Chapter Four

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(Eren's Perspective)

I grinned excitedly grabbing my phone and walking out of the apartment. It was 2:30 , I was supposed to be at the studio by 3. It was pretty warm out today, and not bothering to check the weather, I walked out of the building and made my way down the street. Today was my first day as one of Levi Ackerman's personal models. I remembered the congratulations I got from my friends when I called them shortly after I received the news. I could tell they were a little disappointed they didn't get the same position, but were still happy for me. I pushed the doors open and walked up to the front desk.

"Hey Eren! Levi is in his studio. You can make your way down there I presume." She smirked handing me a small paper and pen. I nodded and looked at the paper. It was the form I had to sign to be an official model for the company. I grinned and quickly signed at the bottom of the paper. Petra smiled back at me and took the paper out of my hands. I walked away and down the same hallway I was in yesterday. As I approached the studio I grinned with delight. But, I was also nervous. Im not sure why, but when I'm around the photographer, I feel I weird sensation in my chest. I took a deep breath and knocked on the studio door. Immediately, the door opened revealing the raven haired man.

"Oh Eren, come in." He said plainly, opening the door wider allowing me to enter. I smiled and placed my phone on the small table. I turned and saw Levi on his laptop, typing frantically. he then groaned and ran his fingers through his hair. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, he looked hot.

"Everything alright?" I asked walking up behind him. He shook his head and closed the window on his laptop.

"Its fine. Anyway, we were given the theme for next months issue." He frowned walking back over to the camera, adjusting the lens. I paused before walking back over to him.

"So?" I questioned, standing behind him again. He turned, his silvery-grey eyes looking up at me. I held my breath, realizing how ridiculously close we were.

"Exotic modeling ." He stated, still standing very close to me. I tilted my head to the side, not knowing what he meant. I swear I saw a light pink blush cross his face before looking to the side of me.

"Basically 85% naked." He said, spinning around and fixing his camera again. My face became really hot as I looked at the floor.

"Oh." I responded. Levi said nothing and I walked back to the table to check my phone. There was nothing on it, so I breathed out and leaned against the table. I wasn't usually this nervous, but for some reason I was. I heard Levi sigh and walk in my direction. He stood in front of my as I looked up.

"Ready?" He asked. I nodded and walked over the to modeling area. Levi turned away as I changed into the small, revealing outfit. When he turned back around, he quickly looked me up and down and nodded. I blushed and we began the photo shoot. The whole time, I had to stop myself from blushing when I glanced up at the camera.

(Small time skip)

I sighed as I changed back into my regular clothes. Levi sat as his computer and went over the photos. I grabbed my phone and walked up to the photographer. I smiled seeing the amazing pictures he took.

"Wow, your amazing." I grinned. He spun around in his chair to face me, a small smirk edging across his face.

"They don't call me 'Levi Ackerman, Freedom Wings Magazine's famous photographer' for nothing you know." He said turning back to the computer. I rolled my eyes and smiled, leaning down a bit to see the pictures properly. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, once again, as I looked at the 'exotic' pictures.

"Well, I guess I'll get going." I smiled. Levi nodded and waved me away, standing up and packing up his things. I lightly smiled again and walked out of the studio. I checked my phone while walking down the long hallway. Again, no notifications. Shows the great social life I have. I sighed as I entered the large lobby. I waved at Petra and approached the doors. I opened them and took a small step outside. I glanced up and realized it was pouring rain.

"Damn it." I groaned, remembering that I didn't check the weather earlier this morning. I weighed my options while standing under the low over-hang. I guess I could run home? But I would be absolutely soaked, and I'll have a high chance of getting sick. Or maybe I could call Armin or Mikasa to come pick me up? I decided on that and reached for my phone.

"Need a ride?" I spun around and saw Levi. His bag was over his shoulder and car-keys in his hand.

"Yeah, that would be great!" I smiled. Levi nodded and waved for me to follow him. I quickly followed him towards the indoor parking lot. I saw his car and grinned. It was black BMW with silver rims and from what I could tell, black leather seats. I walked around to the front and opened the door. Levi was already in the drivers seat. I hopped inside and closed the door. The first thing I noticed was how clean everything was. Nothing was out of place or messed up.

"So, where do you live?" He asked, a bit awkwardly. I looked up at him and blushed a bit.

"Oh uh, Rose Avenue, just at the end of the street." I said. Levi nodded and started the car. I sat back, and breathed out. I glanced out the window as he pulled out of the parking lot and made his way down the street towards my house. We didn't talk at all during the ride and we soon stopped at the front of the building. I suddenly had the strangest feeling in my chest, like nothing I've ever felt before.

"Well, were here—" he turned his head towards me and I quickly kissed him gently on the lips. Then, surprising he began kissing back. We stayed like that for a minute or two, deepening the kiss at every opportunity. Then I pulled away and opened the door to the car.

"I-I'm sorry." I said before beginning to close the door. I felt a tug on my wrist and I turned around.

"Don't be sorry, Eren." He said before letting go of my wrist. I closed the door and walked over to the sidewalk. I watched while the car drove off in the direction of the town center. I quickly walked inside so I wasn't standing in the rain. I walked over to the elevator and clicked the button. I leaned against the wall and placed my fingers on my still-warm lips. I walked out of the elevator and opened the door to my apartment, quickly closing in behind me and leaning against it.

I let out a long sigh and leaned my head back. What the hell just happened?



Hey! Thanks for reading, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! From here I can promise things will get more interesting! Well, I'll leave you alone now, bye!

~ Gracie

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