Chapter 28 - Right Around The Corner

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As the days dwindle away just as fast as they come, and we all just roam about as if the world were actually right for a change, I can't help but smile just looking at a very happy Brian with a very tired Mary, the both of them just relaxing in the kitchen with light conversation going.

Brian is always so good to her and everyone in the house for that matter. He treats them as if they were family. And that's so heart warming considering to them, he's some big rockstar who at first they thought would be an ass mostly likely. But Brian? No way. He's a teddy bear.

"Jules, are you alright love?" I was shaken from my thoughts upon hearing Brian's voice call my name, the glass of wine in my hands almost half empty by now. Yes, I've actually started to drink some since that night by the pool. Not much. But just for things like this. It's relaxing. I smiled up at Brian, just as his hand came to rest on mine, a calm feeling instantly washing through me from his touch.

"Oh I'm perfectly fine Bri. I couldn't be better." He instantly smiled his big, happy smile, making me feel even better than before. And Mary slowly rose from her seat as she sent us a knowing smile, softly patting Brian and I on the back, nodding at Brian.

"Be the gentlemen I know you are Brian. No pranks on poor Jules here." I threw my head back in laughter from Brian's look of mock surprise, throwing his hand over his chest in a dramatic way, making Mary laugh as she left the house to head home.

"Me?? Well my god, I thought she had more faith in me than that." I grinned a little with a chuckle escaping me, softly kissing Brian on the cheek. And he sent me a cheeky little grin, wiggling his eyebrows at me slightly.

"Now what did I do to deserve such a sweet little kiss from such a beautiful young lady?" I shook my head, softly hitting his arm with a laugh escaping us both, before he pulled me into his arms in a gentle embrace, pulling me up from my seat to stand between his legs.

"I just really felt like kissing you is all." He laughed a little as his lips landed on mine in a heated kiss, his hands gripping my waist with my arms around his neck. And it felt like heaven. 

"Jules! Jules! Wake up! Wake up!" I jumped up from the pillows at the sudden voice ringing in my ears, looking around the room to only see Olivia standing about, and no Brian. We kissed, we drank. We.... ended up here. Everything else is a blur. I don't even remember coming to bed. And my head is pounding... My god my head.

"Olivia....? Could you please not scream. My head is killing me. Too much wine. Way too much." She laughed slightly from my face, but I could see something was bothering her. Something major. Because she looked as if she was going to cry. And I instantly rose from the bed, trying my best not to fall over.

"Liv? What's wrong...?" She looked down at the ground with her arms wrapped around her body just about, a tear actually starting to fall. Now, out of the two of us, she's always the hard one. I hardly ever see her cry. And it's worrying me.

"I.... Janet said... she said I'm pregnant." My eyes went wider than they ever have in my entire life at her words, my headache the last thing on my mind now. It actually took me a moment to realize what she had said.

"Pregnant...?" I looked behind us at the door, seeing Janet standing there with a little smile on her face, walking further into the room to close the door, softly hugging Olivia to her.

"Well when she described how she's been feeling, I knew right away what was going on. But now she's worried. And she really shouldn't be!" I smiled a little at Janet trying to help matters, softly taking Olivia's hand in mine as she looked at us both.

"Liv, we'll get through this. And if you don't want Frank to know, I understand. But you'll need help. And you've got it." She looked at me with a little smile finally coming to her lips, before she instantly threw her arms around me, making me smile even more.

"Thank you Jules. I'm just a little scared..." I softly ran my hands up and down her back in a soothing manner, hearing her crying slowly stop, making me feel a bit better.

"I know Liv. But I promise you, it'll be okay. You'll be okay." I didn't expect to wake up to something like this. But my god. I never really realized just how much Olivia and Frank are.... well yeah. But I know she'll be okay. I just know it. But for the rest of us here, mostly Brian, time will only tell...

It seems night time just falls so quickly around here anymore. And as I gaze into the pool with my feet dangling in the water, my head felt like it was swimming at that moment.

"You want to take a dip love? I'd be more than happy to join you." Brian's smooth voice made me smile, my thoughts just seeming to wash away with his gaze landing on me.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind. Just don't invite Frank..." He sent me a weird look, making me brush it off with a laugh as if I was joking, when I'm truly not. No way in hell do I want that moron showing up. He's caused enough damage.

"Whatever you say love. I'd rather be alone anyway." He grinned that cheeky grin of his I'm so used to by now, making me laugh as he practically dove into the pool with a hoot escaping him, making me laugh so much my stomach started to hurt. But I jumped right in and I didn't care if my clothes were on. I just wanted to enjoy some fun time with this guy that's literally captured me.

"Brian! You dork..." He laughed a little, rising from under the water with a big smile on his beautiful face.

"Okay you two. Why didn't you invite little ole me to the party? Jules not want me around...? My heart hurts." I practically screamed from sudden anger at hearing Frank's voice, slight fear slowly kicking in. And the pool was covered in a thick layer of fog, making the scene worse. But Brian looked at me with yet another funny look, before smirking slightly at Frank, swimming over to him.

"Good ole Frank. And here I thought you wouldn't want to swim with us, considering you're so cold about everything. Being fired isn't exactly a thing to be happy about..." Frank's eyes went wide in what seemed to be hidden fury, trying so hard not to lash out. And I rolled my eyes. Ego party going on now it would seem.

"Boys! Stop it. Just let tonight be a good night. And no fighting. Frank, you only came out here to start shit." Brian looked back at me with a giggle escaping him, making me laugh slightly. This is going to be crazy. And then I noticed Brian slowly starting to breathe hard, indicating his asthma was flaring up, making me worry. I slowly swam over to him, wrapping my arm around him, seeing Frank's smirk from the corner of my eye, flipping him off.

"Bri? Why don't you get out for a while and relax okay? Go get some rest inside and I'll be there shortly." He nodded at me with a little smile, before suddenly kissing me with so much force it took my breath away.

"Okay beautiful. But don't take long. I'll be lonely....." I rolled my eyes, his laughter filling my ears as he finally got out, slowly walking towards the house, leaving me in the pool all alone. And I almost forgot about Frank even being out here, until I looked over and saw he was gone, making me laugh. I figured he wouldn't stay long.

But suddenly, my legs were grabbed and I was pulled under the water, a scream escaping me as water filled my mouth, making me choke slightly. Panic set in as my eyes met the evil looking ones of Frank, kicking him in the face with so much force he fell back, letting me swim up to the surface and pull myself up out of the pool, still having a coughing fit. Oh. My. Gosh. He's trying to kill us both...

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