Chapter 31 - With A Twist

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"Liv? I just simply don't understand how any of this is possible. I can't wrap my brain around what's even going on around me. I'm just worried. Brian has been acting different today. Frank is on the war path. And Tom won't let up on me..." I sighed after my little rant for the day, my mind just gone from sight and god knows where at this point.

Today has been the worst day so far at Cotchford. Something different is happening and I don't know what to do. It's like I'm not even here anymore. Like I'm just observing the inevitable future of this whole story. Brian has been so cold today. Distant and not so charming, locked away in his room from the world. And I feel like himself.

I mean he hasn't done anything mean to me or such. But he just shoves away from me when I merely try to talk to him. And poor Mary is losing her mind trying to figure out what to do to help him. He's been drinking. More than usual, I can tell. He was deadly sick this morning when he awoke from his slumber. Pale as a ghost and could barely talk. He's much better now. Except his mood. But I'm worried so bad for him.

And he can see that. He's honestly not used to someone caring so much about him. He's used to people pushing him away, simply because he's human and has problems, like we all do. He's hidden in his room at the moment in fact. I've been hearing his several instruments from down below on the landing. So at least I know he's okay.

Now Frank and his buffoon self. I really have been avoiding him since the incident with the pool and him basically trying to kill me to make me go away. I just know that's what he wants. He's been acting evil all day and night long, going around the place just stomping around and not talking to a soul. Except Tom of course.

Olivia has been running about with him, trying to see what the issue is. But he won't let up. He simply just yells at her. And when I caught him doing it, i threw a glass mug at his head and told him to sod off or I'm calling the bobbies.

But he didn't care. He just laughed at my attempt of trying to be scary and walked off with his cocky walk he has. The bastard. And Tom. Ole Tom. He decided to pay the house a visit and speak to me about some things he's been talking to Frank about. Apparently I'm not needed here anymore. He told me that starting this morning, I was no longer apart of "The Stones Payroll" or whatever he said.

To which I replied, I never was and never wanted to be. I'm here solely for Brian. Not money. I could care less about that. I could easily get a job at a local market stand just in town, selling beautiful flowers to all the lovely couples of any age. It's enjoyable. And I told him just that. He seemed surprised at my sudden comeback. But impressed. He never once said I had to leave. Not like i would anyway. But he might as well implied that I should be gone.

He even said that Frank wants me gone basically. So it's war from here on out with him. Which is fine because I don't like the bugger anyhow. And ever since then, Brian has been so cold towards me it seems. He just won't talk to me or barely even look at me. And I don't understand why.

I never said anything bad. I never said I'd leave. I don't know. I even knocked on his door earlier and he went silent. But he wouldn't come to the door. So I simply left after what felt like hours of standing there with tears slowly coming out of my eyes. And here we sit now, Olivia and I just staring at each other with defeat forming.

"I know Jules. I know. Something is going to happen. And we know this. I know it's terrible. But time is not on our side. And we knew this from the start. We can't stop what's already happened from happening again, if that makes any sense." I folded my arms with my eyes starting to water yet again, feeling defeated all over again at the thought that in a mere day, Brian could be gone.

And it's like everything is working against me at trying to save his life. I don't want to let him die. He shouldn't have died in the first place. And if there's even a slight chance that I could save him, I'm going to do it.

I'm going to find a way. Frank is the main problem. And I hate it because Olivia is so taken with this man, but won't really show it around me anymore. I know love is love. But he's married. She's too amazing for him. And he's already screwed her over with the baby.

He was a jerk when she finally told him. He told her to sod right off and that she better not even think about trying to get money from him. The cold hearted bastard. I can't stand him!

"Liv.... there has to be something I can do. I can't let him.... I can't. I just can't do it. There has to be another way." She looked at me with a sad look upon her face, not convinced at all about any of this. And a part of me wasn't either. But I have to stay optimistic. Otherwise I'll go mad.

"Well try and get some rest Jules. Brian will come around. Don't worry. He doesn't hate you. If anything, he loves you." I looked at her as she stood from her seat and headed for upstairs, leaving me alone in the quiet sitting room with my jumbled thoughts clouding me. What am I going to do....?

"Jules...? Love... Can we talk?" I jumped a little upon hearing Brian's sudden voice, surprised to even be seeing him out of his room. And dressed so nicely. He looked like a king. And his color returned to his cheeks, making me feel so much better. His eyes suddenly narrowed upon looking at my face, most likely noticing the tear marks littering my face. And a regretful look crossed his.

"Oh love. I'm so terribly sorry I made you cry. I never meant to do that. And I do realize that the reason I was mad, never was a reason." He slowly walked over to me, kneeling between my legs to look up at me with his beautiful blue eyes gazing into mine with such a sad look, making me burst into even more tears, wrapping my arms around his shoulders.

"I don't ever want you to think that I'm going to leave you Brian. What Tom said was stupid because he should know I'd never leave you. Your money means nothing to me. Only you do..." He suddenly pulled back from me with his eyes searching mine, when a big smile came to his angel face, his hair seeming to glow in the dimly lit room.

"I know love. I've always known that. You're one of kind dear Jules. And I'm thankful for the happy times you've shown me here. Without you, I'd never have had them. You've been here so long now, just to show me what it's like to feel love again. I can't keep you forever." I looked at Brian with a weird feeling coming over me, trying to understand where he's getting at. I'm so confused. I can't keep you forever...

He suddenly chuckled, softly placing his cold hand on my cheek, his hand feeling like soft air to me, and his smile soothed me so much. His eyes made me feel happiness. And his touch gave me chills. The good kind.

"But Bri, you know I wouldn't leave you here. I can't leave you. How could I...?" He grinned a little at me like he knew something I didn't. What's he on about? Is something going on?

"Jules love, don't you see? You can't save me. I'm already gone. But you made me feel alive again by being here. I can't come back. And I know this. But you can. You showed me so much. And made me a happier man. I can finally have peace here. And it's all because of you." I jerked up from my seat at his words, looking at him in surprise upon seeing him practically glowing, my eyes tearing up all over again from what he said. He's already gone... He's already gone and I didn't save him. I didn't... Wait...

"But Brian... I had a chance to save you. I could have saved you. Why didn't you let me??" He shook his head, softly placing his hand back on my cheek, his eyes gazing into mine with a sad little look showing for a brief moment.

"You couldn't have saved me love. You're simply stuck in another time where everything is how it was for me. But in a way, you did save me." He suddenly placed his lips on mine in the sweetest kiss imaginable, making my heart skip so many beats. With my eyes closed, I gently placed my hands on his cheeks, the kiss going on forever and ever. But I loved it.

I slowly opened them once more, only to see that I was alone. And my heart dropped to my stomach from everything coursing through my mind, my hands clutching something that's not even there.

"Brian...? Brian.... Brian!!" I ran and ran through the house and out the doors, the quiet sounds of Cotchford filling my ears. And everything was perfect. Until the sounds of sirens filled my ears all of a sudden. I ran down to the pool in a panic upon seeing people filling the area, my heart stopping once I reached there. Olivia was standing there with tears falling and falling down her face, screaming her lungs out as she tried to get into the pool herself, her yells making me feel terrible. And my parents... My parents are here. My eyes went wide as I peeked over into the pool to see what was going on, almost falling from what I saw. Looking back at me..... was me.

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