Chapter 21 - Maybe The Last Time... I Don't Know.

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The night air on my skin was the first thing that got my attention. I jumped a little upon realizing that I was even outside to begin with, wondering how on earth I managed to get here again. Didn't Brian put me to bed just moments ago...?

I narrowed my eyes, looking around the seemingly deserted grounds, noting I was wearing a flowing, see through gown, very confused by this point. I wasn't wearing this....

My feet seemed to take over on their own as I was instantly moved further and further, my feet softly touching the grass below. Steam was everywhere around the pool area as my feet just walked me right to it, stopping me mid way.

And all I could do was practically fold into myself from the chill sent down my spine, the lights from the pool reflecting on the ground all around me. But I was alone. No one in sight. Not a sound to be heard. Everything seemed to be frozen in time. But me...

I finally regained myself, willing my body to move more, examining the area further, only to find nothing. My eyes went wide from the thought of even gazing into the pool, feeling frightened. But I did anyway, instantly blowing out a breath realizing that it was empty of anyone. Just the steam and the water doing a creepy little dance with one another.

But my eyes stayed locked on the pool, my reflection looking back at me with wide eyes, terror seeming to be seeped on to my face. I was going to back away before I panicked even more from another persons reflection appearing next to me. And panic was all I could do when my eyes locked with Frank's.

"You really don't know how to stay out of things do you? You may be a beauty. But that doesn't stop me." I whirled around, about to bolt, when his hands shoved me back, a scream escaping me as I fell right into the pool, bubbles going all around me from my gasps of panic, trying to swim back up.

And all I heard around me was the sound of laughter. My vision filled with the water. My nostrils burning all to hell by this point. I kept swinging my arms about just trying to resurface. But it felt like I was stuck.

"Don't struggle love! It'll all be over soon. You and your block there can rest..." My eyes went wide as another scream escaped me, water just rushing into my open mouth from the sound of Frank's voice, not understanding what was happening. I need to get out of here! But I feel like I'm stuck.

I whirled my body around to face underneath me, just hoping something could get me out of this nightmare, when I grabbed a hold of my neck from the huge intake of water that went into my mouth upon the sight. Brian.... His hair in a perfect, golden halo. And his eyes wide open, looking right back at me.

My eyes started to burn from the panic and fear and just everything I felt at this moment, wondering why this torture was put on me. But then his hand extending towards me, his open eyes just seeming to scream for me to help him.

And my eyes continued to burn from the tears now mingling with the pool water, softly grabbing his hand as I pulled and pulled, trying to swim away with him.

I flung up from the pillows with my hands wrapped tightly around my neck, taking breath after breath as my lungs felt heavier than they've ever been. Oh no. Please no! Please don't let this be happening. Why can't there be more time...? Why...?

My eyes instantly went to a sleeping Brian laying right next to me, the most peaceful I've ever seen him, his golden hair seeming to lay perfectly on the pillow beneath him. And his soft breathing making me feel lighter than air at the mere sound. I held a hand over my chest, just feeling the rapid beating of my aching heart, hoping to all hope that I still have time.

It would seem it's just froze. Or sped up. I don't know anymore. Something has changed. And if that's good or not, I still don't know. But the sad part, is that anything can change within a few seconds. I softly ran my fingers over Brian's face, bringing them to thread through his beautiful hair, seeing the peacefulness he must be feeling at this moment, thankful he can actually have this moment to rest.
"Jules!" I jumped awake from the sudden voice, surprised by the crack of sunlight beaming into the room. When did I fall asleep again? My eyes went wide upon seeing Olivia standing there, jumping up from the bed to throw my arms around her, feeling happy to actually have her back.

"Oh my gosh Olivia! Where the hell have you been??" I pulled back from her upon hearing her laughter, seeing a big smile on her lips. She looked me over as her smile seemed to lighten just a tad, before moving a strand of fallen hair from my face.

"I'm sorry! I just figured.... well, I figured it would help getting Frank and them away from here for a while. And it worked! I got him away for a whole three days. Which means, time has passed. Meaning..." Brian still has a chance! I instantly kissed her cheek with a huge laugh escaping her from my sudden happiness, just hoping that this is working out like I'd hoped. Is there really a chance? Or is it all the last time? I flung a robe over my nearly exposed body, hearing Olivia's laughter from behind me as I ran down the stairs, hoping to see Brian somewhere.

"Jules! Is everything alright?? Did something happen??" Mary's comforting voice rang through my ears like the sweetest sound, running and hugging her as well, kissing her soft cheek as her eyes went wide upon me pulling back.

"Nothing bad Mary! Nothing at all. I'm just... happy?" Mary's sudden laugh made me chuckle as she hugged me once again, softly patting my back as she pulled away to look me over, shaking her head in humor. I know. I'm not properly dressed yet. But I had to find Brian first. But my goodness did I miss Mary's face.

"You're too sweet of a young lady Jules. I'm glad we've been working so closely together. You've become one of my kids." I instantly smiled at that, feeling lucky for such a strong, amazing woman like her to think of me that way. Maybe luck has come to my side for a change in this story.

I kissed her cheek once more as I ran out of the back doors, probably freaking her out once more, making me laugh from the mere thought as my eyes scanned the area, before stopping dead in my tracks. And my smile seemed to vanish some.

I did find Brian. Sitting in one of the lawn chairs with Anna straddling his lap, their lips locked together in what seemed to be a heated kiss, making my cheeks go red.

"Awww. Your little boy toy sucking her face off huh? You could always do that with me love." A pair of arms wrapped around me as I yelped from the sudden voice in my ears, Frank's face suddenly appearing in my vision as I whirled around, instantly slapping Mo in the face for even thinking he can be near me like that!

"If you ever touch me again, you're dead!" My face got extremely heated from my sudden rage, sick and tired of all the bullshit with these guys. And of course Frank's just laughing his ass off behind me, causing me to turn on him with my rage shining through, when Brian caught my eye, his eyes locking with my angered ones. And I looked away, back to Frank's ugly mug.

"And you! I've had enough of you thinking you can do whatever the hell you want. You sit around drinking all the time. You fuck anything walking. And you're sick! Why don't you just fuck off?!" I slapped him for good measure, actually laughing a little from the hard sound of my hand hitting his cheek, hearing his angered huff, walking away before I did something else to him. Well that felt good to get out of my system.

"Jules! Wait love. Wait!" I stopped in my tracks once more upon hearing Brian's close voice, his blue eyes coming into view, narrowed.

"What's gotten into you love? You just blew up!" I huffed in anger upon his sudden annoyed face, making me roll my eyes as I folded my arms, sending him a little look. I just wish he could really, fully understand what I'm feeling and what's going through my mind day to day!

"Brian! Don't you get it?? One, those idiots need to sod off. And two, how come Anna just comes in and out of here like it's nothing at all, and you still go right ahead and fuck her every time?! She leaves you one minute. Then comes back like nothing happened." My hands clutched my arms as my anger practically rolled from me as Brian's eyes went wide, biting his lip as what appeared to be anger took over his face, shaking his head at me. And then suddenly, he grabbed my arm with so much force I almost gasped as he took off with me like I was some rag doll.

"Brian..." He forcefully pulled me in front of him as he pushed me against the side of the house, the trail of trees blocking us from anyone's view, his hands coming to grip my waist so hard I could feel his nails.

"You don't understand Jules! You don't! I'm not used to the one woman thing. That Stone part of me still comes out to play love.... But you...? You want me to fuck you love? Is that it? You want me to do you nice and slow...? Or rough and hard..?" My eyes went wide from his serious tone and look, his hands griping me tighter. And all I could do was break down and cry, my knees buckling on me as I fell to the ground with a thud, Brian's wide eyed stare the only thing I could see as he instantly lowered in front of me, making me shove back some.

"Can't you see Brian?! I... I love you. I love you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry! But you make it hard not to love you. Sure, you can be this stubborn asshole at times that i just want to lay out. But my god Brian! You're this good guy with a big heart that cares for everyone. And you deserve something like that in return. Someone that gives a shit!" He suddenly fell to his knees from his crouched position, his eyes wide as he looked on at me with an unknown look, seeming taken back by my outburst.

I do love him. And that's what's killing me. I love this man that I just want to save. I want to save him. And I don't care what happens to me while doing it. I just can't let him die! I can't...

Suddenly, his hands went to my face as he pulled me to him, his soft lips connecting with mine in such an intense kiss. Tears came from my eyes upon hearing Brian's soft crying sounds, breaking my heart.

"Jules.... I... I don't know true love. No ones cared to even get to know me enough. They just always want something. And then they leave. But... Jules, love, you're special." My eyes watered more as I kissed him once again, hoping so badly this wouldn't be the last time....

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