Monster by Skillet

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Monster's POV

You don't know the secrets I keep. I'm a monster. Created in a lab to destroy anything and anyone. The lab is YOUR MIND. I'm hiding in every. Single. One. Of. You!

You don't know I'm here until night comes, when I get to have fun. I confess, being in you makes me feel like the monster I am.

In the dark, I'm hiding under your bed; in your body, in your head. In the dark, I scratch on the walls; on the closet, on the hall.

You always pray for someone to save you from me, but they can't. I live in you, stuck under your skin, muscles.

You think that I want your soul, your heart. Well, that's partially true. I want a body for myself, not sharing with a different consiousness. Then again, I can't survive on my own.

Human's POV

I keep secrets from everyone. I have a monster in me. No one sees it, and I can't see theirs. I keep it restrained in a cage, under lock and key. It has razor sharp teeth.

It wants my soul, it wants my heart. I- I feel like a monster. I can't stop it. IT WANTS ME GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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