two | snippets of truth

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chapter two | snippets of truth
episode one & two

Silence hung between the two with the only sound being the echo of the club atmosphere beneath them. Kaz walked closer to the desk as Neave watched him pick up a coin before dropping it on the desk again — it wasn't enough. He didn't look angry, though; surprised, instead, as if he hadn't expected Neave's request.

"You want to come?" Kaz repeated, questioning it himself. "Tell me, Neave, why were you listening in earlier?"

"Curiosity," she shrugged, not meeting his gaze. "I listen in to everyone around here, hoping to find someone with an untraceable way through the Fold," then she met his gaze, wanting it to be known that it was the truth. "I am no spy, Kaz. Pekka Rollins is getting to your head."

"I know you are not a spy," he pursed his lips together. "I fed you false information as a test when you first joined, but it never reached Rollins."

Neave rolled her eyes at that, but it wasn't out of agitation — his ways simply amused Neave, where the corner of her lips pulled upwards. "You also set up an ambush on me," she recalled, impressed that she had managed to get under his skin that much. Maybe she wasn't as good as an actress as she thought she was. "Inej had been following me all day and then after my first shift. Did I prove myself to you then, Kaz?"

He wouldn't admit to it, Neave knew that, but if she could impress him enough to let her join without having to share her reasons, then so be it. But, of course, he had known that Neave knew about Inej since the spy had recalled the ambush to Kaz.

"Why do you want to cross the Fold?" Kaz asked instead.

Snippets of truth were better than lies.

"I was born in East Ravka," Neave confessed as her fingers gripped at her necklace, fiddling with the old rose charm. Looking up, she couldn't tell if Kaz was surprised by the truth or not. "I was barely a few weeks old when Marian Villena fled the country with me, crossing the Fold. My birth mother wanted more of a life for me than one of war."

"How did Marian cross the Fold?" Kaz questioned.

"I have no idea," Neave answered, sensing his disappointment. Had he not found a way through the Fold yet? "I imagine my birth mother had connections in the Little Palace."

There was a second silence as Kaz's eyes fell on the coins again. Seeing that, Neave knew that she hadn't offered enough for her place nor had she impressed Kaz enough to come. If she had a way to cross the Fold, then perhaps she would have, or she could have used it as leverage.

"I can get you more money," Neave offered, sounding desperate. "I can... pay you back some way or maybe my Ravkan family can help. I can offer my services for free too."

"Neave, you would be too much of a liability," said Kaz.

Desperately, Neave held her necklace, undoing the clasp as she held it out for her boss to take. "My necklace — you can have it."

Her voice hitched; it broke her heart to offer it but Neave couldn't bear the thought of being alone. Since Marian had passed, Neave had nowhere for her to fit in as herself. The Crow Club had come close, but they didn't know the true Neave, and they never could. In this crazy world, there had to be somewhere that Neave truly belonged.

Kaz looked torn, debating it, and Neave knew why. In Kaz's eyes, she was a gamble: the risk being that she could potentially come between their job, but the reward being in the belief that there was more to Neave than simply a child fleeing for a better life. Neave struggled to hide her smile, knowing which way the scales would tip.

Then, his leather-clad hand reached for the necklace, taking it from the Villena heir.

"You may come," he eventually said; his face did not betray him. "In exchange for the Kruge, necklace, and your service. However, I want it understood, Neave, that if you cross me in any way, then I won't hesitate to kill you."

"Understood, boss," Neave said, forcing herself to smoother her glee.

"From now on, you will not leave my side," continued Kaz, not trusting her at all, and Neave couldn't blame him. "You will stay with us and once the job is complete, then you will be free to go."

Neave understood: to let Neave go would be to risk their job. With her involvement, Neave would have to stay silent or risk being caught herself and that couldn't happen. But to let her come... Kaz would have to at least trust in her a little bit — the thought of that left her feeling smug.

"You don't have to worry about me," Neave reassured him. "I've been trained to handle torture if I'm captured and I have more reason than you know not to risk falling into the wrong hands."

Kaz's eyebrows popped upwards with Neave knowing that his mind was whirling. By trained, Neave simply meant she would kill those who had captured her or herself, but she let him speculate. It was better to let his mind spin, heading down a rabbit hole now before he even became close to the truth.

The mystery of Neave was making up for the lack of money, though, and she would feed him as long as he didn't get too close. But Neave also knew that from now on she would need to keep her guard up more than ever.

Footsteps alerted the two, which caused Kaz to turn as if knowing who was coming. He paused, falling silent at the sight of two large men with matching hats. Neave knew they were no friends of Kaz Brekker nor had she seen them around the club before.

"At least let the lady leave first," Kaz suggested, shooting Neave a look, who frowned. Did he really expect her to leave him here outnumbered? "Neave, return back to work while I talk to these men."

He wanted her to play nothing more than the barmaid that she was supposed to be. Neave sighed, mustering one last look at Kaz with a silent demand that he stayed alive now that she was involved. Then, she stared wide-eyed at the men as she fled like a helpless girl with the two men watching after her.

But Neave ran straight into Pekka Rollins, who caught hold of her arm as if to steady her. She only knew who he was as he had been pointed out to Neave a while ago in a warning to stay away from him. "Careful, Sweetheart," he murmured as his upper lip curled beneath his beard. "Wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?"

Neave hoped she looked terrified. "I-I'm so sorry, Sir. Please, can I get you a drink?"

"No, but you can keep quiet," he ran a finger along her cheek, eyeing her with interest as Neave knew he was wondering why a barmaid would be in Kaz Brekker's private office. Neave tried not to flinch at his touch. "If you raise any alarms, then I will kill you. Understood?"

Neave nodded, appearing too frightened to talk that Pekka Rollins liked. Finally, he let go of her as she scuttered back downstairs towards the safety of the bar. Before returning, Neave tried to calm her trembling hands, and smooth out the creases in her dress. She was late back and she knew it would be questioned.

Fortunately, all was forgiven as soon as she mentioned helping out Kaz Brekker in his office. Neave then tried carrying on with work but felt herself in a daze at everything that had happened, and she couldn't help but worry that leaving Kaz to defend himself had been the wrong thing to do.

"Neave," Jesper waved at the girl. "Where'd you disappear to?"

Neave's lips twitched upwards, approaching the end of the bar where Jesper and Inej stood. "I was with Kaz," Neave answered. "Helping him..."

Inej sent Neave a questioning look. "Why would he need your help?"

Neave couldn't help but show the excitement that bubbled up inside her as she reached for a cloth, leaning forward to wipe the counter down. "I'm joining you," she whispered to the two, knowing she shouldn't be shouting it from the rooftops. "I paid Kaz and he kind off hired me to help."

Neave watched as Inej's eyes fell to the empty space on her chest, assuming that by payment, Neave meant the necklace that she always wore. Already it felt like a limb was missing with Neave's necklace being gone. She was already full of regret, simply praying that the answers at the Little Palace would make up for it.

Jesper's hands banged against the counter as he grinned in triumph. "I knew you weren't just a pretty face!"

"Took you long enough," Inej shook her head at him, then her eyes slid to Neave again with the darkness swirling inside her irises with curiosity. "How did you persuade Kaz?"

Neave giggled, shooting the two a wink. "That's between Kaz and I."

"I don't want to know," Jesper decided, and then added: "Why are you coming?"

"I'll tell you once we leave," Neave promised, not wanting anyone to overhear. "Drink?"

"Go on then," Jesper said.

"That's if we leave," Inej said, frowning as Neave reached for a bottle and a small shot glass. "He doesn't even have a way across the Fold."

Neave had suspected as much, but Kaz always had a plan — that's what she had heard, at least. Obviously, Neave was unaware as to what she had gotten herself into, but she knew that with Kaz leading the team, then one way or another they would succeed. After all, Inej and Jesper had survived this long.

"I bet he'll figure it out," said Jesper, then stood to grin at Inej. "Come on, take that bet. Bolliger won't place with me anymore, so..."

"Maybe stop gambling," suggested Neave as she placed the glass down on the table in front of Jesper for his drink to be stolen by Inej.

"He's obsessed with taking down Pekka Rollins," Inej continued speaking and Neave was certain that this was the most Inej had ever spoken with Neave around. How had things changed with Kaz letting Neave somewhat join their team? But, her mind stopped at the mention of Pekka Rollins, where Kaz still was still yet to return.

"Of course, he's obsessed with the one villain in town, who's paid off the Stadwatch to get away with murder," Jesper said, then held up a coin for Neave. "Thanks. Another one, Neave."

"No, it's more than that," Inej stated while Neave took the coin, handing it to Joe before she started making Jesper's drink for a second time. "I've seen the way Kaz looks when he says Pekka's name. Kaz wants revenge."

Neave turned, surprised at Inej's words. On occasion, she had seen Pekka Rollin's around Ketterdam and had tried to stay clear of him as much as possible, but she had never noticed the way Kaz felt about him. Then again, Neave didn't really know Kaz that well away from the Crow Club; she had only learnt from those who had helped create the name Dirtyhands for him.

A man appeared, handing Inej a piece of paper as Neave's face dropped. Inej turned away to open it, but both Jesper and Neave knew what it was. "Of course, she calls for me now," Inej said, looking at Jesper.

"Off to the Menagerie? Want company?"

"No," Inej answered him.

Neave shot Jesper a look, hoping he wasn't serious. "Jesper!"

"No, I meant to watch your back," Jesper called after Inej, but she had left. He shoved his hands in his pockets, facing Neave again. "I truly meant to watch her back."

"I know you did," Neave reassured him.

To her right, Neave's eyes fell on the figure of Kaz Brekker, who didn't look as bad as she was expecting. More than anything, he looked angry, yet determined. Neave was relieved to simply see that he was alive.

Kaz wants revenge.

She could see it now in his eyes — a silent promise that one day he would take down Pekka Rollins. Neave pressed her lips together, wondering what had made the conflict between the two so personal if it wasn't just business.

"You all right, boss?" Jesper asked as Kaz joined them.

Neave placed Jesper's drink on the counter as Kaz took it, downing the contents in one gulp. He shot her a look that told her to stay silent, so she did.

Jesper's hand covered his mouth, trying not to react over his drink being stolen for a second time.

"No," Kaz grunted. "I've been warned off the job."

Both Neave and Jesper exchanged a look.

"By who?"

"Who do you think?"

Kaz turned away from the bar as Jesper shot Neave one last look, and then he moved away too. From her place at the bar, she could just about hear them over the clutter of noise.

"Did he remember you?"

Their boss paid Jesper no attention as Kaz checked his pocket watch with Neave still confused about what the job was. Whatever it was had a time limit that had Kaz constantly on edge.

"If he had, I'd be dead."

What did that mean?

"Sunrise is in five hours," Kaz told him.

"Yeah, but we're off the job now, right?"

"Never make decisions out of fear, Jesper," Kaz warned. "Only out of spite."

"Well, greed always worked for me."

Desperation, Neave thought to herself. And loneliness.

"Go guard the door," Kaz instructed him. "Neave, come here."

The young barmaid looked to Joe, who was busy cleaning the glasses, and then she was hurrying around to join Kaz from where he stood. She had worried that his encounter with Pekka Rollins had made him forget that they had agreed upon Neave joining them.

"Tell me," he said, eyes scanning the club. "You know our customers better than anyone. Who doesn't belong?"

Neave laughed, eyeing the large crowds herself now. It was a complicated question as there were a large number of customers who simply didn't belong. Some were criminals, corrupt in ways that were perhaps worse than what Kaz Brekker could do. Others were wealthy merchants, who sought the poor to empty their pockets further. A few were like herself: on the run, running from an unknown enemy or simply chasing life itself. But Neave knew what kind of person Kaz meant: someone with the answers of crossing the Fold.

"If I knew who you meant," said Neave, still scanning the faces of those she wasn't too familiar with. "Then I would have asked them instead of you."

"What about her?"

Following his gaze, Neave noticed a woman counting money. Neave recalled her being nice, though she couldn't remember her name nor where she said she was from. "She's been here every night this week," Neave told him. "Likes to play cards. Doesn't play very fair."

Kaz had nothing else to say as he nodded his head towards one of his men, signalling to the counting lady. What had Kaz seen that Neave had missed?

"Carry on working, Neave," Kaz told her. "I'll collect you when you're needed. If you leave, then I will know."

Neave smiled. "Sure thing, boss."

It wasn't long before Kaz returned, informing Joe that Neave would be joining him from now on. Neave couldn't help but feel delighted at the thought of being involved, finding it far more thrilling than working in a bar full of criminals. Yet, she knew she was only invited because Kaz didn't trust her to be out of his sight for too long.

"Jesper!" The two found the sharpshooter out the front of the club. "New job."

Ignoring them, Jesper turned back to the smoke in confusion.

"Come along," Kaz instructed him.

Jesper stepped forward, but his body shifted to look around him. "She did it again."

"Come on," Neave took his arm, dragging him in the direction that Kaz was walking in.

They followed behind Kaz, heading towards the darker ends of the city that was more Pekka's territory. Here, there were clubs and brothels, but it wasn't the same as their side of the Barrel — a place where they tended to stay away from.

"I mean it," Jesper was saying. "We need a demo man." He glanced at Neave, raising a curious brow as she shook her head. "Oh, Neave, come on — you'd be good at blowing things up!"

"You're still on that?" Kaz questioned.

"I just brought it up tonight," said Jesper.

"Jesper, you ask for an explosives expert on every job."

"And I'm no expert," said Neave, grinning widely in amusement. "I'd likely end up blowing myself up."

"Because I don't want to be the one you point to and say, 'explode something for us'," Jesper complained. "That is not a Jesper talent. I shoot things with style. And I look good. Just play to my strengths, boss."

Kaz shot Jesper an exasperated look and then his eyes slid to Neave, questioning if he should reveal anything to do with the job around her. "Alina Starkov will be kept at the Little Palace." Alina who? "Entering the Little Palace requires us to be quiet. Blowing something up, we've likely failed."

"Then we should take Inej," suggested Jesper. "She's a good investment. More quiet than I'll ever be. Inej can't stay here, you know that."

"I thought Inej was coming?" Neave questioned, frowning as she was rather confused as to what she had signed up to do. Were they kidnapping someone? "Hang on, what even is the job, Kaz?"

"You haven't told her?" Jesper almost laughed, rounding on Neave. "Saints, Neave, why would you join without knowing what you're getting yourself into?"

Neave shrugged, knowing this wasn't the place to tell Jesper. "I have nothing to lose."

"Neave—" Jesper looked ready to scold her (usually it was the other way around), but he had noticed their whereabouts as his hand stopped Kaz. "Whoah, hang on, aren't we on Pekka's turf now?"

"I go to Heleen now and ask for her buyout," Kaz told Jesper. "She knows I need Inej and sets a price I can't pay."

"That's horrible," Neave said, smile evaporating, knowing all about Heleen and the Menagerie. Compared to where Inej had been forced to work, Neave was thankful that she hadn't ended up on Pekka's side.

"It's evil," added Jesper. "Well, how do you know that?"

"It's what I would do," Kaz answered.

"And you would still pay it for Inej?" Neave questioned.

"I need her," Kaz clarified, glancing away. "Besides, Inej refuses to kill. Would you trust her in a matter of life and death?"

"Well, I've trusted her so far and I'm still alive, so, yeah," Jesper said, then his eyes slid to Neave. "Strangely, I would trust our little actress too."

"I'm no actress," Neave scoffed.

"Please," Jesper rolled his eyes. "You're still too nice, Neave, but you've suddenly dropped the sweet act."

"This is a serious situation," Neave reminded Jesper. "One that I'm trying to catch up on."

"Good point," Jesper said, turning back to Kaz. "You want to tell me why we're scoping out a rival club?"

"To have a talk with an old business partner," Kaz answered.

"The bouncers will know you on sight."

"That's why I brought you," Kaz told him. "Make sure they don't see me and don't let Neave out of your sight."

Kaz left as Jesper sighed, shaking out his coat. "Handsome decoy is also not a Jesper talent."

"Oh, please, you totally love it," Neave said.

Jesper studied Neave from the corner of his eye. "What have you done to make Kaz not trust you?"

"Wouldn't you want to know?" Neave answered, smirking, and then she followed Kaz.

"I do," he called after her. "I really do."

The two end up standing in the middle outside one of Pekka Rollins' clubs with Kaz hiding nearby, waiting for his moment to sneak in. Jesper fired his gun with the bullet hitting the club sign, causing the boot to hang from one metallic chain. It caused a chorus of screams, followed by the two bouncers rounding on the two.

"You!" They cried, glaring at Jesper.

Knowing her role, Neave kept a hand covering her heart, glancing around in fright, wondering as to who could have possibly fired the bullet. Next to her, Jesper did the same, trying to fool them while he had both guns on show in their holsters.

"You heard that, too?" Jesper asked them.

"Where did it come from?" Neave wondered.

The two bouncers glared at Jesper. "Was it you?"

He held up his hands. "No," he told them. "I'm, uh....bouncing for the Clipper."

Behind the two bouncers, Kaz appeared as Neave kept her gaze focused on the bouncers. He snuck in quietly without a single speck of suspicion.

"Haven't seen you before," one bounder said. "Where's Tombar? And who's the girl?"

"Oh, don't know," Jesper said, turning to give Neave a questioning look as she resisted the urge to sigh in exasperation. "Who are you?"

"I was just simply walking by," Neave lied, trying her best to look intimidated by the three men. "Then I heard the gunshot."

"Yeah...Hey! Hey!" Jesper tried to recover as his finger pointed up to the damaged sign. "Was that sign damaged before?"

The two bouncers' heads bent back, looking up to see for themselves as another gunshot echoed off the metallic part of the sign. With that, the two bouncers reacted, flinging their heads back around to the two as they pulled out their own guns that were aimed at Jesper; he already had his gun back in the holster, and his hands up in an act of innocence.

"Saints!" Jesper cried. "What was that?"

"I think it came from over there!" Neave pointed, alerting the bouncers as their gazes shifted from Jesper to an old dark alleyway behind them.

Glowering, the two bouncers told them to move on as they did, heading to the spot where they were to meet Kaz once he was finished. How he was getting out without being spotted, Neave wasn't sure, but it was Kaz.

"You know," said Jesper. "I think we make a pretty good team."

Neave looked up at him. "You trust me too easily."

"If you were trouble, then you would have caused it by now," Jesper pointed out. "Unless... are you coming to cause trouble?"

"No," Neave sighed. "I'm coming because I was born in East Ravka and I want to go to find my family," seeing his face, she quickly added: "I don't know how to get through the Fold, I was only a few weeks old and Marian — my adoptive mother — died before she could share everything with me."

Jesper was silent for a moment, which was surprising as he always had something to say.

"I didn't expect that."

Neither did Neave, but here she was.

Neave and Jesper are so cute! From now on, it'll be two chapters per episode!

Any guesses about Neave's secrets?

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