A wonderful world

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By the way this is told in all Gameknight Pov, if anyone who dosen't know what Pov stands for it means, the point of view. ^=^ Wait tell me in the comments if you want a new line every diolauge. Alright lets get started!

As we stared at the wonderful roofed forest the beauty of Minecraft, Ohhh... Gameknighit I have been waiting for said a young looking teenager climbed from out of one of the treehouses. "Umm... hello" I say, were you the ki- he interrupts me saying 

"oh ...yeah". 

"Well" he says 

"what are your names" Hunter steps forward to introduce herslf, as Herder then... on and on, "well do you want to come inside my main base", before any of us say anything he says, by the way name is Gameknight45 and my name in the pysicial world is" he paused an thought 

"I can't remember" he said. 

"Wait your from the physical" I say suprised, 

"Uhhh yeah" Gameknight45 says not concerned. Well my parents died in a robbery at our home I was to scared to stop the robber, when I was in my bedroom on something called Wattpad. I was playing Minecraft one night to calm my sadness when I got sucked into it somehow, but the beauty I am used to Gameknight45 said finishing up his his story. "Okkk..." I said proccesing the imformation,  "well" Crafter said 

"that is very sad to know". He jumps down into a huge tree 

"wow" we say in awe, 

"yeah this is pretty much my home" he says sadly putting his head down. I think everyone can feel his sadness, he has no friends, no family, no comfort,no one to live with. He felt bad for Gameknight45, but they needed to go into the tree house "lets go inside" Gameknight45 said as he climed down. 

As we entered the mighty large treehouse easily one of the biggest treehouses in Minecraft. "Wow this masive" I say, 

"yeah I know" he says, not really intrested 

"well I have an armour swapper". 

"Owwwo" we say intrested, 

"well I do have 13 Guest rooms even though no one visits" he says solemly. He sighs 

"well lets go can show you a tour of the place" Gameknight45 says as he runs off into a whole humongous treehouse....

(401 words)

This is probably what it looks like sneak a peak at it on the next page!

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