𝟐. summer bonfire

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chapter two ; summer bonfire
[ season one - episode one ]

   "I CAN'T BELIEVE I just fucking bought snacks for the Conklins' and Fishers' after literally not talking to them for years," Gwen complains, struggling to hold up all the bags of chips she has stashed underneath her arms. I feel her struggles though, because I'm doing the exact same thing. "I bet the pigs will finish these by the end of tomorrow too."

"Why did you buy so many?" I wonder, adjusting my grip on the chips. In my hand, however, is the tote bag I've been carrying around with me for all of the day. Inside has around ten candy bars. "I don't even think they're gonna wanna take all this."

"Oh please, trust me, they will," Gwen sighs, raising her brows. "Steven will probably smell the Cheetos around a mile away from the house. If someone jumps you and steals them, you know who it is. Don't say I didn't warn you. It's like he's a police dog for detecting Cheetos."

"Why the hell did we not buy shopping bags to put these in?" I rhetorically ask, knowing we both most likely look like crazy people. This is not how I thought my first day would go. Even I didn't think I would be walking across the town with a ton of food that's not even for me or Gwen. "That would also save me from getting jumped F.Y.I."

"How far away is your house again? In fucking Australia or something? It's like we're walking a fucking marathon" Gwen exaggerates, rolling her eyes as she groans audibly. "My legs are gonna give out on me and I really don't want to graze my poor knees. They've been through enough torture."

I nearly laugh. When we were seven, me and the other four spent half of the summer having to take care of Gwen after she somehow managed to break both of her knees while playing volleyball. To this day, I still doubt that's what actually happened, but I don't question it since it was nearly a decade ago and not something worth dwelling over.

"Uh, maybe don't do that? I don't have the strength or willpower to drag you as well as these snacks to the emergency room," I joke, rolling my eyes as she nudges me. "And, uh, my house is just around the corner," I inform.

We're going to stop by my house to run in and grab a bag or two to put all the snacks in because we are not going to walk another half an hour through the town looking like mental patients who have been starved. I think I'm gonna grab my roller skates too... I'm not sure.

After I left Cousins Beach behind for Richmond, Virginia, I figured I had to find a new hobby in the meantime to distract me. My dad got me my first pair of roller skates when I was thirteen, and I remember attempting to skate around Maymont... It didn't work well. It was too bumpy and slightly crowded. I'm so glad I'm not there anymore.

After a few minutes of complaining and groaning, we finally reach my house. I notice Dad's car is gone, which means he's already left back to Richmond to get the rest of our belongings. He made sure before I left that I kept my phone virtually attached to my hand at all times since he would text me every ten minutes. He wasn't joking.

I allow Gwen into the house with me while I attempt to find a bag of some kind. I have no idea where they'll be — this house is like a maze to me. The only room I know how to get to is the room I was assigned. My dad made sure the house was all furnished before we arrived, so thankfully we don't have to sleep in sleeping bags for a few nights while we await a bed frame.

"Damn, this place is sick. Your dad definitely has taste in real estate," Gwen comments as she looks around at the new surroundings. I can't help but agree with her. I do love this house, truly. The floor was marble, and I just know it makes that satisfying click sound whenever someone on heels walks across it. The walls are a cream color, and already I can see my dad has already put up family photos.

There's an entire wall dedicated to photographs, the main one in the center being a candid photo. My mother holds me like I'm the most fragile thing in the world with a loving look on her face, all while my father watches her hold me. I look around five months old in the photo... I wish I could remember her.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and jog through the hallway. At the end, there are three doors, and I peek my head through each of them in hopes to see a refrigerator or something to know I'm in the kitchen.

"That room there."

I practically jump out of my own skin as I let out a small yelp. I hold my hand over my chest as I turn around to look at my best friend. "I swear to God, do that again and I will kick you," I say. A smile grows on her face as she shakes her head.

I enter the room Gwen pointed to and rummage around to find a plastic bag. Fortunately, I do. I hand it over to the girl, and she reluctantly takes it. She walks over to one of the counters near the front door, where all the snacks had been placed, and begins to stuff them into the bag.

Gwen mumbles something I can't manage to make out as I walk over to the opposite side of the room where my roller skates are. I pick them up swiftly, shoving them into my now empty tote bag. As I straighten my back and turn around, it's like we've both turned around at the same time, and she doesn't look impressed.

"Do I really have to do this? I mean, I could make up an excuse and have Noah pick us up early for the bonfire," she suggests. At once, I'm filled with questions. I don't notice my brows furrow, but I know something in my face contorts.

Who on earth is Noah? And why have I never heard about him? "Noah...? Who's Noah?" I ponder, praying I don't sound rude as I ask. Then my mind darts to the fact that she brought up a bonfire. "And what bonfire? Look, if it includes any alcohol or drugs, then I'm out on that."

She groans loudly. "Oh, c'mon, Lilo. It'll be fun. It's the first bonfire of the summer."

I know she's trying her hardest to convince me, but it's not really working. She never answered my question, so I stay dead silent since she knows I won't speak until I get my answer.

She narrows her eyes and tilts her head in defeat. "Possibly." Possibly drugs and alcohol.

I make sure I scoff loud incredulously, shaking my head religiously. "Nope, I don't think so. I'm out."

"Sel, come on!" Gwen complains. "I am not gonna let you stay home tonight. You have to come with me. The others will be there and I do not want to face them alone." She huffs.

She has a point, and I make sure I think more deeper into what I'm going to be getting myself into. It could end well, but it could also end terribly wrong. Police could show up. I could be forced into doing things I don't want to do. But right now, I don't want to think about myself — I'm thinking about Gwen and how much she wants me to come. It'll make her happy.

"Fine," I give in, and I see the look of hope and relief sprout across my friend's face, "but I hope you don't expect me to mix with the rest of the crowd. Besides, alcohol is disgusting, I'll be distancing myself away from that shit."

She nods, a triumphant smirk plastering her lips. "Great! Now please, for the love of God, can we get this over with?"

I nod and motion towards the front door with a small smile, internally laughing at her actions.

Now we're back on the road to the Fisher house.


The sun is low in the sky, and it cascades a beautiful golden luminosity. I watch from the other side of the road as Gwen knocks on the door to the Fisher house, and I can see she's explicitly nervous. Her hands are shaking as she tries to calm herself. I know she's not scared to face them, it's just that she's nervous. I don't blame her, because I'm nervous too.

I'm not even the one facing them. Instead, I'm discreetly looking through leaves from the opposite road to watch. Gwen holds the plastic bag in her hand as she knocks the door shakily.

My eyes rip away from her momentarily, lingering over the house. I haven't seen it in a long, long time. Sure, I would go on Google Maps in my free time when I still lived in New York to look at my friends' houses. I remember the layout of both houses all too well.

From the bottom of my eyes, I see the door open. I avert my gaze away from the house and onto the person at the door. I squint my eyes, attempting to get a much clearer view on who had presented themselves. After a second, I see that it's Steven Conklin.

He's so tall now. I remember we all used to mess with him about his height. He was the shortest out of all of us, despite being the second oldest. Gwen was the one that really made fun of him for it, but it was their dynamic. They always made fun of each other. Nothing ever changed.

A few words are spoken to one another, but once again I am out of ear shot. Steven I think has a look of shock on his face. I can't really tell, but that seems the most realistic.

My attention is soon directed away from the pair, however, when I feel a tickle on my shoulder. I instantly turn my head out of instinct, and I'm glad I do. A smile blooms across my face, and it's genuine. A pretty blue butterfly flutters its beautiful wings as it sits on me. "Hey," I say softly, not wanting to scare the insect away.

I had put on my skates while walking to the house, finding it much easier than walking. I began to roll backwards, making sure my balance is on key so I don't accidentally tumble forward. The smile never leaves my face as I carefully turn on the road, my mind drifting further and further away from the 'deliver the snacks to the Fishers' and Conklins' ordeal.'

Unfortunately, a stone the size of my thumb gets trapped underneath one of the wheels on my skates, and I nearly trip. From this sudden movement, the butterfly sets off. My smile fades, but I don't hesitate to follow it. I'm so mesmerized by it that my eyes are probably dilated.

I follow it for around seven minutes before I realize I've reached the end of the street.

The creature began to fly further up into the horizon. I feel the sun slowly fade away because the golden glow leaves my face and I'm no longer being warmed by it. Now my attention directs away from the butterfly as it departs more away from me and to the sky. It's so pretty that I take my phone and snap a picture of it.

I look down at my phone to stare at the photograph I took and send it to my father. The sky is a mixture of colors; displaying all sorts of shades of blue while the horizon is orange and yellow.

Out of the blue, my phone pings. My eyes look up at the notification, and I see that it's Gwen. My face falters as I realize I ditched her for some stupid insect.

gwen <3
Where the fuck did u go??? Did u get kidnapped?

I don't hesitate to reply.

i'm finee
meet me at your house :)


"Laurel said that Jeremiah and Belly fantasize about you returning every summer," Gwen informs me, her hands in her leather jacket's pockets while I hold up my phone for a flashlight.

It's now eleven p.m., and we had spent around two hours getting ready for this stupid bonfire that I still have no interest in attending, but I do so anyway. I don't want to upset Gwen anymore than I have in the past four years. I owe her.

Gwen has her hair in a messy bun, a few loose curls framing her face perfectly. She has sharp eyeliner and her signature silver nose ring. She's wearing a pair of leather shorts for pants, and a white T-shirt with the same leather jacket she wore earlier in the day. She has the same chain with the ring on it around her neck. To match with her nose ring, she wears a pair of silver hoop earrings. She's gorgeous, and I admire her for it.

I don't go full out for this poxy bonfire. My hair is half up half down, naturally wavy from the water earlier. I only put mascara on and lipgloss with some highlighter. For clothes, I put another denim skirt on, the length stopping midway down my thighs. To match, I put on my beloved white laced cami shirt. Like always, I have my sandals on. I don't go anywhere without them. I have pearl earrings in and a pearl necklace with a star for a charm.

"I don't know how I'm going to surprise them," I say into the air, my eyes trained on the sand ahead of us as I make sure neither of us trip. It's so dark and I can't lie that I'm a little scared. I'm not used to going out in the dark all alone late at night. I mean... I have a curfew... "Do I just walk up to them and be like hey, what's up! I'm back!"

"Or maybe wait for them to come to you," Gwen recommended, hearing the sounds of the waves crash against the sand a few meters ahead of us. "Oh look! We're here. Time for you to meet my man."

"I can't believe you never mentioned him to me," I say, not taking my smile off my face as I watch her closely. "He must be a very lucky man to have you."

She giggles. "God, I need a drink. I'm thirsty." She rushes off in front, to which I lift my gaze and realize the bonfire was right there. It lit up the small part of the beach, and several other teenagers and young adults surrounded it while music blared loudly. I think I can feel the beat through the sand.

I follow Gwen behind, not wanting to be separated from her. I watch her run into a man's arms, and I assume he's Noah.

She introduces me to him, to which I shyly greet as he greets me back confidently. But he doesn't seem interested in me as he can't seem to break his eyes away from Gwen as he stares at her hungrily. It freaks me out a little. It's her love life, not mine. I don't want to get involved.

I see her grab a beer. I see her chug it down. I see her be someone she wasn't just a few hours ago. She's... different.

As she blends in with her other friends, I instantly feel out of place. Self-conscious. I take a deep breath as I look around. The light the bonfire illuminates is very dim and it's hard to see anyone's face unless I'm up close to them, so I don't recognize anyone. I hear Gwen's laughter fill the air, and I turn to face her once more.

She's chugging down more beer. I want to tell her to stop, but it's not my place to.

I blink unknowingly, simply departing away from everyone else as I walk to a more empty place on the beach. There's no light at all where I sit down and there are only a few other people around. The music is just the right volume from where I am, and I finally feel comfortable.

It's so peaceful. I'm away from people I don't mix with well, and I'm alone.

Alone is something I've gotten used to after all these years of being separated from my friends. I found ways to entertain myself independently. The sound of the waves crashing is so soothing I could fall asleep to it. The way it washes up on shore and goes back into its habitat, sometimes dragging the sand along with it. The air is salty, and I can smell seaweed, but it's not strong at all. It's very refreshing if anything. And lastly, the breeze. The air is warm and cool all at once. It's so comfortable.

I sigh heavily before pulling my knees up to my chest, curling into a ball like I normally do. I crane my neck up out of instinct to crack my neck, and I'm glad I do because the view I'm greeted with takes my breath away.

The night sky... it's so much more vibrant and clear than ever. Back in Richmond, the sky is just black, not a single star in sight. But here... I can see them all. They're so beautiful and I think I might just start smiling like a nutcase.

I recognize the familiar constellations I learned as a kid. I start imagining lines connecting them together and I imagine animals. They're so bright... and I'm so mesmerized and dazed that I don't realize that there is someone behind me. Although, I do. I can feel eyes burn into the back of my head, which makes me twist my neck to the side and face whoever it was looking at me.

My eyes broaden at who it is, and a smile immediately plagues my lips. There he stands, Jeremiah Fisher, a grin on his lips with his hands in his pockets as he watches me. "Hey," I greet, my smile wider than ever.

"Hi," he replies innocently, and I don't know if I'm overthinking it, but something seems off. He takes out one of his hands from his pockets and points at me. "Are you new here?"

My heart falls. Along with everything else in my body. Except for my smile — that stays intact and I'm very unsure why. I don't think I'm supposed to be smiling at all.

He doesn't recognize me.

Not wanting to look like a complete idiot, I nod. I don't want to confuse him just as much as I'm confusing myself with why I'm not telling him that I'm the girl he fantasizes about returning to Cousins. "Just did. Today," I answer truthfully.

"Oh really?" he asks, his brows raising as a wider smile tugs his lips. "That's cool. I just got here today. I visit every summer." I nod along as he tells me the very things I already know. "I'm sure you'll love it here. I know I do."

"So far it's been great," I continue, still continuously asking myself what the hell am I doing. "I know quite a lot about this place already."

"Oh yeah?" he crouches down onto the sand beside me. "Done research?"

"Something like that."

We're silent for a moment or two, and I can't help but look back up at the sky to try and calm myself down. I can't believe he doesn't recognize me. This was certainly not on the agenda. How can I surprise them if they don't even think I'm... me?

I bite down harshly onto my bottom lip, my fingers starting to tap my legs religiously. I don't know why that happens, but when I'm in a state of panic or fear, this happens.

"What's up there?" he wonders, and I look at him for a split second to see he's looking up at the sky too.

I'm too nervous to answer in full and simply say, "Stars."

He chuckles and shifts his gaze back down to the side of my face. "Well, no shit. I mean constellations."


He notices how I'm not smiling anymore and can sense that I'm panicking, I think, because he straightens his posture and frowns. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Huh?" I lock eyes with him and scratch the side of my cheek timidly. "Oh, yeah, no, I'm fine." I don't sound convincing, so he raises his brows skeptically. I exhale heavily. "This just isn't my thing, y'know?" I lie. "I don't drink, I don't do drugs. And my friend forced me to come here and I wish I never did." Now that's the truth.

"Hey, it's okay," he says in a comforting voice, and oh my God he's still soothing and he's still there for me, even though he thinks I'm a stranger. "After a while, you get used to being at a place like this. Plus, not everyone drinks. There's a few others here that don't drink. Like, for example, me tonight. Instead, I'm sitting here, asking you what constellations are up there right now."

He has a grin playing on his lips. It makes me want to cry. But I don't as I feel my nerves calm down. He may not recognize me, but I know him and being able to speak to him again should make me so happy. And it is.

I laugh slightly as I glance back up at the night sky. I lift my index finger and point in a direction as I open my mouth to speak. "That's the zodiac, Libra. It looks like a 110 degree angle."

He hums as he makes out the constellation. "I can see it."

"There are a lot more constellations, but I don't really look for them unless I'm in a nerdy sort of mood," I chuckle. "I just make shapes... or animals. I'm not five, I swear."

"No, no, my mom makes animals with the stars too," he waves off, his other hand running through the sand.

A whistle sounds through the air, and it makes both me and Jeremiah turn to two girls who are in the distance. They both gesture for the boy to go over to them, and he slowly turns back to me. "Duty calls."

"So I see," I grin.

He clicks his tongue and casually winks as he rises to his feet. "Don't panic about things like what others are doing. Just enjoy what you're doing and you'll be fine," he tells me, and I immediately feel fine. "Good chat..." he trails off for a minute, frowning. "What's your name?"

A playful grin tugs at my lips and I bite them. "You'll have to figure that one out."

He raises his brows. "Really?"


"Well, it shouldn't be too hard."

"Sure, whatever makes you happy," I nod along. He smiles at me one last time before he turns to walk over to the other girls.


Time flies by in a flash and I don't even notice it. I'm laying back in the sand, and I already know my hair is filled with grains of sand. I occasionally look over at Jeremiah with the two other girls, and I look around hopefully to see any of my other old friends. I recognize Steven since I saw him at the door not so long ago.

He's with a girl. She's gorgeous. She has jet black wavy hair and eyeliner that just suits her eyes perfectly. I see Conrad with another girl too, and they're making out. It's crazy the more I think about how much they have all changed. Their lives are all about girls now when it once used to be about board games and swimming pools.

Although, my eyes land on my best friend. She's in the arms of the Noah guy with a beer in her hand that she continuously takes gulps out of. I swallow thickly as I rise to my feet, brushing the sand off my skirt.

I tread over to them, a serious look on my expression as I approach them. I definitely feel like the odd one out and I hate it. I hate everything about this night so far and all I want is to go home to my bed and sleep.

"Gwen," I call out to her, but it seems she doesn't hear me since I'm too far and the music drowns out my voice, as well as all the chatter coming from the others. "Gwen," I repeat, and this time she hears me.

She meets my eyes, and a drunk smile sneaks onto her lips. Her eyes don't stay on mine since she's clearly too intoxicated to look straight. "Hey," she replies in a sing-song voice, a giggle erupting from her as she, once again, brings her beer to her lips. I don't recognize her.

"Hey, ease up on the drinking, okay? We gotta walk home still," I instruct her like a parent. She raises her brows at me, teasing me as she brings the glass bottle back to her lips. I frown disappointingly.

The man with his arms wrapped around her scoffs loudly as he tilts his head at me. "Hey, pipsqueak," he calls me, and I immediately feel offended as I scowl, "leave us alone, yeah? You don't fit in with this crowd. Run along back to mommy."

I'm taken aback by his sudden, unnecessary rudeness and my brows burn into the middle of my forehead. My heart thumps in my throat as I sense a bad vibe. I don't want to mess with this guy, and I have no idea why Gwen is with him.

I raise my hands in surrender and back off, signifying I do not want to start any arguments. As I turn around to walk away, I see the boy I had spoken to not so long ago watching me as well as Gwen and Noah behind me. His brows are frowned. I sigh heavily and tiredly, walking back over to where I was before.

The stars are better than the bonfire anyway.


I am so done with this day when I hear arguing. I open my eyes, being so unfortunate since I was thinking about much better things.

"What's your problem, man?" a familiar voice says, and I twist my head to the side and watch the scene unfold. I identify the man in an instant. He's the guy I bumped into in a gas station Dad and I stopped by on the way here. I think his name is... Jumper, or something? Dad commented how he had a weird name. It is unusual.

However, he's arguing with... Conrad? His face is painted with anger. I stand up, noticing how close Gwen is to them. She's fully unconscious beside them, alone. Where the hell did Noah go? He just left her?

I watch carefully, wanting to move her out of the way before a fight actually breaks out. The last thing we need is for one of them to fall on top of her and break her nose or something. I see Conrad reach forward for the beer bottle in Jumper's hand. "It's one beer. It's a party. Relax," Jumper says.

The girl that Conrad was making out with is in between them. Conrad shakes his head, scowling more at the man. I gulp as I take a single step forward. "No, give me my beer back. I paid for this," Conrad argues, reaching forward for the beer again. Jumper pushes him away.

"Stop, stop," the girl tells Conrad, setting her hand on his chest. "You're drunk. Just give him the beer."

"Maybe you should listen to your lady."

"Stop. You're drunk."

"No. I'm fine. I'm fine." They all talk over each other. "Give me the beer back," Conrad pushes on, not standing down.

Some inaudible words are spoken and I really think I should walk over to move Gwen out the way. So that's what I do. I step forward, practically rushing to make sure my best friend doesn't get hurt. I just know a fight is gonna break out. Jeez, this is why I hate these kinds of things. I hate parties.

Curses are made, and more pushes get shoved. I'm definitely fearing for my own wellbeing as I get nearer to them. They're louder now, and they're really really shouting.

I make it to Gwen. I crouch down beside her, using myself as a shield or something to protect her. I stand back up however when I see a girl in the corner of my eyes wearing a short, skin-tight pink dress attempting to stop the fight. I know this isn't going to end well.

Just as expected, Jumper elbows her in the face. The girl gasps as she flies backwards. Oh shit, I think as she falls over me. I get pushed onto the ground, face first into the sand. The air is knocked out of my lungs and as I go to breathe in, I inhale a shocking amount of the earth.

I cough violently, attempting to be rid of all the sand that got stuck in my throat. I sit up straight immediately, shaking my head as the uncomfortable feeling sets in. I turn to the side, making sure Gwen is okay. She's fine. She's still evidently unconscious.

I face forward again after composing myself, breathing heavily after choking up all the sand. "Belly," Conrad says, going to move past Jumper to see if his friend is okay, but he doesn't get far when he pushes him back and strikes him across the chin with his fist.

The girl that had gotten an elbow to the face and pushed me over is Belly? I didn't even recognize her. Her hair is so nice and I never expected her to wear a dress like that. The makeup too suits her well. Belly seems frantic and apologetic as she stares at me.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry," Belly apologizes, completely ignoring the fact that she just got punched in the face with an elbow. She's going to get a bruise tomorrow. "Are you okay?"

She doesn't recognize me either.

"I'm okay," I dismiss, scrambling up to my feet as I brush more sand off of my body. "I'm not hurt. Are you okay?"

Belly nods. Her finger hovers over her cheekbone from the new pain that began to throb through her face. A guy is next to her, and I don't know how long he's been there but I have no idea who he is. I think he might be her boyfriend or something — I don't want to assume though.

I look down at Gwen for a second, my cheeks puffing up as I blow air out of them. I'm unsure what to do, but the fight has moved further away as Jeremiah tries to stop them. Just as I go to kneel down to try to shake my friend awake, a blue fluorescence shines on her.

My head snaps up toward where the blue light had come from, and my heart immediately drains. The cops. A boy screams out, "Cops!" and I can't help but begin to panic a lot more than ever. I have never gotten into trouble before. Not when police got involved.

My first instinct is to dive forward onto the ground and shake her religiously. "Gwen, Gwen, please wake up. Wake up, wake up. Please, the police are here!" I beg, my heart pounding with fear. She doesn't budge. "Fuck," I curse, which I never really do.

I quickly sum up another plan. I highly doubt it'll work however, yet I try anyway. I maneuver myself behind Gwen and lean forward to grab her wrists. Everyone else surrounding the campfire flees the scene, and I panic furthermore. I rise to my feet, pulling Gwen's arms above her head as I attempt to pull her. I'm successful, but it takes all my strength and there is no way I can drag her all the way off the beach without getting caught by the cops.

I feel a hand fall on my shoulder. I stop trying to pull Gwen along as I look up to the side to see who was grabbing my attention. Jeremiah seems in a rush, and he seems frantic when he sends me a nod. I step back, releasing Gwen's arms as he grabs onto one of them.

With his strength, he lifts her up off the sand, wrapping her arm around his shoulder. "C'mon, Star. I'll drive you both back."


words: 5513
25th may 2024
THIS IS SO LONG IM SORRY- i don't even know how it manages to get this long oops.

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