■□■ II ■□■

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"He looked at me, like there was something in me worth looking at. I didn't think anyone would look at me like that again."


"I like you more than I planned and it makes me feel insecure. Losing you could hurt me, and that was what I wanted to avoid."


"People do bad things when they are trying to survive. And that doesn't mean they're bad guys."


"Oh, you're not scared that you're like me... you're scared that you're going to end up like me."


"You don't have to be who they want
you to be. For me, you don't have to change or pretend to be anyone."

Daryl Dixon

"Fears makes the wolf look bigger. And that fear can paralyze you and you die."

Jade Silvers

"Everyone's fighting for something, but not everyone comes out of this fight alive."


"We underestimate the moment, until they become only memories."


"It's  not true that time heals all wounds and covers its tracks. It can only drown out the pain. But what once hurt is ready at any moment to break through and catch you."

Carol Peletier


Ten rozdział to takie wprowadzenie w drugą część książki, której historia będzie się działa sześć lat później. Niektóre rzeczy się nie zmienią, ale pojawią się nowe postacie. Jesteście ciekawi jak los bohaterów się potoczy? Co na nich czeka? Czy będą wystarczająco silni by zmierzyć się z przeszkodami i trudnymi momentami w ich życiu?

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