Kingdom Heroes

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???: Light... Darkness... Creation... Destruction. All of these are so different... Yet can be the same all at once. At the end of the day, it is all determined on what sort of person that is using it will become. Will it determine on how this person would act moving forward in the future? Or will it determine the coming destiny of the select few, to have be used for either light or darkness? Well...

I for one won't tell... But you must view it for yourself. After all... It is not Lady Destiny's job to decide it. It is up to the chosen one's themselves.

Story Notes:

Kingdom Hearts x MHA! Believe it or not, like Minecraft: Hardcore War, this was one of my first stories! But I scrapped it because I absolutely SUCKED AT WRITING! I mean by God! Comparing my writing to now compared to then, I vastly improved! Well... This one I feel like I'm gonna get some help with my good friend Kuuga13Henshin who is the one who helped get the idea! We may end up co-writing, but that remains to be unseen. But no more info! I may do a separate book that kind of explains what will happen game mechanics wise.

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