Chapter 9 - Pipes Of Pan

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I sat on the window ledge of this beautiful room that I still can't believe I'm even in, looking out at the beautiful England night sky. And of course, the beauty of Cotchford. The night air mixed with the shadows dancing around the grounds is just so peaceful. The only time Cotchford can have some peace is at night it seems. I can practically hear it whispering that thank goodness, we have a moment to breathe. And it settles into a peaceful setting, resting along with the rest of us.

I was shaken from my thoughts upon hearing what sounds to be music coming from below me, startling me slightly as I gently looked down from my seat on the open window, seeing Brian walking out of the house in his usual white, fluffy robe, his flute in his hands, making me softly smile.

He does this almost every night, either with the flute or his saxophone. That's usually why I sit here so much because I can catch a glimpse of him doing what he does best. Music. Brian can literally pick up any Instrument and play it beautifully. He's got the magic touch.

I gently laid my head against the little wall as I watched him continue his journey into the little maze of bushes down below, still playing with his eyes closed it appeared, a peaceful look upon his face. Sometimes I fall asleep to the sound of Brian out there playing. It's so soothing really.

He kept walking to different places around the yard as if he was in his own little world, his eyes slowly opening as they met mine, his playing never faltering as I simply waved at him, a little smile breaking onto his lips as he walked closer towards me below the window, looking like some angel. The angel of Cotchford.

And I grinned, the sound of his playing softly mingling with the night air in a beautiful dance. He suddenly stopped, craning his neck to look up at me, his smile even bigger than before as he seemed to just glow from the light of the moon. I grinned right back at him as I pointed towards the back doors, indicating to wait for me as Brian softly shook his head, smiling.

I chuckled as I jumped up from my seat, throwing on a little robe to cover myself, quietly making my way out of the room and down the stairs, not a sound to be heard except for my light foot steps. I slowly made my way to the doors as I saw Brian standing there with one partly open, gesturing me out as he closed it behind me, grinning at me as we both stood there, the night air softly caressing our skin.

"Hello Jules. You can't sleep as well?" I shook my head a little as I simply smiled, making him chuckle as we both stood close together, making my face go a little red.

"Nope. Never. But it's okay. I didn't want to miss the Brian Jones show." He suddenly laughed, a cute laugh as I chuckled as well, looking down at the flute in his hand, making him smile slightly.

"Just something about the night setting makes me want to come out here and make some music. It's even better at night." And that I couldn't agree more with. I grinned at him as he suddenly took hold of my hand with his, kissing it softly, surprising me. Which he seems to do often.

He seemed to smirk a little as I rolled my eyes, making him laugh as he gently placed his flute on a nearby chair, my hand still in his, when he brought me really close to him, his one hand on my waist, while the other kept its grip on my hand, making me laugh as he suddenly spun me around, dipping me as I squealed from the sudden drop.

I felt light as air being with Brian. How one person can make you feel so many things is such a beautiful mystery.  And as he grinned down at me, keeping me dipped for a moment before softly pulling me into him, his hand softly resting on my lower back, slowly dancing with me, making me chuckle, it was something i never wanted to lose.

"Umm Brian...? Are you okay?" He softly laughed at the look on my face as he twirled me once more, before pulling me back to him, making me giggle as I felt happier than ever.

"Of course. I just felt like dancing with you. We do look rather dapper in our little robes.. What fashion sense we bring to the floor." I chuckled slightly as we continued to dance to the music in our own minds, our eyes locking as we both simply smiled. Suddenly, Brian let go of my hand as he softly placed his hand on my face, his other hand still on my back as he softly moved a strand of fallen hair from my face, making my cheeks flare up.

"You look very beautiful Jules....." We slowly stopped dancing as we just looked at one another, the moon seeming to shine on us like a spotlight as he brought me even closer to him, no gap between us any longer. I softly ran my fingers through his hair as he smiled at me, his cute little smile that always melts my heart right in my chest. This moment will forever be captured in my mind. This man right here....

"And you look very handsome..... Mr. Jones." He mock glared at me with a little playful smirk upon his lips, making me giggle as he chuckled. And somehow in that moment, I lost myself. I kissed him. And it felt so damn natural. I just did it without thinking.

I placed my hands on his face as he seemed to deepen the kiss, before tipping my head slightly to trail his kisses to my neck, softly nipping as a soft moan escaped my lips, making him chuckle. He knew exactly what he did to me.  I grinned a little as his head softly came up and his eyes gazed back at me, making me grin.

"I meant Brian....." He laughed, a big laugh, leaving us both in a fit of giggles as we both clutched our stomachs from laughing so hard, when suddenly, Luther came running from out of nowhere, startling us both as we both tripped over him and fell onto our asses, our gaze landing on the stars shining bright in the sky.

And we lost it once more, our laughter the only sound coming from the entire place, when our eyes traveled to one another and we both grinned. Brian poked my nose softly as he winked at me, making me grin as I pinched his exposed leg, chuckling. Please don't ever take this moment away.... 

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