Chapter 27 - Wherever You Are....

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After a long, fun filled day, I can finally say that I'm sitting on my butt and relaxing after cleaning up the mess we all made. Having Jimi over seemed to really boost Brian's mood all the way up. He's a cool cat, as Jimi always says.

Brian truly does admire the guy. Which I can see why. We all just ran around the house, playing different songs and telling all sorts of crazy stories. And finally, we made it outside so Brian could show Jimi the grounds and the beautiful sites he shares with Mr. Pooh Bear himself.

I sat cross legged in the soft grass, the nice breeze adding another layer of calmness to the already silent area, making me smile up at the sky, watching the clouds float on by.

Watching Brian today has really lifted my mood considerably. He's so happy amongst his friends. And it's so nice to see someone else that genuinely wants to hang out with Brian and talk with him. Jimi left us his number and said to call him anytime us cats wanted to play. I could honestly live in this time forever.

But on to other matters, Brian was pretty down it seemed when he heard Anna was leaving. Which made me feel terrible. It seems people do that to him all the time. And her leaving just didn't help matters.

"Hello beautiful. Are you okay?" My gaze met Brian's, seeing him sitting comfortably next to me, a soft, little smile upon his lips. He seemed to be glowing from the brightness of the sky, his blonde, beautiful hair just as perfect as always, sitting amongst his shoulders. And his eyes seemed filled with a peaceful look. He looked relaxed. Which made me smile.

"I'm okay Bri. Just thinking is all. Mainly about you it would seem." He wiggled his eyebrows, making me laugh as he gently nudged me, a little chuckle escaping him, his eyes seeming to look right through me.

"Come and find me Jules!" I narrowed my eyes slightly with a laugh escaping me, laying down on the ground with a thud, hearing his soft laughter fill my ears like the usual beautiful music it always sounds like to me.

"You're right here Brian." My eyes gazed back to the spot he's sitting in, when they went wide upon seeing that he was gone. And no where in sight around me.

"Brian....?" I slowly jumped up from my spot, being greeted with nothing but quietness all around, not a soul in sight. Where could he have gone to that fast?! I softly smiled as I heard his laughter echoing out towards where Pooh Bear's bridge is, slowly making my way there so he wouldn't hear me. The gentle breeze shook the leafs on the beautiful trees surrounding the area, making me feel as if I was Pooh Bear looking for Christopher Robin on one of their many adventures.

"Brian! Where did you run off to now?" Another round of laughter greeted me, leading me further out until I was standing on the bridge, when I noticed it suddenly go dark around me, scaring me a tad. How on earth...?

"Brian....? What's going on?" His laughter didn't greet me this time. The only thing I felt was shivers going down my spine. But the beautiful little stream of water under the bridge kept me a tad bit calm, the whooshing sounds from it hitting the rocks soothing me. Did something happen...?

"Jules! Look!" I jumped a tad upon hearing the voice coming from behind me, whirling around to see a little boy standing there with a happy, little look upon his face. His eyes gazed up at me, his finger pointing down over the bridge at the water seeming to form into shapes and images, making me look over the bridge along with him, seeing Brian and i's reflection looking back at me, his usual blonde hair seeming to be in the form of a halo from the water. My eyes suddenly went wide as I looked back up, seeing the little boy looking at me with a little smile, seeing Brian's usual smile there. Brian....

"You found me Jules. Like always..." He giggled slightly, the worlds cutest giggle, before vanishing like a shadow away from me, his laughter still being heard around me.

"Brian....? Brian!!!" My eyes slowly started to water upon his laughter fading away, seeming to be losing him. I instantly gripped the bridge to look over the side once more, Brian's image gone, leaving only myself in the water. And my tears fell to mingle with the slow moving stream, my heart seeming to break more and more with each passing moment. Am I slowly losing him....? 

With my arms wrapped tightly around myself, I made my way back towards the house with a sigh escaping me, feeling scared now. Where did Brian go? He was there one minute. And the next he was just gone from me. He looked so happy though...

"Jules!! There you are. Geez, where the hell have you been??" My eyes went wide upon Olivia's sudden voice, her face coming into view a second later upon me reaching the house slightly, seeing her wide eyed look.

"Olivia, what's wrong...?" She threw your hands in the air with a mad look upon her face, looking like she was going to kill someone.

"You've been gone for ages! I was beginning to worry something had happened to you." I shook my head as I ran passed her, looking all around the house for Brian or any sign of him being back here at all. But nothing. And my heart dropped further. Where could he be...?

I ran upstairs, hoping to all hope that he'd be in his room and that I was simply off in one of my worlds. But I flung open his door, only being met with nothing but his empty room. And his guitar gently siting against the window, a soft melody filling the room. But no one playing it.

My eyes went wide once I sat down on his bed, hearing soft strumming coming from that area, the melody actually relaxing. I gently laid back on his bed, still hearing Brian's laughter like he was right here with me.

"Come find me Jules...." His soft whisper made me sit up gently, the strumming having stopped, seeing the window wide open, the night air gently caressing my skin. I rose to my feet as I made my way to the window, looking out to see the moonlight shining down on the grounds like a spotlight as usual.

"There you are love! If I had known you were in my room, I'd have come up there." I jumped a little upon hearing and seeing Brian from below, a sudden smile taking over my entire face just seeing him standing there and okay.

"There you are Bri..." His little smile made me feel all warm inside, the scared feeling slowly easing. Feeling as though I lost him, made me feel the worst I ever have in my life. Christopher Robin came back home....

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