seven | the little palace

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chapter seven | the little palace
episode five

Never before would Neave had thought she'd see the grand capital of Os Alta, but here they were now with the performer's carriage coming to a stop outside of the gates. If Neave was to turn back, then this would be her final chance; yet, she didn't move.

Despite the negative feelings, Neave tried to put on a smile with a buzz of energy as if to give the illusion that she was excited to be here. Dread swirled within her stomach, but she was finally so close to the possibility of belonging somewhere or having a family, whether dead or alive.

"That one is our invitation to perform, signed by the Queen," said Marko, showing the correct documents to the guards so that they could be let in. Even Marko looked a little worried as he glanced back to his crew, including the four who had hitched a ride.

"The writ allows you access to the grounds," the guard informed them. "The main ballroom and nowhere else. You are being employed by the Queen. You are not her guests. You are to stay together as a group, at all times," he walked forward, eying each member. "No guns, no knives, no weapons of any kind."

Neave caught Jesper's grin that vanished as the guard turned back to them again.

"Punishment for violation of these rules ranges from being fired to being fired upon," he concluded. "Now, do we all understand these rules?"

But they didn't get a chance to reply as someone grunted with a guard dragging a man out from under a carriage behind them.

"Oh for Saints sake," the guard muttered.

"The Sun Summoner!" The intruder cried. "I just want to see her!"

He tried to run but a guard shoved the barrel of his gun into his stomach, sending him doubling over as he crushed to the ground. A number of guards moved to stop the intruder with Kaz seizing the moment to blend in with the guards, acting as if he had been with them all along.

"All right, that's enough," the guard that had first spoken to them called out. "Do we really need the entire corps for one man?"

"Come on," the guards carried the intruder off.

"The rest of you, post up now," the guard commanded.

The four climbed back into the carriage as the gates opened, where they held their breaths as if fearing that they still might get caught. But the next part of the plan came with the four having to blend in until Kaz returned from scouting the Little Palace. Apparently, that included Inej and Neave getting dressed up before they were to practice for the show later on.

"Are you sure you don't want me to do your hair?" Neave asked Inej, having found some new ribbons within the supplies of the performers that Marko had allowed her to have. "I can wind some ribbons into your hair that match your costume or we can try a new style—"

"I'm good, Neave," said Inej, politely. "Thank you. You're panicking, but everything will be fine."

Neave sighed. "I don't know what's worse: the impossible job, performing in front of a crowd or the fact that I have family that I could bump into any second."

"You have nothing to worry about with performing," Inej told her. "You have a way with the crowds, Neave. All you have to do is smile and people will fall to their knees for you. The job... is the job. It'll come together. But if you bump into family, then wouldn't that be a good thing?"

"Not for the job," Neave realised. "If there is someone here, then what if they don't want me, or what if my mother ended up being a terrible person?"

"If they don't want you, then it's their loss," Inej reassured Neave, taking her hand with a comforting squeeze. "From what I've heard so far, your mother sounded just like you. Stubborn but sweet. She refused to kill and found a way to charm others with her words."

Neave felt her mood perking up at that, realising that maybe she did have a few similarities to her mother through simply what the Conductor had shared. It might be brief, but it was something. However, she was Marian's daughter too. Maybe Annette provided Neave with the petals to blossom, but it was Marian who had given Neave her thorns. Together, the two could be deadly, but could Neave ever kill?

"Thank you, Inej," said Neave, smiling.

Inej then moved to start her warm-up before the show started. Neave stared up at Inej, having practiced herself while being satisfied with how she looked. Marko wanted Neave to sway the audience enough to make them cry, finding the act hauntingly beautiful and then the Sun Summoner would come on, offering that blissful feeling of hope.

"Does this look right?" Inej asked them. "I haven't done this routine since I was fourteen."

"Yeah, it's stunning, Inej," said Neave, grinning brightly despite knowing that Inej was captured by slavers at fourteen. Doing the routine might come with negative memories, but Inej still enjoyed it. "You're a natural."

Neave nudged Jesper, who was too busy eyeing the stable boy that caused Inej to come down to join them. The two knew that when Jesper was distracted, things tended to go wrong.

"Hello, Jesper?" Neave called to him.

"Jesper, you're not even paying attention, are you?" Inej questioned.

"Sorry," said Jesper, turning to the two. "What now?"

"I said, you're not paying attention," Inej repeated.

"Oh," he replied. "I do vaguely remember Neave singing and then you being airborne. Was that recently?"

"Aren't you supposed to be scouting our way out?" Inej reminded him.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Jesper told them, scoffing.

"Flirting with the cute stable hand counts?" Neave questioned.

"What stable..." said Jesper, eyes falling on the boy again. "Oh, him. I suppose he's moderately attractive, but I hadn't really noticed. I didn't think he'd be your type, Neave."

"Oh, he's not my type," Neave reassured him. "Doesn't mean he's not attractive."

Jesper turned to study her, suddenly curious. "And who is your type?"

Neave couldn't help but flush a bright red. "I don't really have a type..."

Jesper raised an eyebrow. "But the stable hand isn't?"

"Well, my type depends," said Neave, becoming distracted. It wasn't like Neave had a lot of experience when it came to love, apart from the occasional flirting. "I suppose I'm not sure. Like, on the gender, I guess, or the person..."

The two stared at her at that with a little hint of teasing in their smiles. Neave, however, felt herself glowing even redder, having never discussed anything like that before.

Inej sighed, aware that they had become distracted. "This is going to be a lot less amusing when the carriage you find isn't fast enough."

"Oh, so now you're an acrobat and a carriage expert?" Jesper turned to look at Inej. "Tell me, what makes one carriage faster than the other? Wheels? Weight? The year it was built? Don't answer, trick question. The right answer is there is no right answer. Because the carriage doesn't matter. It's the horse that makes the difference. The horse determines how far, how fast. And that determines whether you get caught or not."

"Show off," Neave mumbled, realising he was flirting with the stable hand to find out the fastest horses for them to escape.

"No human being should ever be as proud as you are right now," Inej told him.

"Me?" Jesper questioned. "What about your Sun Summoner? I'm not the one who invited half the world to see me do a party trick."

Inej shook her head. "You think that's what it is? Just a trick?"

"Kaz thinks it's a trick," said Jesper. "He's not usually wrong. So do you, Neave."

"I don't know," Neave corrected, not wanting to anger Inej. "I believe there's some truth to it, but some elements are fanatical. I'll have to believe it to see it."

"I know what Kaz and Neave think," Inej said, studying Jesper. "I'm asking what you think."

"Hey," Jesper faced Inej, feeling guilty. "I think... that as long as we get paid... I don't care if she's real or not."

Neave wanted to comfort Inej, knowing that it upset her when people didn't believe in the Sun Summoner as she did, however, she was due on stage at the winter fete for the dress rehearsal. Somehow, miraculously, Neave managed to get through the performance without spewing or messing anything up. Neave didn't like how gloomy she made the show with it being a sickening reminder of who she really was. If anything, Neave wished she could have been the Sun Summoner to bring joy to the crowd rather than grief.

"Ladies and gentleman, I present Alina Starkov!" Marko announced as Neave made her way off stage, heading to where Jesper stood. On stage, a blonde emerged from cloaked shadows as she danced as if her dancing was the light that defeated the Fold.

"You survived," Jesper told her, fiddling with a jacket. "You did great, Neave."

"Thanks," said Neave. "But that was only the dress rehearsal."

"Alina, no!" A voice cried out, alerting the two, who stilled in their conversation with their large, round eyes colliding. Could it be? "Not everyone knows what you look like. If we get caught here..."

There was an explosion on stage with Marko becoming angry.

"Genya!" A Grisha sounded angry. "What were you two thinking?"

" was my fault," the Sun Summoner — Alina — said. "I insisted."

Neave casually moved to stand next to Jesper as if admiring the jacket he was fixing for his act. Then, she finally looked up, where her eyes fell on Alina Starkov for the first time. Neave hadn't expected her to be part Shu like Neave was, but seeing that caused Neave to smile at the relief that she was no blonde. Perhaps Marko should give the role of the Sun Summoner to Neave now.

Upon studying her, Neave had missed what the Grisha man had said but noticed the red kefta with the black embroidery that meant he was a heartrender as she wondered if he had known her birth mother. He guided the two from where the winter fete was setting up with the guards following behind them.

"Well, that was a surprise," Jesper summarised.

"Kaz will be happy to know," Neave realised as her eyes followed where they had left.

The two carried on talking with Neave helping Jesper with his duties to blend in so that they could avoid suspicion. However, neither were aware of a shadow that had spotted Neave in the distance, recognising that sweet smile and bright eyes.

Eventually, Kaz returned as the five hid away in Marko's carriage so that they could finalise the plan without any prying ears or eyes. They were a strange sight: two dressed normally, two in costumes and one in a guards uniform.

"You're sure it was her?" Kaz questioned the two.

"I'm telling you, she's part Shu," said Jesper.

Neave grinned. "Isn't it great?"

Usually, Shu Han was the enemy with them having been at war with Ravka for centuries. Since arriving, Neave had experienced a few unwelcome responses to her being in Ravka. However, to hear that the Sun Summoner Saint that Ravka had prayed for was part Shu made Neave feel a lot better about the ordeal. Maybe the war and division between the countries had been stretched out for too long and had become ridiculous. Perhaps the Sun Summoner was simply here to unite the countries to bring peace to all.

"When exactly did you see her?" Kaz demanded, focusing on the plan.

"Just after midday," answered Jesper.

"What's in this room?" Inej questioned, studying the blueprints once again as she sketched their plan of action to follow.

"Fitting room," Kaz told them all. "It's where she'll go to change for dinner."

"And that's where we'll grab her," said the Conductor. "Out of the way, clean lines of sight, easily controlled space. I like it."

Kaz gripped the crow of his cane tighter. "I'd like it, too, if it had a door."

"It doesn't have a door?" Inej repeated.

Neave frowned at that, realising that there was always something.

"Not one that we can use," explained Kaz. "It's some sort of Grisha lock. It took a Materialnik to open it."

"Is there no way to pick the lock?" Jesper questioned.

"Actually, there is," the Conductor answered. "I can get through the door."

They all looked over at him. "How?"

"The locking mechanisms are Farbrikator-designed," he explained. "Iron cogs that slide into place without a latch. But for one of us to open it, we'll need a lodestone. With a minimum 2,000 gauss external strength. Hard to find."

"Nothing's ever easy, of course," Neave commented.

"It's not like we're just walking around with one of those in our pockets," said Jesper, seeing that this was leading to another dead end.

The Conductor sighed, searching through his bag as if he was about to pull out the lodestone. Then, he held one up as he presented it to the group. "You don't want to keep it in your pocket for too long," he advised with a small chuckle. "Not if you're intending on having children someday."

Jesper flinched away from the stone as the two girls exchanged a look.

"All right," said Kaz. "Arken grabs the target."

"You want the new guy to grab the million-kruge package?" Inej questioned, surprised.

Neave's mouth parted in betrayal. "You've known me longer!"

"The new guy knows his way around Grisha locks," Kaz pointed out, then shot Neave a look. "You understand why I don't trust you."

Neave sat straighter, falling silent as she had thought they had gotten past this. Neither completely trusted each other, but they had come to a somewhat understanding. But, then Neave realised that maybe Kaz was reminding her to trust him when it came to the Conductor.

"Our futures depend on this," Kaz continued. "The rest of us will be setting up a lynx flush."

Inej looked to Kaz. "We are?"

"What's a lynx flush?" Both the Conductor and Neave questioned.

"Lynx are pack hunters," Inej explained for them. "Very smart. They'll clear a path for the prey."

"Oh," the two realised with the Conductor continuing: "So, I grab the Summoner, and you clear the path?"

"That's right," Kaz concluded, reaching for the blueprints to roll them up. "We do it before dinner. You grab. Inej, Neave, and I clear, and Jesper, make sure there's a fast way out. Then, Neave, it's down to you if you stay or come back with us."

Neave frowned, unknowing of what she wanted.

Neave felt a little delirious as she and Inej fled from their performance. The show had gone on without a flaw from Neave or Inej, but now they were to focus on the job. Come to the end of the night, Neave would either be fleeing with the group or sticking to the shadows to discover what she could. Neave still hadn't decided, nor had anyone asked as if to give her space to decide.

Was it possible that they wanted Neave to stay?

Now, however, Kaz handed them both the guard uniforms.

"Is it my size?" Inej questioned.

"You have to ask?" Kaz replied.

"Do you remember what happened last time we did this?" Inej reminded him. "Got me a man's uniform."

Neave frowned at him. "Oh, Kaz, you didn't."

"It worked, didn't it?"

"Just be happy I'm eager to get out of this," Inej glanced down at herself.

"I think the costumes cute," Neave called after Inej, who was leaving as Neave followed behind her. "Cuter than this hat is going to be on me for sure."

They passed the Conductor as they left as the two changed into the guard uniforms with Neave hating the look on her. One thing was for sure: Neave never wanted to work for the Little Palace if this was the uniform.

Once dressed, the two emerged onto the palace grounds that were packed with a number of people, ranging from Grisha to those who had traveled from other countries. Spotting Kaz, the two approached him with the Sun Summoner show about to start any minute.

"It's reflective glass," Kaz pointed out to them both as they followed his gaze up to the chandeliers within the ballroom. "Bounce the light into that, and people won't know whether it's coming or going."

Inej shot him a look before walking away as Neave shook her head at Kaz, leaning in to whisper: "you couldn't have just let it go?"

Then, Neave left too, in a fury with Kaz for doing that to Inej when it meant so much to her. Each of them stood in an open doorway that looked in on the ballroom. Neave stood tall, hands behind her back as she slipped into the role of a palace guard, eyeing the scene as if she was looking for potential threats.

For a second, she wondered if there was a possibility that her father was in the room or someone who had been close to Annette. But then she cleared her mind, needing to focus on the job first without being seen or caught.

Alina Stakov stood on stage, along with the Darkling. Seeing him, Neave felt her bones turn cold as her stomach churned with the possibilities. He was handsome, dressed in black to match his power of the shadows. This man knew my mother.

The crowds murmured, becoming impatient with the anticipation of the Sun Summoner.

"Her name is Alina Starkov," the Darkling spoke. "And she will bring liberation to us all."

He stepped down from the stage as Neave's head turned, looking to Inej but her attention was focused on Kaz. Neave knew that Inej was hoping that what was about to happen would sway Kaz into believing, but Neave doubted Kaz would ever believe, whether presented with evidence or not.

The darkness submerged as Neave's heart thudded, looking back. Shadows clung to every inch of the palace, but it was rooted deep under Neave's skin, begging to come out. Sweat clung to Neave that left her praying for the light to come.

And it came. From Alina's hands, a ball of light appeared that she then connected to a second ball before shooting the light across into the empty space above the audience. Neave felt the breath leave her lungs as her mouth parted, truly having not expected the Sun Summoner to be real.

The light brightened the room, chasing away the shadows. Then, Alina spread her arms wide as the light seemed to shatter with the room becoming a blinding white light. When she finished, the light that returned didn't seem worthy in comparison.

Across the room, guests mumbled a blessing as they prayed and collapsed to their knees to bow before Alina.

"Sankta Alina," Neave whispered as her hand moved to touch her head and then to cross her chest. If she wasn't a guard, then she was certain she would be on her knee too.

Neave was truly lost for words, unknowing to how she was supposed to take part in capturing the Sun Summoner now that she had witnessed something so incredible as that.

However, through all the mesmerising, a guard approached Neave. "You," the guard said. "Come with me."

Had she been discovered?

Neave's stomach churned with dread. "Yes, sir."

Following behind, Neave couldn't look at Kaz or Inej as she passed them with the fear that she might expose them. In this world, Neave, you save yourself. If she had been discovered, then Neave was alone now.

The plan could go on without Neave but with Neave being captured, it would leave them at the risk of the palace being onto them and the chances of Neave giving them up. Of course, Neave never would — she would kill herself before they even got the chance.

The guard took Neave to a room far away from the party that was going on. Inside, the room was empty but extravagant as Neave had never seen a room quite like it before. The emptiness, however, doesn't soothe how Neave was feeling.

"Wait here," the guard commanded.

Then he left, locking the room behind himself.

Now, Neave panicked. They had her trapped within a room so that could only mean that they knew about the plan and this was where it all ended. Neave would die before she could even understand who she was.

Quickly, Neave headed for the windows as she realised that she was too high to survive jumping out the window (that might come in handy as a last resort). Then, she searched the walls, praying that there would be a secret doorway for Neave to flee through.

There had been, but it hadn't been Neave who had discovered it.

Turning, Neave faced a grey-haired woman with dark eyes.

"Stupid girl," the woman hissed at her. "You should not be here."

I couldn't resist so I've written this chapter and the next one already! I'll wait a few days before posting the next one as I want it to be perfect since a lot happens!

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