Oh Gods...

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Percy's POV

The taller one slammed down on the gas pedal and we got a small burnout before the van sped off through woods, weaving through trees. The shorter one was whooping loudly and cheering, which seemed to have completely turned his mood around, while the taller one, who sounded more feminine, was focusing on driving. The shorter one was still cheering when we got onto a highway, also when the taller one yelled "Leo! Shut the hell up!"

The smaller one huffed. "I'm just having fun! No need to be a fun-killer Annabeth!" He exclaimed.

"Leo and Annabeth, huh?" I asked.

Leo jumped. "Holy McShizzle you scared me, I forgot you were here!"

"Gee, you forgot you were kidnapping someone? How good of a captor are you?" I muttered.

"We are not kidnapping you." The taller one, Annabeth, said. She pulled off her hat and a mass of curly, honey blonde hair fell around her shoulders. "We're saving you. We have orders to bring you back to your mom."

"My mom? She donated me to science when I was younger because she didn't want me." I said slowly.

"What? Is that what they told you?" Annabeth shook her head. "Those bastards. But no, your mom sent you away to try to cure you. When you were younger you would make weird things happen and you were way stronger in your physical and mental state. Your mom wanted to help you, so she agreed to a program where you would be sent to a lab for a week. The scientists found your blood and genetics easy to mutate, so they kept you and moved your base to California. They stole you from your mother." Annabeth explained. I was shocked.

"They told me she didn't want me though?" I asked.

"No, she loved you and has spent the last twelve years searching for you. We all live in New York, she's our neighbor. We offered to help. I wouldn't have brought Leo, I'd much rather have Piper, even Jason, but nooo Nico said Leo would be best for me to have." She explained, scowling at Leo.

"Hey, It's not my fault!" Leo exclaimed.

"I think it's because Nico didn't want to get stuck with him." Annabeth said, ignoring Leo.

"Wait, so we're going to New York?" I asked. "That's across the country. I think. I don't really know much other than what they told me at the lab..."

She nodded. "It is, but we're not leaving yet. We have a hotel room we're all staying at. They should be back by now. We leave in a week, because someone-" She glared at Leo. "rented a room for an entire week."

"Hey, it's not my fault!" Leo exclaimed.

"You just said that." I pointed out.

"He says that a lot." Annabeth said with a sigh.

"Note taken."

"Ouch, that hurts you guys." Leo whined.

"He says that a lot too. Don't listen to him."

Annabeth and I both laughed while Leo sulked in his drivers seat chair.

*Timeskip until they get to the hotel. Cause I'm lazy, per usual.*

The van parked in front of a building that must be a five star hotel. I'mnot going to describe it, but imagine the most beautiful building you've ever seen. Then turn it into a hotel. Honestly, I didn't quite know what she was talking about when she said hotel. I mean, I was in that lab for twelve out of eighteen years of my life. I don't know much. Anyway, we all got out of the van. I towered over both of them with my over six feet of height, which Annabeth didn't seem to like. Leo had to crane his head to look at me. During the ride, he had taken off his fedora hat thing and they both took off their sunglasses.

Leo looked like a Latino elf, with pointy ears, tan skin, wide, crazy eyes and a mass of curly brown hair. Annabeth, on the other hand, looked much scarrier. She had dark grey eyes that seemed to calculate your every move, her honey blonde curly hair, and you could tell she was incredibly smart. "You ready to meet the others?" Annabeth asked, not looking at me. I guess she didn't want to face the height difference.

"Um, I guess? I mean, I've pretty much been tortured the last twelve years of my life, I don't think meeting some new people will kill me." I told her. To be honest, though, I was petrefied.

"You say that before you've met them. We're a lot that's hard to get accustomed to." Annabeth warned. Heeding her warning, we walked into the lobby. It was like a mansion.

We then walked towards a set of stairs in the corner of the room and began to walk up multiple steps. After many minutes of climbing, Annabeth headed down a hallway. Leo and I followed close behind her until we got to a door that had a particularly loud amount of noise.

"Give it back!" Someone yelled.

"It's mine! I got it!" Another screamed back.

"I bought it!" A third voice piped up. "So share!"

I heard loud groans. "You know Piper eats all the food! Her fast metabolism would allow her to eat the entire planets supply without her getting fat!" Someone whined.

"Oh shut up!" The third voice snapped. Piper, I'm assuming. Who Annabeth was looking forward to seeing.

"All of you shut up! You're voices are carrying through my door!" A grumpy sounded guy yelled, and I heard a door slam shut.

"I'd bet you anything that's Nico." Leo said with a sigh.

"Nope, I'm right here. That was Will." A voice said from just inside the door. "Stop assuming I'm always the grumpy one."

"Yo, Neeks! Who you talking to?" I heard a voice yell and some crinkling.

"Leo!" Nico called back.

"I'm assuming Annabeth is back too? And possibly the kid they were sent to retrieve?" A voice I hadn't heard before asked.

"Yeah, we got him." Annabeth confirmed.

The door opened just enough for him to see us. He was dressed in all black. His skin was pale and he had dark bags under his eyes. His head immediately craned up to see my face and his eyes widened slightly. "Holy shit you're tall." He muttered.

"Nico! Watch your manners! And your language!" A girl scolded.

"Sorry, sorry." he muttered, opening the door all the way.

Sure enough, all of their heads tilted up to see me. "Okay, he really is tall." The girl who had scolded him agreed. She had dark skin and curly, lighter brown hair.

"Yep." Leo agreed. "How tall are you?"

"Um, six foot ten." I replied uneasily.

"Jeesh..." Some guy muttered. He looked Chinese, but he also looked like a teddy bear.

"Will! Come out! They're back with the guy!" Nico yelled. A door creaked open and I saw Will. He had blonde hair, blue eyes and freckles EVERYWHERE.

He groaned and stumbled over. "Sorry, he's not usually like this, he's just Solar powered." Nico apologized, glaring at Will.

"It's funny, that's Nico in the day and that's Will at night. It's like a switch, there's never a time someone isn't grumpy in the relationship." A guy with short blond hair and electric blue eyes said with a slight smirk.

"Oh shut up Jason." Nico and Will growled.

Jason, Will, Nico, Leo, Annabeth. That's who I know so far.

"Anyway," Annabeth interrupted. "I think we ought to get to know our guest, don't you?"

"I think that is a terrible idea." I countered in a quiet voice. Despite my sarcastic, outgoing personality, I actually have bad social anxiety. That's what I get for not talking to anyone my age for twelve years I guess.

"What? Why?" Leo asked.

"He probably has bad social anxiety." Another person I didn't recognize piped up. She had choppy brown hair and braids with feathers braided in her hair randomly mixed in. Her skin was darker, but more tan than anything. Her eyes were like a kaliedescope, seeming to constantly change colors.

"How did you figure that?" The girl with dark skin asked curiously.

"Piper can read emotions Hazel, it's like some magic power." Leo said, then gasped. "Piper are you a superhero!?"

The word superhero sent chills down my spine. I'd been told I'd either be used by the government as a "superhero" or I'd continue to be tested on. You know which I chose, as I was tested on this morning. I haven't liked the term since.

"No, I'm not a superhero Leo." Piper said sarcastically. I could see a bag of potato chips in her hand. Is that what they were fighting over?

I realized I was staring when Piper held out the bag towards me. "Want some?" She asked.

"Er, Um, no thanks." I muttered.

"C'mon," She shook the bag a little bit. "You probably haven't eaten a proper meal in ages."

"Um, Pipes? Potato chips aren't exactly a proper meal either." Annabeth told her.

Piper shrugged. "But they're good."

"True dat." Leo agreed, grabbing a few from the bag.

"Sure you don't want any?" Piper asked. I nodded and she shrugged, pulling the bag back and shoving a handful into her mouth.

"Alright, how about you come in Percy and we can introduce you to everyone?" Annabeth asked. I shrugged and hesitantly followed Annabeth and Leo in. I had to duck to get through the door, and Nico closed the door behind us, following the three of us into a livingroom area.

"Alright, everyone gather in the livingroom!" Annabeth yelled. Everyone scrambled to get a seat on the couches while I sat down on the arm of the couch awkwardly, squished next to... Jason, yeah that's his name.

"Now, that's-" Annabeth began, starting to point to the dark skinned girl.

"Hazel, Leo, Annabeth, Jason, Nico, Will, Piper." I pointed to each person as I said there name. I pointed to the chinese teddy bear. "No clue."

Annabeth looked shocked. "You're observant."

I tapped my head. "Mental enhancement. One of their experiments."

She nodded. "Well, that's Frank."

He waved awkwardly and I let out a small laugh, awkwardly waving back. "Now that you know everyone, what's for dinner?" Piper asked, digging her hand into the potato chips again.

"Well if you'd stop eating you might be able to fit dinner in." Annabeth said, raising an eyebrow at Piper. Wait, Piper was the person Annabeth was missing in the car right?

"Are you two dating?" I blurted out. I didn't even mean too, it just came out.

They both looked at me in surprise. "Is it obvious?" Annabeth asked.

"Not really. Subtle clues." I admitted with a shrug.

"Let's see who else you can guess! That sound's cool!" Leo exclaimed. I didn't enjoy being used for entertainment, but they all looked intent.

"Um... Sure." I scanned everyone's faces a few times, then came up with my conclusion.

"Hazel's dating Frank, Leo has a girlfriend he misses, Nico and Will are obviously dating, and Jason is single." I said after a moment.

"Ding, ding, ding, and ding!" Leo exclaimed. "We have a winner!"

"Now what's for dinner?" Will asked, then facepalmed "THAT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO RHYM I SWEAR!" He exclaimed.

"Uh-huh. Suuurrreee." Nico said, rolling his eyes.

I was confused, but everyone else looked like they were trying to hold back laughter. "Can we talk about how obvious it was that I was single?" Jason asked.

"Don't worry, I am too!" I exclaimed in a false cheery tone.

"You were in a cell for the past twelve years of your life. I don't expect you to have a girlfriend." Leo said, raising his eyebrows at me. I shrugged.

"I mean, there were some pretty hot scientists in there." I joked.

"No kidding, Annabeth and I knocked out some hot girls. They were, like, nerdy hot though." Leo said with a shrug. "I'd rather have Calypso."

"Calypso... You're girlfriend?" I asked. He nodded.

"Hottest girl ever." He grinned, making everyone else roll there eyes.

"Sooo cheesy Valdez." Piper said, rolling her eyes.

"I know!" Leo exclaimed happily.

I think I could get used to these people. It might take a while, but I think I could.

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