Sunset on the Beach

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July 16, 1946

Cy's POV

It has been a little bit since I crashed the plane, it happened maybe about an hour ago. I had shrugged it off to keep my mind off it and it worked, until Titus brought it up when we were talking. "Are you alright, you smashed the plane pretty good." Titus said. "Did you really have to bring that up, yes I'm fine but I was trying to keep my mind off of it." I replied. "Oh, sorry, but good to hear you're ok." He replied. We changed topic and talked for a few minutes and then Sylvia approached us. "Hey Cy are you alright? That landing wasn't the best." She asked in concern. "Yeah I'm fine, my plane isn't though." I replied. "Oh don't worry about the 38 it will be fine, the repair crew here will get it fixed and painted as if nothing happened." She replied in assurance. I started thinking about what she said and then a problem hit me, it would take a while before the P-38 was operational again. But I shrugged it off to stay in a good mood. Luckily Sylvia changed topics and asked Titus and I a question. "Sure what is it?" I replied. "Do you guys want to hang out on the beach with me in a little bit?" She asked. Titus and I both agreed, what else was there to do? Sylvia said to meet her at her plane's hanger in 10 minutes. So Titus and I walked off to our shacks to change.

Few Minutes Later

I opened the door to my shack and entered, closing the door behind me. I untied and pulled off my boots and but them in drawer in a dresser, I tossed my socks off and removed my flight suit, folding it then putting it in the same drawer as my boots. I threw on a pair of dark green cargo shorts and pulled on a dark blue V-neck shirt as well as slipping into my sandals. After making sure everything looked organized I exited out of the shack. I decided to wait for Titus so I sat on the steps attached to my shack. Not too long after I sat down, Titus walked down the steps of his shack wearing a pair of grey cargo shorts and a red T-shirt, as well as his flip flops. "Well, guess we better start heading to Sylvia's hanger." I told Titus. "Lets do it." He replied.

After some walking we arrived at the entrance of the hanger, where we saw Sylvia leaning on the nose of her P-51 Mustang. She was wearing a pair of short jean shorts and a green T-shirt."You guys ready?" She asked. "You bet we are!" I replied, with that the three of us walked towards the beach, which is not too far from the end of the runway. So since the area that our base is in is for military only, we have the beach all to ourselves, which when you think about it is awesome! We walked for a few minutes before finally arriving at the beach. Today was a good day to be there, the water was smooth, it wasn't too terribly hot as it was evening, and the weather was really good with a slight breeze. We found ourselves a spot in the sand and tossed off our sandals. "Man, today was the perfect day to be here." I said outloud. "Sure is," Titus said in agreement, "Sylvia, you picked a good day." "I know, today seemed right." She said. She then noticed that the sun was close to setting. "We'd better do something fun before sunset." Sylvia said. "Let's go out in the water." "Sounds good to me." I said as I pulled off my shirt, Titus did the same. All three of us ran out to the water and splashed around. It was cold but we didn't care, we splashed at each other and swam around in the deeper areas. We did this for a while and we were having lots of fun. But then I looked towards the west and saw that the sun was just above the horizon. "Hey guys the sun is about to set!" I yelled to my two friends, "let's sit on the beach and watch it!" With that the three of us waded through the water towards the beach. We sat down side by side and watched the sunset together. It was so beautiful, the sky was pink, orange, and red and the sun was a bright dark orange and yellow ball of beauty as it descended into the horizon. Then Titus commented, "I think that was one of the most beautiful things of ever seen." He said in awe. "Oh definetly." Sylvia agreed. "Yes it was, that's the best one I've seen!" I commented. "And I guess the splashing around counts as getting clean." I realized. "Oh yeah, it does I guess." Sylvia agreed. "We better head back, it's almost supper time." Titus told us. So, we dried off and put our shirts back on as well as our shoes and headed to the mess hall.

After Supper..

Sylvia's POV

I finished eating my meal and put my tray in the stack of other trays. I was about to walk out but then I remembered that my shack had a roof leak and even though nothing was damaged, I couldn't sleep in it, not tonight at least. It was going to be windy so I tied down the stuff in my shack so it wouldn't be disturbed. But where was I going to sleep? I thought about it for a minute and then I saw Cy walking out of the mess hall, then I had an idea. I trust Cy, so I can ask him if I can stay at his place for the night. I went after Cy to tell him. When I caught up with him I tapped his shoulder. "Oh hey Sylvia, how's it going?" He asked. "Never better, hey I have a question." I said. "What is it?" He replied, "can I stay at your place tonight? My place has a roof leak and it will be windy tonight." I explained. He had a surprised look on his face and I sware I saw him blush a little. "Oh uh.. um sure!" He finally replied. "Great, thank you so much!" I hugged him and walked off to get some things from my shack.

Cy's POV

She hugged me and walked off. I couldn't stop blushing, but I'm glad I could help her out. At my shack, I slipped off my sandals and grabbed my sketchbook and a pencil and layed on my bed, it's actually a cot but I call it my bed. I started sketching a B-17 in my sketchbook until a heard a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yelled, the door swung open and Sylvia walked in carrying her folded cot and rolled up sleeping bag, as well as a small back pack. "You going on a camping trip or something?" I asked jokingly, "oh shut up Cy." She replied smileing. She walked over to my cot and set up her cot right next to mine. "Is right here alright?" She asked, "yeah where ever you like." I replied. She continued setting up her cot next to mine and rolled out her sleeping bag on top of it and hung her backpack on a hook in the wall. She took interest in what I was sketching and watched me until I finished. "Wow you're good at sketches, it looks just like a real B-17." She complimented. "Thanks, I've known how to sketch since I was 8 years old." I said. I noticed how tired she looked and she kept yawning. "Well I won't keep you awake any longer, good night Sylvia." I told her. "Good night Cy, and thanks again for letting me stay here, it means a lot." She replied. "No problem." With that I closed my sketch book and put it on my work desk along with my pencil, I turned the knob on the oil lamp and dimmed it. I walked back to my cot and slid in my sleeping bag, zipped it up, and drifted to sleep.


Wow 1424 words, guess I got a little carried away. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it took some planning but I got it done. Chapter 7 will be rolling off the production line in no time! Till then, Peace


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