Chapter 22 - Going Further Back In Time

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After the long, dreadful day had passed and Brian and I finally had the discussion I knew was Inevitable, I can gladly say that I may feel a bit better about it all in some way. Today was something else to say the least. I actually told Brian that I loved him.

Now I for one am like Brian when it comes to love. I've never been in love with someone. I've never felt so strongly for another being. But then Brian Jones happened. Brian came into my life so unexpectedly, that it's like I'm on the worlds most thrilling, but dangerous ride.

And how any of this is possible, is still not understood yet. My mind can't seem to comprehend what has happened in the past few weeks. Cotchford has seemed to be frozen in time. But yet, we all still move about like any other ole day.

But most importantly, Brian is still here, alive and well. And just as stunning as ever. And just as intense as ever as well. After our little discussion on his private little trail he usually goes on, the one where he and only he alone can walk about without the worry of running into some random fans just lurking about, hoping for a glimpse of their beloved golden haired stone.

The quietness of it is what attracts Brian. It's a private lane that only he can get to. He walks it constantly when he wants to be alone. And today, he wasn't. After the many kisses we shared on that private lane, we managed to sneak away inside the house to be alone without the chance of someone wandering upon us, locking ourselves away in his bedroom, the only sounds coming from within were the ones of our breathless whispers.

The soft moans slipping from my mouth as he worked his magic. And his blue eyes just staring back at me the entire time, his little smirk of confidence showing, knowing exactly the things he was doing to me. This intense, raw energy coming from him, was like nothing I've ever felt before.

And as I lay here, our naked bodies wrapped in each other and the blankets, my head softly laying on his chest, his head braced against the big pillows, my smile was bigger than I ever thought it could be. His fingers drew little circles on my back as soft sighs of contentment left us both, both of our sleepy eyes closing, letting the peacefulness of Cotchford take us away.
"Jules dear. Jules? Could you please wake up? Little Brian here is wanting to play and his Jules is fast asleep on him. Come come!" The quick snapping of fingers awoke me from a deep sleep, the sharpness of a woman's voice also arising me. Then I was instantly awake upon the realization that I wasn't in Brian's bedroom any longer.

"What...?" Soft laugher, mixed with a stern look crossed my path as a woman's face came into view, startling me slightly. What is going on...?

"Sleeping beauty has finally awoken. I didn't think Brian here kept you away from your sleep for so long. He's usually a quiet little baby." Baby?? I rubbed my eyes as I stretched out my arms, when hands suddenly grabbed them and put them back to my sides, startling me once more as the woman sent me yet another stern look.

"Now now! A lady does not do things like that. That isn't the proper way Jules. Now be a dear and watch Brian while Lewis and I go out to the store. We won't be long!" What....? Lewis? Brian's dad? This is Louisa??Oh my goodness. What has happened now? Did I go further back in time? Suddenly, Louisa held out... baby Brian?

She gently put him in my arms as she grabbed her purse from her little seat, sending me a quick smile as she ran to the door in a hurry, before little Brian and I were left alone in the quietness of the house I can only assume Brian lived in for some time.

I looked down at Brian in my arms as his big, captivating aquamarine eyes looked back at me, a little smile breaking onto my face. He's even more adorable than the pictures show.

I softly lowered to the ground with him as I let him down to sit, his eyes still locked with mine in what appeared to be his way of a staring contest, making me smile.

"Well Brian, looks like it's just you and me here. Wanna goof off while mommies away?" Suddenly, a little smile grew on his little lips, clapping his hands together in excitement as I laughed, causing a happy, little giggle to leave Brian.

"Play!" My eyes went wide from his cute little voice, grinning at him, before I tickled his little sides, sending him into a fit of laughter.

"And play we shall little Bri!" He continued to laugh and laugh as the day went on, the adventures of little Bri and big Jules continuing, the hours just passing us by as we went outside to play hide and seek. And of course, Brian seemed to win every time because he was so small.

He'd giggle the most adorable giggle everytime he found me, or I passed him when it was his turn to hide. And then we went inside and had this little stash of ice cream that seemed to be hidden in the back, which was fun to just eat.

Brian ate his so fast he got a headache and started crying a little. Which broke my heart enough to make me stop eating and pretend to have one myself, holding my head from the fake brain freeze I was feeling. And I actually got him to laugh at that, easing his headache.

"Ju k?" I laughed so hard at his attempt to say my name, loving the little sound of it.

"Ju k Bri. Ju k..." And he smiled at me, causing me to grin as I picked him up from his seat and rinsed our bowls out, returning once more to the sitting room with little Brian on my hip.

And then he started to rub his eyes, making me softly smile as I poked his little stomach, causing him to smile once more.

"Time for sleepy time Brian." He shook his head a little as he softly laid his head on my shoulder, indicating he'd be in sleep land anytime now. And I softly walked into the room filled with cute little baby clothes and cute little toys, softly laying Brian down in his bed, tucking him in gently. His big blue eyes stared up at me, before they closed once more, making me softly run my hand through his already golden hair.

"Nighty night little Bri..." His soft little breaths filled the room as he drifted off into sleep, making me grin.

"Jules dear....? Oh good. He's already asleep. You're just amazing with him darling. No wonder he loves his Ju so much." My eyes went wide from her words. So how long have I actually been in this time? Clearly a while.

"And I sure do love my little Bri." Louisa grinned a little, before we both left Brian to his dream land. How I jumped to another time, I don't understand at all. But today with little Brian, is something I'll never forget.

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