. I've read enough about him to know most things that happened with him. But I can't just blurt it out. So stop it Jules!

"Anyway, I'm really sorry for asking, but, is it okay if I put on a shirt?" He looked at me, before laughing, this big laugh, which only made me grin. It's rather cute.

"Sure. Just use one of mine.  I see you didn't have any with you. I'll kick Tom's ass for that." Oh honey, I didn't even know I'd need any! But I smiled at him, pretty embarrassed.

"Thank you Brian." He just smiled a little, before taking my hand, leading me through the long hall into a bedroom. His room. There are clothes everywhere! The ones I've only seen in pictures. Because let's face it, he was amazing with fashion. He looked through a closet, handing me a shirt to wear for the night, grinning at me.

"You can stay in the room next to mine." I grinned, following him out the door towards the bedroom that I would be staying in for a while, taking in all the beautiful furniture in it. This is really a beautiful home. He walked over to the bed, looking around, before staring at me, smiling a little.

"I think you'll like this room. The bed is comfy. And it has a nice view." I'd say! It's amazing.

"Thank you again Brian. Really. This is wonderful." He walked back towards the door, smiling at me.

"I'm glad you're here Jules. This place needs a woman." Then he walked out, leaving me standing there, when I suddenly grinned the biggest grin I ever have, clapping my hands together in excitement. Holy shit! I can't believe this.

I threw on Brian's shirt, that smile still on my face, instantly throwing myself onto the bed, laughing my head off, when Olivia came bounding into the room, seeing me laying there, laughing.

"Wow. You've already become the queen." I giggled, pulling her down onto the bed with me, us both laughing.

"I just can't believe it Olivia! One minute we are in 2016. And now 1969. I just.. I don't know how it's possible. But I'm glad it happened. I'm in wonderland..." Olivia looked at me, smiling a tad.

"Well us ladies shall get some sleep. Frank kindly showed me to my room. You know he's a perv. He wouldn't stop staring at me the whole damn time." I rolled my eyes in disgust. Yeah i could have told you that one from the start. Asshole.....

"I can't stand that man..." Olivia just laughed, jumping up from the bed, making her way towards the door, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"Don't venture during the night..." I rolled my eyes, playfully.

"I shall try." She laughed, disappearing into the darkness of the hall, leaving me laying there, blissfully closing my eyes. What a day...

"Jules.... Jules?" I felt my shoulder being shaken, waking up slowly, my vision hazy, seeing Brian standing over me, just about scaring the hell out of me.

"Brian...? Are you okay..?" I looked around the room, seeing that it was still dark outside, instantly jumping awake. He simply laughed at the look on my face, making me rub my eyes slightly. Goodness I thought someone broke into the house or something. I was about ready to go into combat mode.

"I'm fine Jules. Really. I just... couldn't sleep. Would you come in my room with me? For a while at least." I looked up at him, seeing the pleading look in his eyes. And how in the hell could anyone say no to that?

I smiled a little, slowly getting up from the bed, seeing him smiling some still. But underneath that, I could see another look.

He didn't want to be alone. And that I could understand. He was paranoid most of the time between the police and then the idiot builders roaming around his home doing things to him. It's awful. And I honestly just wanted to slap the lot of them.

"Sure Brian. That's fine. But are you sure you're okay..? Truly?" He just looked at me a moment, not saying anything, a sad feeling washing over me. I just took his hand in mine, leading him out the room and through the dark, going into his room, sitting down on the bed with him. I know he doesn't like being alone. He hates it.

I looked at him, giving him a reassuring look, making him relax slightly, finally laying back onto the bed, making me smile a sad smile. At this point in his life, he was so vulnerable. It's terrible.

He kept his grip on my hand, his eyes closed, his face visibly relaxing, making me sigh a little. About a few minutes later, he was asleep, making me smile a little.

I softly pulled my hand from his, seeing him move a little, before resting again. I just laid down at the end of the bed, feeling terrible about even thinking of going back to my room. I softly closed my eyes, sleep not far away.

I slowly opened my eyes, the sun beaming down onto the bed, noticing Brian was no where in sight. My eyes widened when I noticed a pin stripped shirt laying on the bed, a smile forming on my lips. I love this shirt. And it looks lovely on him as well. I slowly picked it up, looking at it, grinning, when Brian came walking back into the room, half dressed, a smile playing on his lips.

"Good afternoon sleeping beauty...." I blushed a little, only making him wink. Damn he's cocky. But i smiled, setting the shirt back down onto the bed.

"I absolutely love this shirt! Are you going to wear it today?" He came over, sitting down on the bed, smiling a little. He seems different today. A lot more soothed. It's nice to see.

"I am yes. I was going to wander around the yard today and see what kind of progress Frank and them have made. You should join. I can give you a proper tour." He wiggled his eyebrows, making me giggle that damn giggle. Oh for fuck sakes Jules... But he seemed humored by it as a cute smile shown through on his handsome face.

"I would be honored. If that would be okay of course. You don't need anything done around the house..?" He simply stood, a huge grin lighting up his face in slight humor.

"I'll just have Frank do it." I instantly laughed, standing from the bed, looking around. Thank goodness. At least he'll be out of our hair. And he can do some work for once in his miserable life.

"Okay. If you're sure. Then yes, I would love to!" He grinned a little, picking up the shirt, slipping it over his head. I would do anything to see him happy like he is in this moment. Distract him from the evils that await us out there.

"You can change shirts if you want. Pick one. Any one." I grinned, looking around, seeing his American flag shirt hanging up, my eyes growing in excitement, instantly throwing it on. He noticed me trying to button it, chuckling a little, walking closer to me, buttoning it up at a slow pace, giving me that little smile of his.

"So Jules, are you friends with Tom?" Hell no! I would never mingle with a man such as Tom Keylock.

"No. I uh... was looking for a job and well, I found one! He just... stumbled across me." I put a little smile on my lips, making him eye me a little, before a big smile lit up his face, making me grin in relief. I don't want to tell him the real truth because it would be over.

"I'm glad he did... It will be nice to have some company. Real company. A woman." He winked at me, making me bite my lip. Oh here we go... i won't last a day without becoming a horny teenager.

"I agree. It will be fun Mr. Jones.." He gave me a little look, making me wink back, walking out the door once he had the buttons half way up on the shirt. I whirled around, seeing him standing there, staring at me, that little look still in his eyes. Like he could tie me up and never let me go. So I see that side of Brian is still there. Noted.

"It's Brian. Miss North." I giggled, simply looking at him as i sent him a challenging look, a smirk showing on his face that clearly said game on.

"I know. Mr. Jones." I ran down the hall, almost falling down the stairs, laughing, rounding the corner down the stairs, seeing Olivia hiding out in the kitchen. She laughed seeing me almost stumble, eyeing the shirt. I did a little twirl for her, making her chuckle.

"Nice North! You're already in his clothes." I laughed, eyeing his other shirt on her, making her roll her eyes, when suddenly, I heard running foot steps on the floor, making me squeal, hiding behind Olivia.

Her eyes widened in surprise upon seeing Brian come bounding into the kitchen, seeing me peeking over Olivia's shoulder, him sending me a challenging look. Man he's good.

"Oh. You think I can't see you now? Nice try.." He sent me a little smirk, making me run out the back doors, hearing him laugh from behind me, when suddenly, a pair of arms caught me at the waist, lifting me into the air, making me scream with laughter. I grabbed onto his arms, kicking my feet around like a little kid, making him laugh harder. He's literally swept me off my feet!

"Ah! Brian!" He finally set me down, making me grin.

I turned as I looked up at him, seeing a big smile on his lips, which warmed my heart. He smiled only on occasion near the end. It was sad.... He's got a beautiful one. He suddenly took my hand in his, looking out across the yard, a content smile on his face.

"Welcome to Cotchford Farm Jules..." I grinned up at him just seeing the proud look in his eyes. It's my first day and it's already great.

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