Chapter 14

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   It's odd how quickly your mind can work when adrenaline kicks in.  I realized as I was falling that I didn't necessarily have to accept death.  If I take a breath and hold it right now and if I can twist the right way...

   I managed to shift my body into a divers position and catch a single breath before slipping into the water with such ease you'd think I was a professional.  The problem now was how dark the water was.  Which way was up?  I had been facing downward so if I turn the opposite direction and swim for a few feet and things get darker verses brighter I'll know I'm either headed in the right direction or I'm going to drown because I can't hold my breath forever.

   Luckily the former was what came to pass.  My head broke free of the dark waves and my lungs took deep great full breaths.  My heart was still beating quite quickly and I was kind of sore but at least I didn't have to worry about hypothermia.  The water was warm like bath water and smooth instead of crashing against me and dragging me under into an aquatic grave. 

   With these things in mind why couldn't I get my heart rate to slow?  Why wasn't the adrenaline fleeing my body now that the danger had passed?  I wasn't drowning.  So why was I so afraid?

   Alligators.  Pirates.  Mermaids.  Neverland does not have friendly water.  It's only a matter of time until one threatens.

   "Ahoy lass!  What is a fine maiden like you doing in these gator infested waters?  It's not safe!  Come aboard the Jolly Roger!  We'll keep you nice and protected!  Dry even!  Come on!"  Speak of the devil or in my case think of him and so shall he appear.  The Australian accent through me I'll admit.  It was rough but still attractive. 

   "My father told me never to converse with strangers or pirates and you are both so I'm afraid I'll have to reject your oh so generous offer!"  Evil jerks that shot me out of the flipping sky saying they'll keep me-

   Tick tock.  Tick tock.  Tick tock.  I turn and see an extremely large log floating toward me.  Oh HECK to the no!  "Sure you won't reconsider love?"  The pirate I haven't even bothered to look at asked.  I could see the shadow of his ship.  I was stuck in a death sandwich.  Pirate sword death or being eaten?  Hmmm.  Really tough decision isn't it?

   Not.  I climbed aboard the Jolly Roger.  The pirate whom I believe was the one I had been talking to grinned.

   "I had a feeling you'd change your mind.  My my.  You are a pretty girl aren't you?"  I scowled.  "Now don't go looking at me like that!  I just saved your life.  Thank you's are in order."  He steeped closer and held out his arms as though expecting a hug.  I stared.  He looked down at himself and then gave me a once over gazing at my face for an uncomfortable amount of time as I continued to stare with one brow raised until eventually he laughed.  "Enjoying the view?  You darling are welcome to look all you please."  He stepped closer again and I jerked backward.

   "Look."  His eyes grew more serious than I had previously seen them.  He seemed so humorous before. "If we wanted you dead you would be so maybe show a little appreciation?" His words implied a question but his tone suggested a demand.

   I wasn't to good at following orders so when he attempted to pull me into a hug I pushed him back, and when he- in a more aggressive manner tried to embrace me again I shoved him overboard. At first he floundered around in surprise and frustration, then he burst out laughing.

The pirate was shockingly young and... dare I even think it?  Cute. He had some five o'clock shadow going on that I wasn't personally attracted to (never been into beards what can I say?) but somehow worked on him. He had precious eyes. By that I mean silver with golden flecks not super adorable. Honestly cute wasn't the right word for the guy. What with those zirconium black bangs accenting his eyes, skin bronzed by the sun, and a perfectly well toned body the pirate was hot. A thought I quickly wiped from my brain.

Hot he may be, even wet as he was, I was suspicious of him. Naturally the pirate, shot me, out of the freaking sky! Not to mention my iffy relationship with Puck. No. Nothing would happen between me and this semi amusing pirate with his- were those dimples?
Tick tock, tick tock, tick, tock. From this vantage point I could see the gator and his eyes that twitched up and down to the rhythm of a clock. That's when Mr. Pirate got scared and hightailed it out of the water.

Normally you wouldn't think of an alligator expressing disappointment but it was written all over the tick tock gator's face. He sunk below the crystalline waves so low that the light could no longer reveal his position despite how clear the h2o was.

"You've got spunk. I like that! The name's Quinn Kai what be your name fair maiden?" He said holding out a hand with a slightly maniacal grin.

Hmmm. To tell or not to tell? I suppose not to tell but what then do I call myself? It has to be something I can remember and easily respond to but I can't think of many names that sound a lot like Sabrina that I would enjoy being referred to as.

I shake his hand and say-

Pucks POV

"No NO NOOOO! Where's Sabrina? What happened?! I CAN'T FIND HER!" I was yelling at Peter, Evanna, and the rest of the crew while Daphne cried and wandered about the ship calling for Sabrina as though that would make her suddenly appear. I was considering joining her.

I had just spent the last 3 hours scowering the sea floor for Grimm and couldn't find her. I was definitely on the verge of a break down but I couldn't let them see that.

I had heard this loud crash and wanted to race out immediately but Evanna held me back claiming that Peter really needed me and everyone else could take care of themselves. I used several profanities for the first time in my life and shoved her so hard I wouldn't be surprised if she had a few bruises from the fall.

By the time I'd gotten out though Sabrina had disappeared. "If she drowned I swear to God I'll kill you Evanna! I'LL KILL YOU!"

"If something happened to Sabrina it's not my fault!"


"That's still not my fault!"

"Bull crap! You stopped me I could've helped her!"

Pretentious interceded our argument then.
"Come on guys. Sabrina is fine. I'm sure of it and even if she isn't Evanna had good reason to believe Sabrina would have been without you and we were discussing a problem. Let's not point fingers all right?"

That's when I punched whatever curse words there may be that start with P in the face.

'Ello maties! What do you think of my Australian pirate Quinn Kai? I hope you like his name and precious metals look. I'm open to options on what Sabrina is to call herself by the way so if you would comment that would be awesome sauce! Hope you loved! Even if you didn't though please don't tell me! Comment, vote, and tag people to read my story if you're coolio like The Fonz from Happy Days. Until next update, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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