nine | the chase begins

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chapter nine | the chase begins
episode six

Beneath the palace, the Darkling approached the dungeons with his eyes falling on the man who called himself the Conductor. Time was ticking and they needed to break him quickly with Alina gone.

"I've been swindled," the prisoner told them. "Hoodwinked."

"My guards tell me that they caught you fleeing the scene of the crime," the Darkling said.

"Yes, I followed them," said the Conductor.

"Followed whom?"

"They come from the other side of the Fold," he explained. "From the start, they seemed, just, a bit off to me, so when they left our stage, at the fete, I followed them to see what they were up to, and at the time that I walked into that room, they were gone and...Saints, it was... unspeakable. So I ran. I..."

The Darkling looked to Ivan. "How much of that is true?"

"He did cross the Fold with the others," confirmed Ivan. "The rest were lies."

"What?" The Conductor gasped, suffocating on his fear. "That's... no..."

"Your heart gives you away," Ivan told him.

"Do you know we keep records of everyone who crosses the Fold?" The Darkling continued. "For the winter fete, we had ambassadors from Kerch, Novyi Zem, the Wandering Isle, but you didn't cross with them did you?"

The Conductor shook his head.

"No, you and your crew," said the Darkling. "You have another way."

"I don't know what you mean," he tried recovering. "I..."

"He does," Ivan confirmed.

"I'm an entertainer," the Conductor cried. "Oskar, Oskar Krepkov."

The Darkling approached his captive, clutching at his wrist as his shirt was pulled up to reveal the jagged lines that decorated his arm. "Well, that is certainly entertaining," said the Darkling. "You are the Conductor, Arken Visser, are you not?"

Enraged, the Darkling stood, having waited years for this moment.

"You smuggle Grisha out of my palace!" The Darkling announced. "You help them abandon the war effort."

"No," the Conductor said. "I deal in legal indentures. I don't mess with Grisha."

"Lie," the Darkling called out. "I don't need him to tell me. I had a spy. Nina Zenik. Ring any bells?"

The Conductor looked furious. "Nina?"

"Last report we had from her was that she'd be crossing the Fold with the Conductor and four rogues from Ketterdam," said the Darkling. "What their mission was, she didn't know. She was waiting to meet you all. Now, poor Nina...has not been heard from since. Might that have something to do with you, Mr. Visser?"

"No," the Conductor answered. "I don't."

The Darkling looked to Ivan, who shrugged.

"See?" The Conductor encouraged. "I don't know what happened."

"My guess, you struck a deal with these four thieves," said the Darkling. "To kidnap Alina Starkov. But you have a stronger relationship with a certain West Ravkan general, who has notions of ruling his own country. So long as the Fold separates him from us. So, you made another deal. You put on a disguise. And you played at being assassin."

The Conductor's face changed from fear to fury. "That's right. The prize to bring her back to Ketterdam was a million, split four ways. But Zlatan offered me the same kill her. But that's not my biggest crime, and you know it. So...give me half that and I can bring her home to you."

The Darkling froze at that, glancing back for Zoya and Ivan to leave.

"Annette Ninomae hired you to run with my child," the Darkling confirmed once it was just the two of them. His eyes were darkening with each moment, finding grief and hated within her name. "Along with Marian Villena. The two of them would not have been so foolish to tell you the child's whereabouts."

"They did not tell me," the Conductor answered. "I can tell you now, but it will come at the cost of my freedom."

The Darkling stared at him in disbelief. "My child is one of the four thieves?"

He didn't need Ivan to know that he was right as the Conductor's face fell, having lost all his cards to survive.  "Neave trusts me. I can bring you to her."

Neave — hearing that name came as a blessing and a curse to the Darkling, who knew of Annette's fondness for the name.

But that was not her name.

She had been so close to slip through his fingers again.

"No," said the Darkling. "I can handle it myself."

It was time to bring Lidia Kirigan home.

Neave had, strangely enough, told them everything, trusting them with not just the truth but her life too. The response had been rather diverse: Inej had been supportive, Jesper eager to find a joke to lighten the mood and Kaz, well, Kaz was Kaz — silent, focused, weighing up their chances of survival.

"What are the chances of the Conductor telling the Darkling?" Jesper questioned out loud after, still having yet to share his news. "Or, actually, the chances of us escaping him?"

"When we stop, I'll leave," Neave promised. "I don't want to risk your lives any more than I already have done. I truly am sorry."

Inej frowned, not liking that. "Neave—"

"You will stay with us," Kaz decided, not turning to look at Neave. "Either way, the Conductor will share what he knows and we will still be targets, so our best bet is you staying with us."

Jesper shot Kaz a look. "You're not planning on throwing her to the wolves if the time comes, are you?"

"That's one option," Kaz admitted, causing the three to frown at him. "If we're caught. For now, our best chance is getting back through the Fold. I've never heard of the Darkling crossing the Fold before. Neave attracted those creatures, so I suppose that's why."

"So our chances are slim," Jesper summarised.

"It's still a chance," Inej reminded them both, then her eyes shifted to Neave. "We don't leave anyone behind, Neave. You can trust us."

Neave wasn't sure what to think about that, but her mind trickled back to the Sun Summoner and her revenge. Perhaps Alina Starkov would be enough reason for the Darkling to risk crossing, maybe even for Neave too. However, Neave wanted nothing more than to see him crumble in pain.

"Alina," said Neave. "What about her? What about the job?"

Kaz scowled, turning to face Neave as he recognised that blaze of revenge that had lit up in her gaze.

Jesper, however, smirked. "Oh, little Neave, we have corrupt you."

Neave rolled her eyes. "I've been corrupt since I was born, Jesper."

"I'm starting to believe that now," he admitted. "The job is still on, you know."

"How? We lost Alina?" Inej questioned, but she didn't sound too disappointed with that.

"She's right here," said Jesper, grinning brightly. "Just you wait and see."

Neave didn't like the suspense, finding that she was becoming impatient with Jesper's responses. However, it's not long before they come to a stop outside the town of Ryevost. The horses come to a stop with the four climbing down from where they sit.

Somehow, Jesper's grin still managed to widen as he pointed to the wooden box at the back of the carriage. Their eyes fall on it; eyebrows stitching together in confusion. Then there's a white glow within the lock with Neave's eyes popping wide. The lock broke with the lid opening to reveal the Sun Summoner.

"Saints," Neave whispered.

Next to Neave, Jesper gestured for Alina to free herself but his hand rested firmly on his gun. Neave, however, couldn't quite believe their luck. They hadn't captured Alina so had the young girl sought to flee herself?

"We don't want any trouble," Jesper told Alina.

Alina held up her hands. "Neither do I, so I'll just be on my way."

Kaz's cane hit the side of the carriage, blocking the Sun Summoner from going anywhere. Trying to help, Neave offered a friendly smile in the hope that it wouldn't come down to a fight.

"Clearly, you want out of East Ravka," Jesper continued. "But we can help you." Alina looked to Inej, who nodded with Neave truly believing Inej would do anything for the Sun Summoner. "We have a secure route through the Fold."

"I prefer to travel alone," Alina told them.

"Don't be rash," Jesper cautioned. "You stick with us, everybody gets what they want."

"I'm not being anyone's captive ever again," said Alina. "So step aside and let me pass."

"I'm afraid we can't let that happen," Kaz warned her.

Jesper's hand moved for his gun that triggered a reaction from Alina. A blinding light soared as Neave shielded her face, wincing at the brightness that filtered through. The boys grunted, having caught the light more than Neave had. Blinking, Neave removed her arms, noticing that she was seeing bright spots that clouded her vision.

Inej, however, had her hands up in surrender.

Bowing, she let the Sun Summoner go.

"No," Neave hissed, stepping forward but Inej caught her arm.

"She is not your enemy, Neave," Inej whispered in her ear. "Do you truly want your revenge to come from harming someone else?"

"I..." Neave's bottom lip wobbled, watching as Alina fled. Marian had trained Neave to avoid violence as much as possible — to survive, Neave was to not bring attention to herself. But, Neave wasn't just about her training or survival; Neave didn't want to hurt anyone nor add any more violence to the world, no matter how much she hurt. "No, I don't."

Of course, with Alina now truly gone, Kaz was angry once the two had overcome their sudden blinding experience. There was no doubt that Kaz knew Inej had let the Sun Summoner go, but they did not have time to waste. The crew split up, heading in different directions.

Kaz's cane stopped Neave from leaving.

Turning, she shot Kaz a look. "Yes, Kaz?"

"You're sticking with me," he instructed her.

Neave sighed. "I thought we were over this?"

"Yes, but you have a tendency to do the right thing," said Kaz, shaking his head before he started walking with Neave following in his step. "If I leave you alone, you'll flee in the belief that you're protecting us."

"But if I stay, then my father will kill you," Neave argued.

"That's if he catches us first," Kaz reminded Neave. "Right now, we have a head start but losing the Sun Summoner will cut our getaway time."

"Why?" Neave demanded. "Why do you want me to stay?"

"Because, Neave, you are a worthy asset to have," he confessed with the truth not making Neave feel any better. "Either I use you to survive or you'll be a useful member to my team."

If they find out, my rose, then you will be captured and exploited if not killed.

Kaz was one of the villains that her mother had painted from the very beginning. All he saw was Neave as a pawn in his plots — a valuable addition to have to throw to the wolves if needed to survive or to use to get what he wanted. Neave was not surprised, but she had hoped that Kaz wanted her to stay for more than just her power. Perhaps she had been wrong.

In the end, they had no lead on Alina Starkov's whereabouts. Miraculously, the girl had gotten away that had resulted in Kaz Brekker sulking in an old club as he nursed a drink that she ended up drinking for him. Neave had not spoken since Kaz's confession, though he probably knew that the words had sunken her spirit further.

Neave tapped her fingers on the table, watching those around them in fear that she might be discovered again. Kaz kept a firm grip on his cane, where his mind was likely on what came next if they did not locate Alina.

Inej was the one brave enough to face Kaz as she joined them at the table.

"No horses missing at the stables, so..." Inej informed them.

"So?" Kaz repeated, twisting a coin between his fingers. "Are you going to tell me how the target got away?"

Inej kept her gaze on Kaz. "I let her go."

"You were hired to do a job," Kaz reminded Inej with his fury finally showing.

"I let her go too, Kaz," Neave confessed. "Don't just blame Inej."

"You were not hired, Neave," said Kaz. "Nor do I expect you to have the heart to do what needs to be done."

Neave frowned at that. Did he not have faith in her? Yes, she might have let Alina go, but Neave was certain that she had been dedicated to the job since the very beginning. But it seemed Kaz had always expected her to be nothing more than a kind-hearted girl.

Was that all Neave was?

"Yes, the job was to pick up a fake for an easy million kruge," Inej recalled, not doubting her decision. "We found a living Saint who can summon the sun."

Kaz held up his coin. "A good magician is a good con artist," he explained, still not believing in the Sun Summoner. "The trick..." he moved his hands, twisting them until the coin disappeared, "is to make it look real."

"This is different," Inej insisted. "You saw her summon with your own eyes," then her eyes fell on Neave. "You saw it too."

"I did," Neave felt her heart flutter as she recalled the event. "It's real, Kaz."

"The best illusions are the most convincing," he argued. "That's the game."

"You can hide behind your cynicism but I believe she's the real thing," said Inej.

"I don't see you falling to your knees," Kaz pointed out. "To worship every heartrender or squaller we meet."

"This is different," Inej pressed. "Her power is a miracle. I won't betray my faith."

"Pious as that may be, we cannot work effectively as a crew if you're making decisions based on religious zeal," said Kaz.

Inej leant forward, becoming furious. "Is that a threat to return me to Heleen?"

Neave's lips parted. "Kaz, you wouldn't..."

"Either we get the target or Heleen gets the Crow Club," he informed them. "And Pekka gets whatever's left."

The Crow Club? But how... what did that mean?

"Wait," Inej had caught it too. "Why would Heleen get the Crow Club?"

Kaz looked down as if realising his mistake, but he made no hurry to answer the question. Instead, he stood, ignoring their protests as he fled; it was enough for the two to realise that Kaz had done something foolish.

"What did you do?" Inej questioned quietly.

Neave sighed, leaning back in her chair, finding Kaz Brekker exhausting. She understood his frustration and his lack of trust, particularly in Neave, but sometimes he was too much.

"I'm sorry, Inej," Neave felt bad. "I feel like it's my fault for putting him in a bad mood in the first place."

"He still would have said the same," Inej told Neave.

"He still trusts you, though," said Neave with a small smile. "Otherwise he wouldn't have left you with me."

Inej almost smiled at that. "Or perhaps he trusts you, Neave."

"Not at all," Neave laughed. "I'm his prisoner now."

"Kaz wouldn't keep you trapped with us, Neave," Inej promised, thinking of Heleen. "Not if you didn't want to. If anything, he'll pay you — offer you a promotion to join us officially."

"That's if we survive," Neave argued. "First, we have to get out of here, and if we're captured, then Kaz won't hesitate to use me. I can't blame him. But... I had thought Kaz might have wanted me to stay for..."

"You?" Inej finished. "Kaz is a frustrating man, Neave. You are a strange addition to our team. There's an innocence to you that the rest of us lack, which for someone like Kaz, might not seem like a good idea to have around. But... we need someone like you."

"He's worried I won't kill anyone," Neave said, fiddling with the empty glass on the table. "I don't know if I could, Inej, but I won't hesitate to save those I care about. Back at the palace... I could have killed that Grisha so easily. I could have spared you from that grief. Maybe I do have the heart to kill. My father certainly deserves it."

"I would hate to see that goodness in you go dark, Neave," said Inej. "We've dragged you too far into this world as it is and now you have an unimaginable force moving against you. Kaz might not have offered you support, but I will, Neave. I won't let him take you."

"But it's my fault," Neave shook her head, hating how too many people had willingly given up their lives for her sake. "I promised Marian I would not go and I did, Inej. All these years, everyone has tried keeping me safe. Marian raised me to survive. Annette risked everything to get me to safety, even my Grandmother. And I've ruined all that. How can I expect you or Jesper, or even Kaz, to do the same for me now?"

"Because you're a part of our crew," Inej told her, reaching across the table for her hand as she squeezed it. "And you are my friend, Neave. Let us help you."

Neave stared down at their hands, unable to soothe her rapidly beating heart.

"Okay," said Neave. "But do understand, Inej, that it works both ways. If I am captured and there's no way to escape, then do know that I will surrender myself for your freedoms."

"It won't come to that," Inej promised. "We'll get out together as a team."

"As a team," Neave confirmed, trying to smile.

Could it be that easy?

Sorry that it's a bit of a filler one between the action! Things are going to get a little wild from now till the end of this season! I'm debating about keeping this book to the tv show since they'll be a second season (YAY), then maybe do a spin-off book for six of crows/ crooked kingdom?? What do you think?

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