[2] lovely little reunion

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before you stood a slim fox eyed boy who went by the name suna fucking rintarou (your ex best friend btw). the last time you had seen each other was in junior high, when you had run from him with tears streaming down your face.

"and what exactly brings you here?"

suna opened his mouth to speak but your brain put together the pieces faster. 

"oh my god. please don't tell me you're the new roommate that atsumu arranged for me."

suna held out his arms with a shrug and gestured with his head to his bags.

"looks like it, doesn't it?"

"oh i am going to KILL that little shit," you muttered under your breath before slamming your apartment door in suna's face.

you heard a scoff and then heavy footsteps disappearing down the hallway. once they had completely faded, you allowed yourself to scream.

four and a bit years ago...

"i'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but we've done some tests and the results conclude that you have multiple sclerosis." 

the doctor looked from you to your father grimly. you clasped a shaking hand to your mouth and felt hot tears form in your eyes and trickle down your cheeks. on your left, your dad gave you a weak smile - for your sake - and nodded.

he'd been battling with health problems for much of his life, but you'd always been holding onto the hope that he would get better, that he wouldn't leave you the way your mother did when you were just six years old. for her it was cancer.

the very idea of reliving that kind of pain was unbearable. you might say it was your worst nightmare. and now, it was closer than ever to becoming true.

"it's in its late stages now, and unfortunately in your case, this means you'll have to be hospitalized permanently so that we can monitor your situation on the daily."

your dad nodded again. "thank you. i understand."

then you had both gone home to pack his things, before he was hurried into a room to do more tests and fill out forms or whatever stupid things they wanted him to do. breaking into a sob as the realization fully set in, you ran from the hospital and straight to the one place - the one person - you could count on to give you a source of comfort.

you found yourself at the front door of suna's house. you rang the doorbell, before collapsing in a heap on the doorstep. suna's mom opened the door, gasped, hurried you inside and called suna down.

"y/n thank god you're here i was just about to call y-" 

that's when he noticed your tear streaked face.

"oh shit, come here."

not even trying to hold yourself together you stumbled into suna's arms and wept. he held you like that until your sobs turned into sniffles, before he finally spoke.

"do you want to talk about it?" he mumbled into your hair.

"my... dad," you choked out before the tears started flowing again. but that was all suna needed to grasp the situation.

"shhh, it's gonna be okay."

that night you slept over at suna's place - he insisted you take his bed while he took the floor. the next morning you woke up to the soothing sound of your best friend's voice.

"hey stupid." he said it softly, with that fleeting smile you knew so well.

it sent chills through your whole body.



"i think i like you."

the warmth from suna's face drained, leaving an expression you'd never seen before.

"you don't mean that."

"i do."

and then he turned away from you.

"rin? say something, please?"

"you should go," he said coldly, without even looking at you.

you weren't sure what you were expecting, but you were in a fragile state with all the stress from yesterday, and you couldn't help but break down at his words.

"fine," you said with as much force you could muster, although your voice cracked. "i will."

without another word, you walked out his room, out of his house, and cried. you didn't want to admit it to yourself, but you were hoping and praying that suna would come after you, stop you from leaving and tell you everything was fine. but he didn't.

days passed, and you found out that you'd be transferring to a school that was closer to your dad's hospital so that you could visit him more easily. you were both grateful for and upset about this. grateful because you didn't know how to face suna after your stupid fight, and upset because it would mean you wouldn't be around him anymore, even if you weren't on good terms.

but regardless of your personal feelings about the decision, you never saw suna again.

ok wtf this was a pretty boring chapter but it's important to know!! 

don't worry it's back to present day in the next one >>

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